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O2R96 vs Digi 96 i/o and Control 24

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Anyone have an opinion on whether it is still valid to put an 02R in front of ProTools? Today that means putting an 02R96 in front of an HD 96 i/o.


I hear both extremes: PT is way better than O2R for A/D and the Pre's are better in the Control 24 than the Yamaha. But then someone else tells me that they are basically equivalent and from an engineering standpoint, you really can't argue a difference.


Any opinions here? I have had an 02R in front of my Mix Plus system for years and have loved it. It works great for my studio. I am really hesitent to drop it, but don't want to put something inferior in front of Pro Tools if in fact that is true. Help?


Anyone done a shootout between Digi's Pre's (Focusrite platinum) and A/D converters and those on the 02R96?

Gene Crout

Audio Digital


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I've haven't worked with the O2R96 but I do use PT. From what I know of the the 96 it appears to be a fine bit of machinary with a lot of horsepower, seems like a good match. If I had the funds I would probably go that way.


Since your use to working that way and are happy with it I would certainly look into it, I can't see any issues.

"I never would have seen it, if I didn't already believe it" Unknown


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Hi Gene,

I use a 96 with the Control|24 and can say this is a very good combination for me. I wish now I would have just got the 192 though as I hear it is even a little better than the 96. I don't have any experience with the O2R so I can't make a comparison with that, but going to HD from a MIX system you'll hear a big difference. Depending on what you studio is designed for, I'd go with a 192/Control|24.


CHris Groegler

Sound Designer,

Red Storm Entertainment

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I'm using the 192/Control24 combo and after working through the somewhat extended initial hardware release bugs things are going well.(as we speak I am getting ready to check out the newest PT update!) I haven't had any negative issues concerning the Focusrite pre's but I'm also using outboard gear in addition.


IMHO, I wouldn't worry about the pre's as much as what you may gain from the Control 24 as a control surface - running those software plugs with knobs on the board (without having to do any configuration!)is growing on me fast.


Best of luck,



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Thanks for your input guys, I appreciate it. My issue with the Control 24 is twofold: one, I hate paying $5K for what is basically an empty shell for PT. I really am used to using the mouse (although I can certainly see the benefit of the surface for doing alot of stuff). But I also power up my studio without my PT rig often. The DSP in the O2R is also like another Farm or Process card for me.


I think what I am really trying to determine is whether I am doing myself any harm by putting the 02R96 in front of the HD system. If it is equal, then I think my needs warrant getting one (plus I already have the desk for it! :)


I too have been told that the 192 interface sounds way better than the 96. But I also know that the 96 and the 02R96 will sound way better than the system I am already perfectly happy with - the O2R and my PT Mix Plus.


The only reason I am doing the upgrade is because of the impending end of system development for Mix Plus.I believe it is a bad time for my studio to get behind the technology curve and I am not going to go unsupported on my digi system.


But I have been working really well with the PT/02R combination, even though my salesman told me I was crazy from day one.


If I really thought that it was the right thing for me to go entirely inside of PT, I would do it. But I have not been convinced yet.


I mean, can you create a new audio or midi track straight from the Control 24? Can I instantiate a new plug in from the Control 24? Or can I only manipulate some portion of what is on the screen at any one time?


I wish I could spend a month doing a project on the Control 24. Then I might have a basis for comparison.


Thanks for your help all.

Gene Crout

Audio Digital


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Originally posted by Audio Digital:

I wish I could spend a month doing a project on the Control 24. Then I might have a basis for comparison.


Thanks for your help all.

I would go to your local dealer and sit down in front of a 24 for a few hours. Ask for the manual and read it before you go play around on it. Find the closest person to you with one and check it out. It is a time saver and I love the fact I can grab 3-8 faders at one time, change plugin parameters quickly, change my sends volume as fast as moving a fader, changing automation with multiple faders, there's too much to mention.


Chris Groegler

Sound Designer,

Red Storm Entertainment

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Although a bit late I thought I should throw in that the PT upgrade was a true pain in the ass and getting the Control 24 back on line took a painful second place to re-authorizing the plugs.


Its a great system, but there is absolutely no way anyone should have to go through that amount of hassle to update a piece of existing software.


Sorry for the rant,



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