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Using Masterlink DSP for spoken voice

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I've read various posts about the quality of the built-in DSP on the Masterlink. Has anyone had any experience using it with speeches or other spoken voice projects? I will probably onll be wanting to do a little compression/limiting. Will this degrade the quality of spoken audio significantly?


Thanks for any input.


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Originally posted by coxnvox@aol.com:

I've read various posts about the

quality of the built-in DSP on the Masterlink.


Will this degrade the quality of

spoken audio significantly?



Define 'degrade'... :P


I've used the DSP in MasterLink to process

spoken word w/music remote recordings...


When used with care, you can get great results...


If you use nice mics/pres/etc. on the way in

and then apply the DSP 'appropriately',

it's not like anyone listening to your finished

recordings would be able to say "Hey, did you run

this through the MasterLink's Comp/Limiter?"...


Obviously, the relative quality of all the other

parts of your signal chain will affect the sound,

as well...

Bob Phillips


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