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A lot of page hits and downloads add up to a whole lot o' clonkin'...

I been gettin' a lot of traffic at my main statted sites..

THANK GOD for stats.. Thats the only way I know that the secret listeners are listenin'.

the stats have slowly been going up. download by download and one secret listener really likes reggae #17 he or she plays it at least four times a day.. almost every day..

to me thats kinda crazy.

but crazy in a goode way ,like when a man brings his wife flowers and she keeps them way too long till they are all dead and dried up and ugly and so she throws them away and HE brings her more.

crazy. but in a goode way..

thanks secret listeners..

thanks for lettin' me share.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by boosh:

I clonck it every day 'cause I want me to find reggae #1 to #16,....

Never found a link to them.

Hey hey Booshie man! say hi to rizzo and skipper for me..

REGGAE #17 is the "working" title and I ain't ever changed it cause I could'nt thank of a goode title for that particular song..

My tune REDVIOLETS began its life as SLIDE SONG in OPEN G but I changed it to the current title RED VIOLETS.

I have many tunes that have kept the working title simply because it's easier on me and no other reason..


TT song in A




to name a few..

Mostly I'll give it a working title and change it later on.


TOTAL 68 86 27

Thats 68 page hits,86 song streams and 27 downloads, so far this month.

not huge or great numbers but it shows traffic. and it's close to what my other statted sites are doing.

and it seems to be climbing from day to day and month to month with up and down fluctuations.

slightly higher every month.


it's kind of crazy to think about..

but in a goode kinde of crazy way.. .

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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MOMENTUM is the word I was seeking to say.

soundes latin don't it?


I ain't braggin or nothin'. uh...

oh wait... yes i am.. ahahahaha!

test,test... id' dis ting on mon'?


chock tost mon'?

why de werds be all like dot mon'? c'mon now!

I know i don' be a'tawlkin in thot fashion now.. ahahaha! ho.ho.ho...

awf.. tuhn awf..

awf.. awf... awwwf..

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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