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Real Estate Gurus..What do you think about Carlton Sheets..?

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I think this..


You are either:


Born with it.

Marry it.

Work your butt off for it.

Win it.


I have a friend studying his methods and in some areas of the US, it is possible to buy no money down and turn over property quickly.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Sheets is just another scamster who wants to sell you an expensive course that will tell you, essentially, something like this:


Buy bargain/distressed property with little or no down. Borrow on that to finance more purchases. Borrow on those to finance more purchases... etc.



For more info from unsatisfied customers go to:





I agree with Tim.


If it's so easy to make money the way he tells you to do it -- why's he busting his ass selling overpriced "investment courses" centered around strategies you could pick up at the public library?

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A couple of more or less random quotes from near the top of the page I linked to above at infomercialscams.com:


Christa writes: I ordered the Carelton Sheets program in June 2003. The claim on tv said that I could keep it for 30 days and return it. After I received it my husband lost his job so I never unpacked the box because I knew it had to go back. I call the customer service number gave them my information the customer service rep told me I had until September to return it. I told her I knew I couldn't keep it so I would like my authorization number. I took the box to UPS and insured it for $400. I did exactly what they told me to do. Now in October 2003 they pull $94.91 out of my account. I call customer service they said that a cd was missing in the box. I knew that was a lie because I never unpacked the box. He told me I couldn't get my money unless I returned the cd. But I never unpacked the box so I dont have the cd. The manager yelled at me said I stole their cd and I wasn't getting back anything. I am very upset and I dont want this company to get away with treating people this way.
Sherry writes: In August of 2004 I ordered the realestae program from Carlton Sheets. Within two weeks I knew I didn't want to keep it so I called them to let them know I was going to send it back. They were very pleasant on the phone and told me that since I had called so early on that as long as it was back by sometime in the first week in October. They had it back in thier office before October 7th. I am disabled and dependent on others to take me to the post office, and then I had a setback physically so I didn't get to the post office until October 1st. The next thing I knew they were withdrawing $110 monthly untill they had all they wanted. I got a letter telling me that I had not sent it back in time and if I wanted they could send the program back to me since I had to pay for it anyway. I am still trying to get my money, but after reading all of the complaints against them, it doesn't look promising.
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As Bill mentioned above, there are a few places in the country you can do his no money thing but not many and certainly not here in Ca.

Same goes for those spouting buying up repos. Doesn't work here. The rules and regulations prohibit the kind of wheeling and dealing that is required.


The paperwork is updated at least twice a year. My latest package for home listing and sale packages is about 3/4" thick and when the full disclosures and reports are included the individual packages could be over 1/2" thick. My file check off list numbers 73 items to check off, total.

A guy out here doing his deal on his own ain't going to do the deal right and you can bet your ass there will be several areas that are open to a lawsuit. Hell, most of the agents, particularly in the small brokerages, don't have the updated forms.


Another thing to look at is the super land purchase deals.

Ponch, Eric Estrada is touting one.

Those deals are usually obsolete developements that failed and were let go by the developer. Many of those lots have been sold, repo'd or given back and re-sold multiple times.


Here's my thought.

If the deal those guys are touting are so great and make so much money, why do they have to do the infomercials? They should be rolling in dough and not have to resort to scamming folks.

Think about it. The scam is where the bucks are.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks guys...I have seen this infomercial several times in the course of 10 years and wondering if some of you have used it.


I was burned by a work @ home scam, that somebody here told me it was legit,[i rather not mention the name/s]


About the carleton sheets deal, that's what I tought but I wanted to make sure I was not letting the opportiunty pas me by :rolleyes::D .


I'm not looking for something easy to do, I'm just looking to see if I can improve my way of living, I work in remodeling, I just don't have the money or credit [due to a lay-off] to buy houses.


Thanks for the info. :thu:


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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Originally posted by 4-Dak Recorder:

....... The scam is where the bucks are.

