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Kudos and recognition to Arlo

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I wanted to share an experience with you.  I only occasionally post, rarely start a thread, but have been an avid forum reader many years.  We all contribute our experiences with manufacturers/vendors here.  Some good, some not so good…., but this situation certainly has had an impact on me.


I decided a week ago or so that I needed to update Set List Maker (SLM) databases on my iPhone.  It’s current with its updates for both SLM and IOS.  I want to use this as a backup to my iPad3 which I use at gigs, and have for many years.  Due to its age, the iPad can’t update SLM nor the IOS to current versions.  Long story short, SLM has changed its database structure in the past few years.  Od version export .txt files, newer version export .sqlite files.  Newer version can’t import the older .txt files.  Yikes!   I have a lot of years building those databases…..I was nonplussed.  


I posted my dilemma on Arlo’s forum and got a response very quickly.  The databases on the older version would need to be converted, to which he graciously said he’d convert, even after I told him I had 8 databases that needed to be converted!!  He never asked for a cent and had these files converted and back to me within days.   I don’t know if this is his standard customer support, and wouldn’t want to speak for him on his support services, but I simply couldn’t have been more impressed with the service and interaction. 


I post this for two reasons.  The first is that if you need a song management, gig ready software, you should seriously look at SetList Maker or BandHelper.  Arlo, the developer of these app, absolutely stands behind his product to an extent I find hard to believe.  I spent maybe $35-$40 dollars ten years ago on SLM.  His response to my customer needs was above and beyond anything I would have expected.   This is the least I can do to spread the good word on him.  


Secondly, to say, that there are still good guys out there trying to provide us the tools to make music.  We should support them whenever we can. 

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"May you stay...forever young."



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I am presently experiencing a critical issue with SLM and Arlo has been quite responsive in trying to help  me. I too appreciate good customer service. 

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Arlo is awesome. He wrote me an email out of the blue FIVE YEARS after we’d had an exchange about Pencil support, to tell me that he finally had an iPad with Pencil and had been able to test and tweak notes support. 

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

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