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Going to England.......tell me what to do

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I would go as far as to say you don't need or want a car in ANY major European city. Public transportation is fast, efficient, and cheap (you can usually buy extended time passes, like a week).


If you're going into the countryside in most of Europe, take a train, then rent a car at the train station.

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Well to present the other side... I've got some GREAT memories based on the fact that I drove over there. I spent 3 weeks endagering the lives of the British population. By day 2 I was doing pretty good... everywhere but London. :freak:
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Places I want to visit:


The Ministry of Silly Walks

The Cheese Shoppe

The Dead Parrot Pet Shoppe




Seriously, I'm looking forward to curry as well. And fish and chips. And anything else I can cram into my visit... :thu:


Ted, if you don't have a new walk, those Ministry of Silly Walks folks won't give you the time of day. ;) And they probably won't refund you the purchase price of a Norweigion Blue (lovely plumage)


Thing is, I had some curry at an Indian place in Buckingham and it was soooo good. Honestly, the fish and chips will be a let down; very soggy with greese and vinegar and if you ask for ketchup, they'll charge you like 15p a pack (those little packs like McDonalds gives you for free) which is a total rip off.


Try the meat pies! Oh, man, how can people fault English food? Just stay away from stuff like kidney pie or blood pudding type stuff and you'll really like the food. Beware on breakfast, they'll have baked beans along with all the egg and bacon choices. Just struck me as weird.


You guys please tell me about it. Haven't been over there for ten years. How much is a pint of Guiness in a pub? Used to be about a pound 75p. How much for a pack on Dunhills now days? Are there still pound meters for electric? Weirdest thing I've ever experienced...


Cool trips everyone!

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I usually don't have ketchup with fish 'n chips, anyhoo...malt and salt all the way... :D


I am going to have a car for the Exeter trip. My wife doesn't want to drive with me. She's afraid I'll drive on the US side of the road or something.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Some thoughts and answers...


I'm sure you can hire a car with the steering on the other side somewhere, but yeah, forget about driving in London (remember Chevy Chase in European Vacation, 'Look kids, Big Ben, AAAHHHH!!!!!', that really happens!!!!).


To coin my favourite phrase, our public transport system sucks warm sick through a straw!!!! But that's probably cause I use it in rush hour, for what you'll be doing, it's fine. Get a train to London from Brum, tho may I suggest you book into a B&B for a couple of nights, one day isn't long enough for London.


Fish & chips are SUPPOSED to be dripping in grease :D Not all places will charge you for ketchup tho. You HAVE to try black pudding over here, it is a delicacy and the law!!! There's far worse stuff in McDonalds!!!!


I don't know why we get served baked beans either, I hate them!


A pint will cost about £3 in a pub, don't drink guiness, but probably similar. Don't smoke so don't know how much Dunhill's will cost, think most brands are about £4 - £5 for 20, one of the highest prices in Europe.


We don't have those electric meter's anymore, but some places do have meters with keys that you 'charge' with X amount of credit, so you're effectively pre-paying for your electricity. They are fairly common but by no means does everywhere use them.


Enjoy your trip and let me know if there's anything we can find out for you before you come over... :thu:

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Originally posted by Gabriel E.:

Originally posted by ryst:

Oh...Don't worry....Guinness and curry are on the menu every night!

Good thing. Avoid native British food at all costs. Stick with the foreign fare.
No way.

Steak and ale pies, cornish pasties, and for breakfast beans on toats with eggs and bacon.

Also,on sundays nearly every pub does a british roast dinner. Cheap too.

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President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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Originally posted by ryst:

One thing I forgot to ask: Where do I go to get American currency changed into pounds? Where is the cheapest place to do this?

you can change your dollars to pounds at a Beaure De Change anywhere in London but as your going to Birmingham first, you can change all currency up at the airport on departure or arrival.

Its pretty straight forward :) you can even change your currency up at travel agencies in the UK now like Thompson or Lunn Poly.

