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Web File Transfer at Audio-Host.com

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Audio-Host.com offers the solution for audio web hosting, featuring the web file transfer system, which gives you better ease of use and a more professional look throughout your web site. For many years the audio community has been stuck burning countless cds for clients and shipping them overnight at expensive rates in order to receive speedy feedback. Today, the community battles email attachment limitations or the complexities of FTP (file transfer protocol), which takes away from the focus on audio and professional feel of your business. With the use of our web file transfer system you can integrate easy file transfer into your company website giving it a professional look and feel that will leave your clients ranting and raving. The web file transfer system's ease of use eliminates FTP based how-to instructions, worries about email attachment limitations and countless shipping costs. In short using this system will alleviate all of the awkward connection issues allowing you to communicate quickly and effectively with your important clients.


What does Web File Transfer give you?


Folder Support

Multiple User Accounts

One Click Downloading (no need for right-clicking)

Professional Look and Feel

Easily upload and download from virtually any internet connected browser

Works on virtually all Operating Systems


:wave: Feel free to post any comments or questions. And do stop by and give web file transfer a test drive. See what Audio-Host can do for you.

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look and feel that will leave your clients ranting and raving
That doesn't strike me as a very good thing.... I prefer to do any ranting and raving myself :D



"I'm just here to regulate the funkiness"
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Let's see, do I delete or close the thread...hmmm...such difficult decisions. Or I suppose I could always throw him to the lions by moving the thread to the political forum...no, I'll just close the thread for now.
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