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I am looking for people familiar with "Saw Studio" by IQS. I would like your opinion of the product and any comparisons to Pro Tools, Nuendo, Cubase, Vegas Video 3, Sonar, Emagic Logic Audio. I would like to know your experiences (both good and bad) with all of these products. I would also like to know any ideas you have for product improvements with any of these brands. It would be helpful to know the system you are using these products on (pc, mac, and configuration).
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I never used SAW but I do know they just went chapter 11 very recently.I tried a demo a long time ago and didn't spend enough time with it to really form an opinion other that it didn't seem all that user freindly and the GUI seemed confusing,but again,I didn't spend that much time with it.I do however use Sonar and Nuendo and wish they were 1 program with all the midi/audio features combined.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Their online demo video really looked awesome, but I'm pretty sure they went belly-up recently (please correct me if I'm wrong!). I don't think I'd buy from a company in serious danger of not being around tomorrow...
None more black.
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the SAW stuff is very powerful. truly amazing programs, but not without their quirks. quirk number one, and it's a big one, is that they sorta went out of business. however, this is not enitirely true as they seem to want to continue to sell SAWSTUDIO as part of a turnkey sytem with a computer. also, for good and bad, the company was more or less one person, plus some staff. when you called tech support, you spoke to the man who wrote the progam. that's good. (try that at steinberg or cakewalk) also, they provided free updates for the life of the product. even better. the bad is that the owner/programmer is a very opinionated/estoteric/genius and maybe not cut out for the business end of things, hence the closing of the doors. the big problem for the SAW stuff was that it is/was very particular about hardware and platform. i.e. SAWSTUDIo will not run on win98. win2000 with a dual PIII and minimum of 512 of RAM is the recomended setup. also, the code for the program bypasses much of windows completely, so the commands can take some getting used to (high learning curve). all in all, i wish they were still around in their previous incarnation to play a very powerful david to the PT goliath... i use SAWPRO everyday, and am having a hard time finding something decent to replace it :) -d. gauss
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Thanks for the input so far! Can you give me specific comparisons of the saw products compared to Pro Tools, Nuendo, Cubase, Vegas Video 3, Sonar, Emagic Logic Audio? What are the main features you prefer in Saw versus the competing programs? I have heard that "Saw Studio" is a Serious leap in power from all their previous programs. Anyone with experience with these products please reply. Hope all your dreams come true!bc:>}
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I used SAW Pro briefly a few years back and never was able to completely grasp the interface. From what I've seen from SAW Pro I guess it's closest comparable program would be Vegas or Samplitude. But since it's unclear if the company is still in business I'd probably recommend another program. Sonar and Vegas are currently my favorite 2 apps on the market, but everyone has different needs. It appears that [url=http://www.sawstudio.com]www.sawstudio.com[/url] is up and running, but it's still unclear to me what the status of the company is. You might try checking out the SAW Newsgroup over at mail.cls.at. You'll need a news reader like Outlook Express to view it. -Dylan
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