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Originally posted by Shars:

Originally posted by ryst:

One thing I forgot to ask: Where do I go to get American currency changed into pounds? Where is the cheapest place to do this?

you can change your dollars to pounds at a Beaure De Change anywhere in London but as your going to Birmingham first, you can change all currency up at the airport on departure or arrival.

Its pretty straight forward :) you can even change your currency up at travel agencies in the UK now like Thompson or Lunn Poly.

Thanks Shars!

Is there a fee to do this or is it a straight transfer?

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Originally posted by Base:


A pint will cost about £3 in a pub, don't drink guiness, but probably similar.

Wow. I don't know where you go, but when I was there a pint was never pounds.


so I did some research, and here's a chart for prices.


As you'll see, only the most expensive pubs are 3 pounds.


Price of a pint in a pub

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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Originally posted by Base:

You HAVE to try black pudding over here, it is a delicacy and the law!!!


I don't know why we get served baked beans either, I hate them!

The term "delicacy" is always applied to gross stuff...


"You have to try the brazed eel testicles...they're a delicacy!" :D


Now, in regards to baked beans, if you ever come to Kansas City, I'll treat you to some Wabash Barbecue beans. They'll give you a "tongue-gasm" :D:thu: They're good at getting even with your significant other a few hours later, too, if you catch my drift... :D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by ryst:

Hey...what about currency exchange?....is there a fee or just a straight transfer??

Where ever you go, you are going to get gouged.


Used to be Traveler Checks got a better rate of exchange than cash. Don't know if that is still true.


Airports generally have relatively decent rates, but you will pay a fee, unless they can talk you into changing a larger sum of money ($500.)


I would change just what you need for the first few days and then find an American Express location. They seem to have the best rates that I have found.


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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Originally posted by ryst:

Hey...what about currency exchange?....is there a fee or just a straight transfer??

Theres a fee.

Normally only a couple of pounds depending how much you change over.

I think also if you change your money up via a travel agency, you only pay the fee once so you can change it back to dollars before you leave.

Hope that helps.

I normlly do mine at Thompson or at the airport as its more convenient or even the Post Office but it has to be a main branch.

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You can change currency without a fee, but I don't know where you'd find it. I can get fee-free currency with my partocular bank account, whoever your staying with may be able to get the same and do it for you (NatWest Bank btw)...
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Yes Tedster, a credit card is one of the best ways as there are no fees whatsoever (except your regular card fees that you already understand, but no exchange fees).


The best thing to do is just go into any bank (worked just fine here in the sticks of Kentucky) and say you want to trade some dollars for some pounds sterling. There will be no fees because they are trying to get rid of foreign curency. Sometimes you have to wait a few days but it's worth it to think ahead.


Once you get over there they'll gouge you. It's not bad if you're changing a boatload of cash, but for smaller amounts it sucks.


And whatever you do, don't take a money order. No one will cash it. I even went to the American Embasy and couldn't sort it no matter what.

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One thing to keep in mind... the exchange rate is murder. Everything is double what it cost's in the states due to the exchange. I haven't checked in a year but it's probably still the same.


Buy a magazine... it'll cost 15 bucks in the end.

$10 for a pint.


If you use your credit card, it's easy to forget how much things are really costing you. I'm still paying for last year. :eek:

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Originally posted by ryst:

Hey...what about currency exchange?....is there a fee or just a straight transfer??

My experience was that it was A LOT cheaper to have your money exchanged at a proper bank as opposed to a 'bureau de change'.
"Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with". - Stevie Wonder
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Today was the first dreal sunny day here so I pumped up my aerofloat and went to the beach,...while laying on it and riding the waves I must have fallen asleep for a while 'cause when I woke up all the people on the beach spoke Farsi,punjabi and other Hindu languages,...



Turns out I drifted all the way to England,...

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Boosh, thats very true that we have a mixed racial and cultrual mix in England but I think you'll find many of the asian and west indian communities actualy stay in the cities as its well known here that many come across wide spread racism in the little towns around the coasts and that includes myself as been there and felt the affects.

Its not nice at all but on saying that, we have some of the best coastal areas in Europe so dont be afraid to venture out a bit whilst over here even if you are on a lielow.

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