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Should MPN set up a rant sub forum?

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Thanks to those who chose to respond. Interesting and sometimes humorous comments.

To be clear I was not suggesting a sub forum to discuss previously banned topics.

Simply drawing the distinction between  "ad hominem" attacks which are generally frowned on here, apart from those who enjoy flame ups and can't get enough of this from other social media.

Based the the replies here the majority think "ad companydem" attacks are a good thing.

And for those who get their rocks off posting or  reading these, the more the better.

So it goes.

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A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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It appears to me that a disturbing number of people approach online argumentation as a spectator sport, a la gladiators in an arena. What that reveals about those peoples' mindset concerns me. When blood sports become the entertainment of the masses, bad things follow.


The veneer of civilization is thin, indeed...




PS: And before you criticize my analogy of gladiatorial combat, consider the rise of mixed martial arts. Stop. Be honest. Look for other instances besides MMA. They're there. Our society grows increasingly crude and violent, while people make excuses and say, "It's only in fun!" "They chose to do that, I'm just watching." And let's not forget, "It's a phase, it'll die out." Well, yes, it will...but how long will the cycle last? Six months? A year? A decade? More? This is a slippery slope we're on and we're sliding ever faster because people aren't seeing the overall trend. They look at a small part and say it's nothing. This has happened before and, while you could argue that 'it was only temporary,' how long did it take before things were right again? How many people suffered? A broken bone here, a concussion there. Hey, it's only a game--a sport. Go read history books. It's not one or two broken arms, it's what it says about society overall and, crucially, what happens next.

I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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I tend to agree that our societal “anger thermometer” has been running hotter. I think we are still psychologically recovering from the pandemic, which left many of us at a lower level of functioning. Our coping resources have been depleted.


In a mental health setting, a client having a having a rant (i.e., release) can subsequently lower emotional arousal and induce relaxation, which can facilitate the identification of areas for further exploration. After therapeutic rapport has been restored, I’ve had clients develop enhanced insight after an acute episode of anger escalation.


To quote Leo Buscaglia, “Always argue long enough to figure out what you are actually arguing about.” However, arguments need not involve being disrespectful. When I conduct a conflict resolution session, one of the “ground rules” is that disrespectful comments are not allowed.


I think we need to be more generous in our attributions of others. We don’t know one’s life experience and how this affects the lens through which they view the world. Now more than ever, we need to embrace others with tolerance and empathy.


Rant over. ;)

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"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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I would never be a flame thrower myself.  I moderate a pet robot forum and am one of those who always answers with respect and temper the angry outbursts that are accusatory or defaming.

My idea behind a rant sub-forum would be like what happened to me recently.  Having been gifted a good quality condenser mic, having to purchase a phantom box and cables to operate it, it does not work with my software.   Two well known stores did not know why or what to try.  Microsoft did not know.  Expert friends I have ghosted me.  It would be nice to give names and details in case someone else were to run into this situation while politely expressing my frustrations.  A rant but without the anger, more just frustration and hopelessness.

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