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MY song HEYHEY GIRL got AIRED on local 99.5 fm WXNR thanks GOD!

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Because of the help of many of you FINE FOLKES here at greg andersons sight sounde and minde page I was able to polish up my homegrown dittys and got them RADIO READY. yeehaW!

HEY,HEY GIRL got aired this evening on 99.5 new bern N.C. wxnr

The music he was playing was so goode I just KNEW he'd never do my tunes but then around 8:45 He talked me up and said my name a lot and talked me up some more and I got embarrased by it for some reason ahahah! then he played my tune. ME and CRASH the dj and about two thousand other folkes listened along..

Sweet. .

Thanks GOD!

And thanks to Greg anderson who is my personal friend we're like that(holds fangers together) and you goode folkes here at um, stage stereo and stuff..I could'nt have done it without ya'!

AIR.. breathe deep babies!

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by boosh:

Originally posted by arellspencer:

I could'nt have done it without ya'!

Make sure the DJ says that on the air too mon,...
I'll say it on the air; iffen I get a chance..

and I could NOT have done it if not for all the honest help and forward thankin' I gleaned RIGHT HERE at gary atkinsons EP magazine site page.

that with Boosh turnin' me on to BEEF turned the tide and my ship became afloat seems like. KIng music is way cool..

oh yeah this place is fantastic. I ain't never leavin..

well, uh, gotta go now..

I'll see you on the RADIO!.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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A guy I talked to today said it was weird knowing someone that was played and talked up on the RADIO! ahahaha!

he said he heard me on the RADIO.. He was lookin' at me oddly when he said it.. He looked scared sorta.. ..

I tol' 'm if he thought HE felt funny, THINK HOW I FEEL I'm, the one the djs' talkin' about and thats MY TUNE! ahahah! SURREAL is a word ..

I feel as if it ain't real or it's a dream kinda. ahahaHA!

check check, id dis' ting on mon'?

hallo? hallo?

is not werkin mon'?

ahhhhhPuh.. is workin'..

It was a really hot mix and very over driven and IT KILL'T to be sure..

the vocs were clear and the radio compression HELPED it..

I was very satisfied with the airing.

it was so fokkin wild knowing a whole buncha folkes heard my stuff all at once. Kinda like a CONCERT! ahahaha!

I wonder if the station will get any feed back from this one?

thanks for lettin' me share!

P.S. did I mention I was ON THE RADIO!


Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Yeah I ain't QUITE DONE braggin' yet. ahahahaha!

A virtual stranger called me up yesterday and said he heard me on the Radio.him and nineteen hundred and ninety nine more give or take.

this cat is kinda retentive and remember'd everything the D.J. said and tol' me. it was so cool to A. have a respectful, friendly call from someone who would NEVER call me otherwise and B. knowing I ain't the only one that heard it.. makes it more real kinda.

It still feels fake or like a dream.. ahahaha!

Thanks for lettin' me share.

I'll see you on the RADIO!. ..

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by skipclone 1:

good stuff, big S-

er, isn`t that `I`ll HEAR you on the radio?`

I STOLE that line from a teevee dude. He still says it but he has more that goes with it. I'm sure he STOLE IT from somebody too.

I needed a confidence booster so I said, Iffen the Goode lord is a'willin' and iffen the creek don't rise and a'wash out the bridges,then I'll see you on the Radio..

I said it a lot and tried more than I've ever tried before.. And I got on the Radio.I pull't a laig muscle and went a little crazy and came most of the way back and it took all that to get my dittys ON THE AIR.. .

Instead of empty barstools and a chore playin' out I can share with literally thousands of goode folkes all at once by being on the Radio. Fok playin' out now.. ahahaha!I'm liein'!

I live to play out really..

I like the Excitement of playing out.

That D.J. CRASH talked me up like there was no tomorrow. that was way exciting. and a little embarrasing for some reason? ahahahaha!

I could'nt have PAID someone to do better..

Fok taxi and all them ripoff companies.

anyone willin' to work a little/LOTS can get a spot on the radio. lots of radios.. theys hundreds of stations that'll air US..

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Is this your fifteen minutes??


If this keeps up soon our skyrocketing forumite will live in a world full of groupies , endorsements limos, Crystal, springtime in Paris and first class plane seats.

How predictable and boring would that be?

Arrel as we know him would be gone forever.

"arrelZiggySpencer" - dont let it happen.


More seriously, congrats on makin the airwaves.

Check out some tunes here:


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Originally posted by kylen:

Cool! :cool:


Yeah - it seems arell is getting 20 or 30 minutes...you can have my 15 minutes too arell - not that it's mine to give but I'm not using it ! :wave:

For SOME REASON the D.J. likes a couple of tunes on that disc.

