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Damn! Ruined my day. Ain't life a bitch. I feel for your little girl, she must be traumatized. Oh well, a life lesson that life is fleeting. Some friggin' mockingbird is fat and happy. Next thing you know, a dang cat will pounce on the mockingbird. Then, a dog will nail the cat.


Isn't this such an interesting (but very sad :cry: ) story.


Years ago, I was in a golf tournament. A beautiful butterfly was flittering around. We were marveling at how pretty. A hawk, yep, a HAWK came swooping down and got that sucker and took it up and ate it. Never have I seen a hawk get a butterfly.


Neil, check you PM's.

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Awwww...so sorry...but, Angel sure brightened my day. That pic with her sitting on Lilly's head is about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time!


The praying mantis is an incredibly cool insect. If you nudge at 'em with a twig or blade of long grass, they'll play with it just like a cat...


HI AMANDA!!! How have you been doing, young lady???

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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wow, sorry I came so late to this story. I was way into insects in my youth as well but I grew up in the snow belt, we don`t get as many cool ones as the folks down south.

Loved those photos, at least they will stay around.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Thanks, guys and gals. Angel will be missed.


And thanks for the lovely compliments for Lilly. She's a pistol, but a wonderful little girl. And, of course, she's daddy's little girl. ;)


I think I'll take a look out front for another mantis. :)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I can't stop thinking about Lilly and Angle. Man, that is a priceless pic.


Anyway, here's an idea. I'm serious! Consider running an ad for a praying mantis in your local discount newspaper. Here's a story to back up this goofy idea.


I had a friend whose neighbors had a pine tree that had grown so tall, it blocked his lake view. They wouldn't cut it. He literally ran an ad for "pine beetles, scientific experiment" or some such nonsense. He got several replies and he got a jarful of pine beetles.


The pine tree mysteriously died.


If people will scrape and hunt and peck for pine beetles, someone will find Lilly a bug.

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Originally posted by Ani:

hi this is amanda sorry about angel :cry: ...

Thank you, Amanda. I'll convey your good wishes to Lilly. Sorry to hear about your Angel. We, too, keep our cats indoors. They wouldn't last a day outside.


Duke - Great idea. I've thought about ordering several egg caches and breeding them for annoying insect control. It takes a quite a few to cover a given area. And we do have quite a few birds, so I don't know how effective it would be. We would need to keep a few as pets, though. ;) (BTW - I've been pondering your PM, so don't worry. I've seen it and will respond soon.)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Ani:

hi ted i'm doing fine and i'm ready to take more lessons. whens the next lesson? bye everybody :wave:

Hi there! Class will start on Mondays...first one is Sept. 29... :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I've thought about ordering several egg caches and breeding them for annoying insect control. It takes a quite a few to cover a given area.

You mean you can BUY praying mantis eggs? My bro works at university, I wonder if they'd have any.

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

John Scotsman - No problem rehashing your road story. I'd forgotten all about that! :D

Thanks Neil. I hadn't actually posted that story before. There are tons and tons of stories I never got round to telling. This is just an example of how sometimes they will crop up if the time is right!


I'm so sad to read of Angel's departure. The beautiful Lilly really got a short sharp education on the cycle of life! This is a fantastic story (fittingly ;) ) and you tell it very well. It made wonderful reading, shame it had to end so soon.


Amanda :wave: you have very cute cats! Oh and a crazy Mom too! :D;) You also have a very cool guitar teacher, good luck with the lessons! :thu: I never used to like cats because my cousin's cat wasn't very friendly and scratched me when I was young. I do like cats now though because some friends have two cats who really like me! I still prefer dogs though. :cool:



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Duke - I saw information to order them on the site I used to find out what bugs they'd eat. If you google preying mantis (or praying) you should find some info that describes how to order egg caches. I'll look at the hard copy and see if I printed it. I didn't save the link.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I'm almost certain I haven't. I just tried a search just incase and couldn't find it. Maybe you read it in an e-mail?


If I have posted it before I didn't post it in full like that. However, if you can find it, please let me know ;)

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I had no idea that you could buy Praying Mantis eggs. Cool! :thu:
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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