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Help required from Nord Gurus

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My rig is a NS2SW over a NS Classic HA - I've been using the latter exclusively as a controller. However, at a recent gig I found the multitimbral limitations of the NS2 to be a constraint (two slots of VA or sample playback, basically). I realised that I could benefit by dedicating the 2 to samples, and getting additional VA from the classic.  So I'm trying to play the Classic's synth section using the 2's Extern section - and that works fine (I've set a MIDI channel for Synth A on the Classic, and the same channel on the 2's Extern section).


HOWEVER... I want to control the Classic's synth volume (the "level" encoder, basically) using the 2's "Parameter" knob in the Extern section. Should be easy, right - just map it to send the right CC. I've tried 7 (volume), 11 (expression), even 4 (organ volume) no dice. I can do it via a morph, but then the other controllers on the 2 (modulation, aftertouch, expression pedal) would affect is as well, and I want to avoid that.


TL;DR - how can I use the "parameter" knob on one Stage's extern section to control the level encoder on another's synth section?


Many thanks for any help.


Cheers, Mike.

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Thanks @changearound2 do you know I even looked for that in the manual and missed it first time.


Unfortunately - no workee. I can see the parameter knob is sending MIDI but the level on the slave is not changing. I even tried sending it on the panel's MIDI channel (instead of just the synth section) and that had no effect either.


Cheers, Mike.

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58 minutes ago, changearound2 said:

3. Is the Classic set to Receive or Send & Receive for Midi Ctrl Change in the midi menu of the Classic?

Give that man a cigar! I had checked your 1 and 2, but I never knew that number-3 parameter existed! Send&Rcv is the default but had been changed to Send (not by me - must have been the previous owner). So reception of MIDI control messages (like cc 112) was disabled.


OK that sets up my project for tomorrow. Thank you, and good night.


Cheers, Mike.

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