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The Streets?

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Anyone else digging Mike Skinner?


He's a rap/garage/electro guy.


Singing about what is going on in his life and, by extension, pretty much everybodies life.


But with a very English delivery.


I dunno, I've been listening to him for a while but I can't nail down the appeal.


He's kinda laddish .. a bit of a bloke with holidays to Ibiza, taking pills down a shitty club, he describes an urban life I know enough about to know that it's not my life.


Somehow the truth of his life is enough to connect with the truth of my life though.


Fucking funny too, when he wants to be, check out "Fit but you know it"


A definite one off. A lad who is a lad but is also enough of an artist to be objective.


No bling here.



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I would never have thought that the streets could ever be successful out of England. This is about as English as it can get. You don't drink 'beater' in the U.S :D
Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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Wouldn't be the first song that did well in the USA where you Brits said words that most of us colonists didn't have a clue what you were talking about. :)


I have not heard the song, but I'll check it out based on the great reviews you guys are giving it. :cool:

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Originally posted by Gord -B:

I would never have thought that the streets could ever be successful out of England. This is about as English as it can get. You don't drink 'beater' in the U.S :D

Yeah, but this is the San Francisco Bay Area.


We don't exactly follow the trends here. ;)


(i.e, we're all a bit odd)

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It was in heavy rotation on the Seattle "modern rock" station (a stinkin Clear Channel station dangit - aren't they all now here in the U.S.? BOOO!!) :cry:


Anyway, I thought it was a pretty funny tune - and a lot of us yanks do find those Brit colloquialisms rather amusing.


Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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its more popular in the states along the line of william hung, I say them on the carson daily show

one night and it was the first time I ever saw young girls not get it, everyone was staring with their mouths open and the group clearly new it, it was one of those rare akward moments that happens on tv. I wasn't too suprised though, england is a strange place for rapmusic, often the english rappers are least welcomed at home. most of the people in england feel like english rapping is like reagge music without a jamaican accent, and many many english rappers have lyrics

in their songs about not being liked as well as their american counterparts at home and not being well recieved here.

there is one guy right now who is finding some success stateside his name is dizzy rascal.


the last person with the most success from england

was and still is of course 'Slick Rick'. In Europe

the current hotbeds for hiphop are germany and france, reason being that they do more of their own thing than trying to sound like americans, for a long time this has held the english hiphop scene back as a whole. Also their is alot of stuff

coming out of ireland that really lends itself well to those that like the hardcore sounding stuff, again their accents really work well when conveying hardcore rap lyrics so it's not suprising.


on another note japan had a really hard time at first because they also to a large degree were trying to sound like americans and the hiphop scende almost didn't last there as the culture there is super quick with fads, in one day gone the next, but alot of their underground hiphop artist started to follow frances trend of really looking within rather than out and a thriving underground hiphop scene sprung into existence, also its one of the few places where breaking , popping, and locking are taken seriously.

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Originally posted by TeleCarlos:

Haven't heard it but by the press in the music mags, I think I would dig him.

well you know what the press says about britney spears, and you might wanna pick up j-los last effort, it won hiphop album of the year.

knock yerself out.

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