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Which would you buy?

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I want to add a couple of high-end mic-pre channels to my setup. These would be used mostly for vocals and guitars -- but it would be nice to be able to use them for a wider variety of applications (brass/percussion).


I'm looking at the Vintech 1272, UA 2-610 and Trident S20. I favor the UA for its technical design / analogue path / basic EQ. Really don't need compression.


Which would be your choice? (Yes, I'm open to other products in the same price range.)




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I have a Vintech 1272 here and have been very happy with it. I don't have a rack of class A pre's to compare it to but compared to my mid level pre's I like it better.


I'm notice your a bass player, I checked out my buddys Avalon 727 or 737 (forgot the #) and that thing had bass all day long.


I've heard the Great River and the UA stuff was top notch, maybe check out Lynn Fulstons mic pre shootout cd.

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Thanks Dman, it's good to get your feedback.


I was hoping to hear from someone with a Vintech setup. I usually DI my bass in through my Pendulum Audio pre and Distressor, but may also mic it through an RNP/RNC. Thought about the Avalon (737) but it's a lot for a single channel and I probably wouldn't use their compression, so I'm back to basics -- pre-amp and basic EQ.

Doesn't Philip O'Keefe use Vintech?


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Yes, he does, and I'm sure he'll check in shortly. He likes his (obviously, or he wouldn't keep using it! ).
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