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Moving to Roanoke, VA

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Well, it seems to be settled: me, the Mrs., & the brood are heading to Roanoke. Got a job with a customer of my former company: a radio group that owns 5 stations (as well as a TV station elsewhere), and I will be their new IT/audio guy, as well as doing some audio freelancing now and then.


Seems like a good deal - we've actually been discussing it for a long time, but when I left the last job I pushed for a resolution, and they made me a good offer - so I'm taking it.


I'll miss Lee - we'll hook up sometime, I'm sure; maybe I can get you a gig hook-up in VA, and I know we'll be back here since both Audrey's and my families are here. But I'm looking forward to checking out some new dirt. :D


So: if any of you nutcases are ever up that way... :wave:

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Awwww crap! I'm happy you got a new job, and that part of Virginia is really beautiful... but I'm gonna miss ya!


When are you leaving? Gotta get together before then. Oh, and you might want to check the Guitar forum, there's a band in Roanoke looking for a guitarist. :D


Congrats and best of luck with this new opportunity!

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

When are you leaving? Gotta get together before then.

We're trying to get up there before Aug. 25, which is when school starts, so we can get Kaitlin set up in time.


Oh, and you might want to check the Guitar forum, there's a band in Roanoke looking for a guitarist. :D

Saw that...


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Good luck In Roanoke Chris. Virginia is a great place, I think you'll like it. I've spent a lot of time camping there. Check out Cave Mountain Lake, there's a great State Park there, and of course if you've never been to Williamsburg that's a lot of fun, I think, and The Shenandoah Valley is a very beautiful place.


I'll probably be running back and forth from Philly to Charlotte a lot, so maybe I'll see you somewhere along the way.

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