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Nord Stage3 backup question.

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I have a bass player friend that is buying a Nord Stage 3 for his new studio.

My question is: Can I take a backup snapshot of my Stage 3 and dump it into his as a good starting point?


I imagine that it should have the latest firmware update Ver 2.62 installed first.

Does the backup take all the samples I've put in or just the programs?




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12 minutes ago, octa said:

p.s. thinking about it now, i'm not completely certain you don't have to install pianos so they match. That's pretty easily done on Nord Sound Manager also. 

As always I'm looking for the easy way out. I'll give it a try and see what comes of it. He may not want me to do anything with it, and figure it out himself.

That would get him familiar with the board, so we'll see.



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The full backup ns3b file (not to confuse with the "bundle" files) should have all piano, samples, programs and synths patches.

It will be a *large* file and it will take some considerably long time to upload, when compared to what we are used to do with computers and usb drives.

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1 hour ago, cphollis said:

A full backup/restore will capture the complete state of your NS3, including the pianos.  The restore will take a *long* time.  I have two that I keep in sync.


How big are the file(s) size for a full backup?   

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Worth mentioning is you can save just program banks, (without the corresponding samples). That's super painless and fast.


Nord manager gives you that option under program save, then you can select A, B, C, D banks.  I just did it tonight to back up my Saturday show.   Take just seconds.  If I don't use  Nord program manger for a while, I always think I have to use the  back-up option which does indeed take forever.    


In the OP's situation, they'll  likely have the same sound sets but probably have  piano  alternatives.    If there aren't matching samples, the manager will do it's best to find substitutes.  I have some different samples in my Church Nord versus my compact,  and usually it's the pianos and some odd brass things.    Those  are easy enough to grab.   Unless you have a ton of custom samples you swap in and out- it's  much faster getting the samples again,  than doing a total archive.



Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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