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Wewus Does Philly

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Well this is a trip. I had my little California Adventure which was a lot of fun but... left me broke as shit, AND THEN, I came back to N.C. and started looking for jobs in my field, and scored big time.


I just looked at this employment package, and I should make about 75 GRAND a year. No shit, I should have done this a long time ago. The best year I had in N.C., on my own, I made Fity Grand.


I'm moving to Philly. What a trip.


Who knows what will happen? Not me, but....I know I'm good at what I do, and I've got some plans, beyond this, one of which is...to buy or rent some commercial property, and open my own CLUB.


The problem is, I have a real moral dilemma with this. Am I allowed to make this much money? Will The Philadelphians accept me as one of their own? If I open a CLUB there, will I be allowed to serve alcohol? :D


or will I have to just suck ass because I'm a newbie? These and more questions will be answered during.......... Daze Of Our Nubbies

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I've been dazed like a n00b for so long it ain't true


Whatever you do, WeMaster, we're rootin' for ya.


So get you a club, and let's see a pic! :D

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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You could become a driver for Erik's band, too, I bet! My girlfriend's textbook will be published by Lippincott there in Phillie the end of this month, they may be flying us out that way for a celebration, I'll see if I have enough time to look you and Erik up.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Good luck to ya! I'd suggest opening a club anywhere else but South Philly. In that area, you don't open a club, you walk around with one.


Oh, and if you become a Flyers fan, I'm afraid I'm going to have to get Tony No-nose and a few associates to pay you a visit.


Good luck to ya there across the river. I'll wave to ya the next time I'm in Trenton.


(name the club "Chez Wewus...Or Is It?")



Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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Originally posted by Flemtone:

Good luck to ya! I'd suggest opening a club anywhere else but South Philly. In that area, you don't open a club, you walk around with one.


Oh, and if you become a Flyers fan, I'm afraid I'm going to have to get Tony No-nose and a few associates to pay you a visit.


Good luck to ya there across the river. I'll wave to ya the next time I'm in Trenton.


(name the club "Chez Wewus...Or Is It?")



Tim from Jersey :thu:

:D Don't come all inflammatory with me Flemtone. I'll smack you down like you've never been smacked before, and....I've got some smeoples, to back that up!
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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Uhhhhh, more like..I could play keyboards or guitar, in Erik's band.

I was gonna say that, but I don't think Erik would want to share plankspankin' duties, and we both know how he feels about keyboards... :D


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Aren't you up there somewhere in the NorEast Phaeton?


Not exactly... I'm in Wisconsin, atm. The land of overpriced cheese and weak beer.


Me and you are two of a kind,


I am filled with such great pride and honour that you would say that. :D

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by Botch.:

Originally posted by TheWewus:

Uhhhhh, more like..I could play keyboards or guitar, in Erik's band.

I was gonna say that, but I don't think Erik would want to share plankspankin' duties, and we both know how he feels about keyboards... :D
Uhhhh, Erik is one The Original,Gods Of Rock, so that might have something to do with the way he feels about OUR music. I think he'll probably let me play guitar on a few tracks.
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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Ok, why are all of you'se guys sucking up for me? I don't need it. I've already got confirmation.

'cause we all want to borrow money from you.


(Bogart voice) "Pardon me, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?"




-Tim from Jersey

Play. Just play.
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I say you're not allowed to move to Philly until I get back there.


What are you up to? I leave California, you go there. You know I'll be back in Philly sometime, so you go there. You better not leave before I get back there this time!


Hey, plane tickets cost less than 75 Grand. ;)

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Bring a pair of sneakers to throw over the power lines. Hope you like soft pretzels. And watch where you step; they don't believe in curb your dog in Philadelphia.
There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Originally posted by blackfish:

well good luck with that!

me..my hands and feeet started to hurt after a few weeks, really screwed up my playing. hence the handgun. :cool:

A'ight thanks for the tip. I can shoot, I'll get me a little chrome plated .38... or something.


I prefer just to wail like hell on someone, maybe use a little Kung Fu, before I start shooting though.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Thanks Flem. Have you been to Rondo Music yet?

Yeah, Rondo on Rt. 46 in Totowa (or Wayne, I'm not sure). Strange place - one of the guitarists in my band was a piano-mover there for a couple of months back in the late '70s...


There are definitely better options than Rondo 'round these parts...their business ethics are, um, 'predatory' (to say the least).


Good luck!

-Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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