I'm sure I'm biased yet it seems to me that my homegrown stuff has more LIFE and SPEAKS VOLUMES compared to most of them other tunes.

hey and when He stops playin' this collection I'm just gonna hit him with some BRAND NEW STUFF. ahahaha!

Ten weeks so far and eight tunes.. theys twelve more tunes on that DISC and he ain't even got to the GOODE stuff yet.. ahahaha!

I ain't stoppin'.

I know out of two thousand listenin' heads that a few will like a given tune.

Crash has'nt said whether or not he's had any actual feedback but I hope to hear him announce something of the sort. the way he's talkin' me up somethin' has to give..

My main goal NOW is to get on as many stations at the same time as I can.

My secret Goal is to have ten of my tunes all in the TOP TEN and all my songs. all at once.

thanks for lettin me share.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by Kendrix:

Is this your fifteen minutes??


If this keeps up soon our skyrocketing forumite will live in a world full of groupies , endorsements limos, Crystal, springtime in Paris and first class plane seats.

How predictable and boring would that be?

Arrel as we know him would be gone forever.

"arrelZiggySpencer" - dont let it happen.


More seriously, congrats on makin the airwaves.

I ain't going anywhere any time soon. ahahahaha!.

I would have to be on MANY many stations folkes would have to be going GA,GA (which they ain't)and my jams will have to be way better produced for me to go to the next level, which I see as national radio.

that ZIGGY influence you smell is really booshie boy and BEEF.

I went an' larned how to play KING music cause of BEEF and boosh..

I tried my hand at makeing some authentic REGGAE and Ska.. I bleeve I suceeded.

Now I'm workin' on some appalaichin' music...


Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by bluestrat:

Good deal Arell!!


Glad to hear you're having some sucess. Now, when are we going to get together and do that thrash song?

Hey it's ALL the big guy in the sky.. I'm just along for the Ride.

THRESH SONG? Goode one. ah ha... yas.. hmmm..

I'm so sorry mano'! I uh, don' do throsh mon'...

The closest I can come is that song by that TRIO of angusites with that one song I larnt' uh um... I knew it when I came in here... wait a minute SOMETIMES I GIVE MYSELF THE CREEPS sometimes my minde plays tricks on me..

you know that song?

I done forgot it..

bout one more goode day of braggin' oughta' do it. yeppers...


me :(

me at night :bor:

me on the phone :freak:

me on the RADIO :freak:

me in person :cool:

not my thumb :thu:

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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sung to the tune of:the Twelve days of Christmas)

And on the Fifth day o' bragging

ol' rick was seen to say

crash was a'talkin'

me uh,uh uppen

on his local 99 show

oh wow this is easy

He AIRED HEY,HEY Girrrrrrrl

six songs it was

then it was seven

the eighth song followed that

nine-ty nine point five is the station

and I was aired on regional radi-o~



thanks for lettin' me share~

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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okay sunday is loomink.. uh looming

loom,loom loom..

loam, lime Niam leeesom..

Folkes keep askin' me how much I'm getting paid to be on the Radio.

ahahahaha! "nothin'"; I tell 'em..


I would almost PAY to be on the Radio.. awwww no I would'nt..


Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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HEY,HEY GIRL got aired this evening on 99.5 new bern N.C. wxnr

congrat's Arell,nice work.I thought xnr was in little Washington N.C.I did'nt realize you were from 'round her'.I work Wichards beach club often.Come see us if your in the area.
Live every second like your ass is on fire
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Originally posted by Magician:

HEY,HEY GIRL got aired this evening on 99.5 new bern N.C. wxnr

congrat's Arell,nice work.I thought xnr was in little Washington N.C.I did'nt realize you were from 'round her'.I work Wichards beach club often.Come see us if your in the area.
thanks, it's all GOD..

Far as i know, WXNR and CRASH the dj are in NEW BERN.. thas' where I send the ceedees anyway..


who do you work for when you work wichards beach club? I thank I tried to get a gig there . They play to fourty and over? do you work a lot?

what do you do?

I assume you're a band guy?

magic is way cool. This olde cat, who may have been a secret king from a sunken island, showed me how to palm a quarter. I ain't goode at it.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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ME :(

me after four cups of java :eek:

me sunday night at nine o:clock

ninety-nine point five. eff emm.. :wave:


I sure do like the excitement from the anticipation of gettin' some AIR

thanks for lettin me SHARE.. HeY THAT RHYMED!maybe i should be a poet. or a song writer?

oh wait...

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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