Don't give me any ideas, I need money :D:D:D:D


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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It's a question more people ought to ask themselves -- whether it's investment or, oh, you know, recording schools:


If it's so easy to make money doing what they say -- why are these people "teaching" rather than doing?





And then there's the John Lennon Songwriting Lottery -- er, I mean Contest...



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Originally posted by theblue1:

If it's so easy to make money doing what they say -- why are these people "teaching" rather than doing?





And then there's the John Lennon Songwriting Lottery -- er, I mean Contest...



Because they love you???? :cry:


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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2 step get rich quick plan:


1. make an infomercial telling the world that they can get rich by following you no-loose plan.


2. Sell millions of copies of you no-loose plan.



I can provide a no-loose plan to follow for creating just such an infomercial and selling millions of copies to anyone interested for a small fee :D

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Originally posted by force:

2 step get rich quick plan:


1. make an infomercial telling the world that they can get rich by following you no-loose plan.


2. Sell millions of copies of you no-loose plan.



I can provide a no-loose plan to follow for creating just such an infomercial and selling millions of copies to anyone interested for a small fee :D

$99.99 ???


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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Hey, you need real estate? I got anything you need. I got the Brooklyn Bridge fer Chris' sake at a measley sum, and, I got future Ocean Front Property in Arizona going dirt cheap right now. I'm telling you, it's the chance of a lifetime to get in on the ground floor in this sca, uhm, er, endeavor. Ya can't miss on this deal. You'll be rolling in it in no time at all.

Call me now at 900-555-5555 (only $14.95 per minute) for a recorded message oulining the complete program, and to order the full information packet at a reduced price of only five, count 'em 5, easy installments of $595.99. You won't be sorry.

Money back guarantee!

You don't like the deal, I'll give your money back. The amount depends on the actual cost and value of the the product, less shipping and handling charges.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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These scams are thick - - always have been. I once had a roommate who got the 'Make money at home stuffing envelopes' thing going.


The deal on this one is:


1) Take out an ad in Popular Mechanics or some similar national magazine with cheap classifieds.

It should say: "Make money stuffing and addressing envelopes at home. Send $15 for details"


2) They send you $15, you send them back a letter telling them to do step 1. (Thus making money stuffing and addressing envelopes!)


He did it for a week, made enough money to buy us a keg of beer & some decent party favors.. But I doubt you could live off this kind of thing very long before it'd catch up with you....

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Originally posted by 4-Dak Recorder:

Hey, you need real estate? I got anything you need. I got the Brooklyn Bridge fer Chris' sake at a measley sum, and, I got future Ocean Front Property in Arizona going dirt cheap right now. I'm telling you, it's the chance of a lifetime to get in on the ground floor in this sca, uhm, er, endeavor. Ya can't miss on this deal. You'll be rolling in it in no time at all.



I already own the Brooklyn Bridge (I got a great deal on it last year).


Now, if I could only get in touch with the owner of the Lincoln Tunnel, I can complete my set...

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Originally posted by ViLo:

Originally posted by theblue1:

If it's so easy to make money doing what they say -- why are these people "teaching" rather than doing?





And then there's the John Lennon Songwriting Lottery -- er, I mean Contest...



Because they love you???? :cry:


I thought I'd feed the hand that tries to bite so I clicked through the JLSWC banner to their page:


"The John Lennon Songwriting Contest is an international songwriting contest that began in 1997."



Now... maybe it's just a little early onset Alzheimer's acting up, but I could swear the JL contest goes back a lot farther than that -- I was thinking at least to the 80's if not even the 70's when Lennon himself was still alive. I have this mental image of myself reading about it in something like Rolling Stone -- and I haven't bought a RS since 1980.



So, basically, what is the purpose of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, anyhow? Just self-sustenance? I mean, I'm sure someone somewhere thinks there's some honor and prestige for winning it -- but is the organization's "work" really worth all these hopeful songwriters chipping in their $30 for a shot at the Big Prize? I mean, isn't that how people justify their paying $30 clams? That it's for a good cause? Isn't that why what for most purposes looks like a lottery is permitted to exist?


