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New to Musescore Libraries

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Just heard some incredible strings demos in Youtube searching for Musescore, this is new to me as a long term Kontakt libraries user.

Is this snake oil? Having free orchestral libraries versus all the expensive available for Kontakt?



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2 minutes ago, dalpozlead said:

Just heard some incredible strings demos in Youtube searching for Musescore, this is new to me as a long term Kontakt libraries user.

Is this snake oil? Having free orchestral libraries versus all the expensive available for Kontakt?




I was shocked when 4 announced its built-in library designed to take easy advantage of notation, and it can have really impressive results. However, depending on your workflow and needs, using commercial libraries still has its advantages. I _hate_ using notation programs, they've always been so cumbersome to me. I either write music with pen and paper, or when I need to put stuff down electronically, like for a score for example, I go straight into a DAW and piano roll. I didn't investigate it thoroughly, but I don't believe MuseScore is compatible with this. I've also read complaints that sometimes the MuseScore libraries have a "good side", and can have a hard time "following directions" when you're using it in certain scenarios.


That said, they've done an overall outstanding job, and I'm happy that people all over the world, if they have the tech specs required to run MS4 libraries, now have free access to responsive and good-quality libraries. It's truly remarkable. 

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Not sure if you mean INSTRUMENT libraries or not.


I'm certainly no expert, but I use MuseScore 4 occasionally when I'm doing a quickie lead sheet, a quick song idea, or when I need to clean up or create a new version of an old lead sheet. It has the ability to play back any or all of the parts using built-in instruments (selections of brass, strings, piano, guitar, and others.), including the ability to play included chord changes that have been entered via chord symbols. It gives me a quick idea of what a piece will sound like. I can then export both a pdf and an audio file (in various audio formats such as .mp3, .wav, and more) into MobileSheets, which I have just started using, converting all my loose sheets of music and cheat sheets to digital files on a tablet. You can also export audio and MIDI to the DAW of your choice.


In browsing around the program,  I see that you can load plugins, which I have not explored yet. Not sure if you can load your own, or if you must use designated MuseScore plugins. If I can get some quality time, I plan on exploring the plugins situation ----- I have TONS of them----and will report back.


The full version of MuseScore has come a long way, BUT...... Just last night I was looking at the android version. It does not support creating sheet music in the mobile version, and there are apparently no plans to do so. (That would be a real game-changer, and I think would put MuseScore on a par with StaffPad, which I have not used.)


Hope this helps!

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