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U.S. Getting Waxed At Olympics

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The US basketball team displayed all of the faults that has made the NBA unwatchable in recent years. They are a collection of self promoters who are short on teamwork and fundamentals such as shooting. It's not that the Puerto Rican team was phenomenal; they just emphasized teamwork and shut down the US players with disciplined positional play, much like the Pistons did against the Lakers in the NBA finals. I hope two things: (1) that the US team learns from this loss and (2) the NBA also learns and cuts down on the kind of showboating playing style that has driven me and a lot of other fans away from the game.
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It's all part of the push to make the USA appear more equal to other nations rather than laud it over them, IMO.


I guess this belongs on the political forum, but here goes anyway....


I see the US government (at least) trying to make an effort to start to listen to the rest of the world instead of trying to command/surpress it. The previous doctrine was one of "supremacy over all things" (economic, weapons/military, science & medicine, space race, religion, etc.); now it's more the "kinder, gentler, we're like you, please be our friends" approach.


I say the athletes are throwing the medals on purpose. Look at the times - in swimming for instance - in one 8-length race I watched they came in 2 or more seconds slower than the world record times that THEY SET!




(warning - I do not necessarily agree with anything that I may write - I like to play devil's advocate occasionally)

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Can't miss this one here!


I did not watch THE GAME, but I betcha most of our 4 million habitants here in Puerto Rico were watching. Anyway, this morning at work everyone was pretty excited in happy way about it. I was kinda glad to see everyone in such a nice mood and proud of having won that game. I guess everyone saw it as a David / Goliath thing. Of course it made front page news in all newspapers here!


What can I say? I wish every small country could have the same experience of pride that most here are feeling.


Congrats to the guys!!!


Back to NBA...


This "event" will hopefully get Carlos Arroyo noticed, even thou he currently is the pointguard spot in the Utah Jazz. Who knows, maybe some more P.R. players will make it in the NBA!


I like seeing the ploriferation of foreign players in tha NBA. Sports, like music, can unite this world in a positive manner. Their success in the NBA will hopefully lead to... I don't know, something cool.


Well, it's only game right? or an Olympic event! I'm happy for everyone that wins, regardless their flag, color language, blah blah...!!!


How bout winning stuff to feed the hungry???

We should work on something... Live Aid 2 anyone???


Peace! :thu:

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