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I had a great night

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It's probably not significant to anyone but I had to share cause I feel pretty good. My cousin Jorie and her BF visited. Her BF is in a rockabilly band, looks like a cross between John Cusack and Norm McDonald.. all tattooed... but a really nice guy, solid guy. And we hit it off quick because of the music commonality, and he said I should checkout some Bowie and Bauhaus and Suzy & The Banshees stuff because alot of it is inspiration for what I'm already into...


Them 2, myself and my dad went to a place in town, Tom's Garage.. dad knew Tom from days playing basketball I think in High School.. my cousin Jorie asked if the place was hiring and wanted to hook me up.. she's insistent on me moving out and "getting out of that basement!".. said Seattle is totally my place, and her BF says Minneapolis would be a good start and he could help me. They're both moving to TX though.


I dunno... I guess hanging with these 2, and her BF Dave being a musician.. I'm starting to see like, doors open. I haven't seen that before. I feel inspired.

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Doors will open and doors will close. Which opportunities should you take? Which should you turn down? Life is nothing more than a very long series of decisions... I think I'm getting off topic. :freak:


However... it's cool that this has inspired you. Capitalize on that and be as creative as you can be right now, and each and every subsequent time you get inspired.


Good luck Phait...

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Hey Phait. A change of scenery can be the ticket to spark those creative juices and get you to really be devoted to what you want to do. I know from personal experience.

I grew up in SoCal, went to college and studied audio. After college played in bands, wrote a bunch, worked at a studio, dabbled in post production, but it wasn't until I moved out of state where things started happening for me. I was 27 when I moved and things have been great since. I guess I needed to get away and 'discover' myself. In CA I was hanging around the same people (not always a good choice) not really pushing myself to become what I really wanted. Came out to NC and by choice just started to devote my self to more practice time, more listening time, and just more quiet time. I discovered where my talents where and went for it. Now I'm in one of the best places in my life with my job and family.


So to sum it up. Some good things can happen if you get away from stuff that holds you down. Mine was drugs/friends and spinning my wheels not knowing exactly what I wanted.


Chris Groegler

Sound Designer,

Red Storm Entertainment

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That's cool. But without sounding like a stick in the mud, or your grand dad, you need to have a "business plan", at least in your mind, as to what you want to do and how you're going to go about doing it.

Set some goals so you can measure your progress. Be agressive, work hard, and good luck.


Sly :cool:

Whasineva ehaiz, ehissgot ta be Funky!
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Good on ya! :thu:


A little change of scenery can be a good thing. Often I find it hard to get out, get motivated, and get started. But once I DO get started, things seem to work themselves out.


I have to strongly agree with Sly. A plan is very good to have - even if it changes often. Sit down and dream. Think about what the very best outcomes could be for you. List them. Then go over the list and determine what you can make happen in the short run & what's going to take a bit more time. If you hit against some closed doors or get knocked down, get back up and keep going. It's so easy to say 'screw it'. If you really believe that the goals you've set for yourself are right for you - don't let other people talk you out of it. Lots of people who have failed in their choices want to bring YOU down so they will feel better about themselves.


Go for it, Phait. Come back here and tell us about it. You never know, your stories could inspire someone else. God knows we can ALL use some inspiration! :)


Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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