And one can't help but wonder how much the management of this presumably non-profit organization make. I've hung around the periphery of the charity biz -- and it's often not at all pretty.




UPDATE Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive justifications...


The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus



Oh me of little faith...



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Originally posted by steadyb:

Now, if I could only get in touch with the owner of the Lincoln Tunnel, I can complete my set...

Gotcha covered on the Tunnel. Got a great deal, only $59.95 a day for 59.95 years. Of course I have an additional, small, handling and transaction fee.


If you think you have the Brooklyn Bridge you've been had. I own the damned thing. Bloomberg had to make a deal to keep some income for NYC & I was the guy. You'll have to instigate legal proceedings against your scammer.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Sounds like someone's been watching late night cable. :D



If you're interested in the Carlton Sheets thing, check Ebay. There's probably tons of that stuff up for sale, cheap.

It's like home excercise equipment. It's hardly used, and people just want to get rid of it.


I can't speak for the program myself, but a guy I know bought it. He seemed to think it was pretty good, but he just got a new job and a suprise baby on the way....I think Carlton is collecting dust on the bookshelf now.


Even if it is legit, it's a good bet you won't be sitting on a Hawaiian beach in six months counting your millions, like the guys on the infomercials.


Originally posted by ViLo:

Don't give me any ideas, I need money :D:D:D:D

Get a video camera. Start attending drunken sorority parties, and ask the girls to show you their titties.


The Girls Gone Wild guy has probably made a killing doing this.


You could call it "Girls Gone Stupid".

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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The sheets stuff has some info that is good but for the most part those deals are very hard to find. Your best bet is finding a property that is on the chopping block for Foreclosure. Contact the owner first and tell them you`ll take on there mortgage. Again, these deals are hard to find. And if you do find them ,the owners are usually very nasty, angry and do not want to talk to a stranger about their financial woes. Now this may work easier in the burbs but these techniques are very much a no go in NYC.
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Originally posted by steadyb:

I already own the Brooklyn Bridge (I got a great deal on it last year).


Now, if I could only get in touch with the owner of the Lincoln Tunnel, I can complete my set...

When you buy the Lincoln Tunnel, can you please change the entrance? It took us an hour just to turn the corner from 34th Street onto Dyer Avenue on Sunday evening.
There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Originally posted by Gator Wing:

Originally posted by steadyb:

I already own the Brooklyn Bridge (I got a great deal on it last year).


Now, if I could only get in touch with the owner of the Lincoln Tunnel, I can complete my set...

When you buy the Lincoln Tunnel, can you please change the entrance? It took us an hour just to turn the corner from 34th Street onto Dyer Avenue on Sunday evening.
I realize that. Changing the entrance is the 2nd thing on my "to do" list as soon as I take ownership.


First, I open a lemonade stand at each end...

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Originally posted by 4-Dak Recorder:

Another thing to look at is the super land purchase deals.

Ponch, Eric Estrada is touting one.

Those deals are usually obsolete developements that failed and were let go by the developer.

Eric Estrada? Nooooo, Dak, say it's not so!!! IF you can't trust a CHiPpie, who can you trust? :D
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The thing is this: these guys have good ideas and techniques, the only prob is that these properties are very hard to come by usually because lots of investors are always looking for them and lots of times these properties are sold through a friend of a friend so its very difficult to get in touch with an owner who is facing a Foreclosure and then befriend him during their difficult time of financial stress. No down payment can work but its very hard to find the candidate for it. Its sort of like getting hit by lightening! ;)
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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

Wasn't he a character on Fresh Prince with Will Smith? :confused:;):D

And lost in this whole thread is the undeniable humor of one Philip O'Keefe. Keep me laughing baby! :thu:



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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