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MP3 encoding weirdness - need help

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I'm having a problem and it's frustating the heck out of me.


I got a paying gig to provide some loops for a website. They need two 30 second (or so) mp3 files of my music that loop seamlessly.


No problem...or so I thought.


For some reason, my wave files loop perfectly but when I encode the MP3, the encoder inserts a little bit of silence at the beginning and end of the file, and they will not loop without gapping.


I don't have extra time selected on either side of the loop. The wav files are cropped perfectly. I can't figure it out.


I have tried encoding the wav files from SONAR 3 and from Mediaworks with the same results.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? Or know of any programs that will let you edit MP3 files without having to re-encode them, because I could just trim those files.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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Won't SONAR import mp3's? Then you could just assemble in SONAR. In fact, do all the loop assembly in SONAR as wav, then export as mp3.
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Originally posted by NE-One:

Won't SONAR import mp3's? Then you could just assemble in SONAR. In fact, do all the loop assembly in SONAR as wav, then export as mp3.

Yes SONAR will import MP3s, but when it does, it converts them to a wav file. Then when I export them again, the extra space would be inserted again.


Thanks for the suggestion.

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I think it has something to do with mp3 players and the way they handle loops.


Have you tried playing the wav file in an player such as winamp? Does it loop correctly there, without a break?


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