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Ghost from the Past: Basia's back!

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The other morning my alarm went off and I just caught the DJ saying, "... and before that we had Basia's new one...", woohoo! I stopped by our local alt CD emporium but they didn't have it, nor was anything listed in their database coming out soon. I did some net searching and found out that Basia's old band, "Matt Bianco", has reunited and their new album "Matt's Mood" was released here in the 'states in March, it's been out in the rest of the world considerably longer.

This is great news for me, always enjoyed her sound. Guess I'll be placing an order at Amazon this evening! She/they are touring the US right now, I haven't seen anything in the press about it, damn.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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