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OT - How much time do you spend watching TV?

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Usually about 1.5 to 2 hours a day, with my guitar in hand, after the kids go to bed and I'm ready to decompress. With two small children and a full-time job that I'm at abou 50 hours a week, it's not like I can go out on the town any night I feel like it. I hate reality TV (except for the occasional episode of "Surviving Nugent") and I don't have the time to commit to hour-long dramas (besides, to paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, if I wanted pointless, occasionally trauma-filled stories, I have my life). However, I confess, I'm a sitcom junkie and don't even try to get me away from the TV during hockey season (fortunately, my wife's tastes are much like mine). Also, I'm a chronic insomniac, so whatever time I have that's not spent at work, watching TV, or with my wife and kids isn't wasted on sleep, and I read, play my guitar or drums, run, play hockey, etc.
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It's usually on in the background. My next full studio is going to be based around video instead of audio. I'll still have all the audio capabilities I had before, but Video is where I'm heading. So I watch to see how it's done.

I watched the first season of Survivor cause it was a new concept. I watched The Apprentice to see how Burnett refined his Idea.

Other "reality" I watch, "American Chopper", Paul Tuttle Sr. is a funny guy. "Monster Garage", Jessie James is a character. "American Hot Rod", Boyd Coddington is a legendary cat.

News in the morning and evening. Late nite if I'm still awake. Footbal (Bears), Basketball, Drag Racing, History, Discovery, BET, MTV, MXC :D etc, etc, basically whenever a commercial comes on I'm watching something else.

And I also pay attention to the audio and music, however crass, chopped up, and blatently overdone it may be. That's where I'm going, so I might as well be familiar with what's there.


Sly :cool:

Whasineva ehaiz, ehissgot ta be Funky!
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Catch the local and national news in the morning getting ready for work. Now and then watch a movie with the kids. I'm either with my kids, practicing, doing promo etc for the band, trying to keep up with housework, taking care of the pets, gardening, or getting out of the house on the motorcycle with Paul.
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I don't watch a ton of TV, but what I do watch is too much. I just think that it's completely passive entertainment, and I'd rather be practicing. TV generally seems to me to be a colossal waste of time.


But that's just me. YMMV. :D

**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Originally posted by antimatter:


TV was better when we had 13 channels.




Actually, many of the shows - the scripted ones, not the "reality" crap - that I've seen in the past decade have been really good. I really liked Homicide and ER, although I've only seen about 6 or 8 episodes of each.


I ENJOY watching TV, but if I watched it regularly, I wouldn't have time for anything else. The only time I watch now, I try to be exercising at the same time so I get some other use out of the time.


I'm not the kind of person who can have the TV on for "background noise." Background noise is a distraction. I don't want the distraction. If the TV is on, I get sucked into it, and I can't focus on anything else (except exercise).

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Maybe 4 hours a week...


We tape the shows we want to see, and fast forward through the commercials - so an hour-long show really is more like 40 minutes, so maybe I watch a little over 3.


I don't watch sports - I imagine that if I did, it would take a lot of time.


But I also don't agree with the sometimes assumed attitude that people who watch TV somehow are inferior to those who don't - I bet we all have free time that we spend on some sort of entertainment. If a TV show entertains someone, then it's their choice how they spend their time.


And while I like some shows/channels more than others, I don't look down on anyone for what they choose to watch, even if it's not my cup of tea (i.e. I don't assume that The History Channel is superior to reality shows - it's all entertainment).

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Lately...very little.


Someone else may have the TV on...and I'll pick up a few sound bytes as I pass on by heading into my studio or maybe while I have something to eat, Ill catch a bit of CNN or FOX News...

...but in the last couple of weeks...I think I sat down on the couch in front of the TV....like maybe 2-3 times late at night after some recording sessions...just so I could unwind for a bit...

...and thenI usually end up asleep on the couch 15 minutes later!!! :D


Hell, I don't even surf the net as much anymore when I am home...and its only like right now, while at my day gig, do I pop into the forums...though even that has slowed down for me.


Lately I have been quite busy in my studio working on some new tunes...and that always takes precedent over any TV.


Though every once in awhile in a six month period...I'll have one of those total veg-out days in front of the TV...and I'll just watch old, classic movies all day...

...same thing when I have company over...we might watch a couple of DVD/Pay-Per-View movies.


Prime-Time TV...what a yaaaaaawwwwwwwwn... :bor:

All the "reality" crap...yeah...I am quite amazed at how many people watch that shit religiously.

The woman I was going out with during the winter was a BIG Survivor/Apprentice/American Idol fan...and also those "makeover" and "bachelor/bachelor-ette" shows... :rolleyes:

Man...what a major drag it was trying to watch TV with her...but then, her and I are no longer going out!!! :thu:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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