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OT: Hiking/camping/gigging the Smokies


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Any outdoor enthusiasts on the forum that live close to or visit this region? Not interested in the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge tourist trap stuff (other than moonshine tasting, of course ð) but in enjoying the outdoors on a budget. I've been coming to W. NC the last 20 years to visit family but recently have invested in camping gear and done some overnight backpacking- still very much a greenhorn but I love it, going off-grid, meeting people thru-hiking the AT that cover 15-20 miles a day in spite of being close to my age (60).


I've hiked around Newfound Gap and Bryson City and backpacked the Fontana Dam area. I intend to explore N. GA in the near future. Any Daniel Booner's out there? Would love to hear from you, thanks!

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I've thought about it. The sad reality is that while I enjoy camping (especially a camp fire!) I never can sleep. Doesn't matter what comfy air mattress or pad I use, though to be fair I don't like air mattresses and I haven't ever felt comfortable in a tent.


I have a similar problem in hotels, though not quite as much, so it's me and sleeping away from home more than the camping causing it.


Kind of sucks the fun out of the next day when you are completely groggy.

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Once upon a time I asked an old gentleman who watched our land in the NC mountains when was the last time anyone had seen a bear in the area. He made a face and said there hadn't been any bears since the late 1800s.


That was then, this is now.


There are at least eight or ten bears in NE Rutherford County NC, minimum. It's good habitat. They've moved down from the upper reaches, like Mount Mitchell, and are colonizing territory that hasn't seen ursine critters in the lifetimes of even the oldest people.


I've not come face to face with one, but the prints I'm seeing look to belong to 250-300# beasties so they're thriving. What with Covid and the loss of my daughter, etc. I haven't been camping in a couple of years, but the next time I go I'm taking bear spray because they've moved down as far as the gate to my land. The last time I camped the worst thing I had to contend with was a whippoorwill who perched on a limb just above our tent and sang all night long...loudly. Didn't get a wink of sleep. I think he was offended by humans in his domain and the tent color just didn't suit him at all. Annoying, but not the same as facing down a sow with cubs, which I did up in VA once.


Anyway, my point is to take some bear spray. They're up there and it's their land. We just think we own it.



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Bears took a fair bit of the fun out of hiking in Wyoming/Montana/Alaska for me. Just gorgeous terrain but we were told to keep making noise, a lot of noise, as you go, since surprising a bear is the worst thing you can do. If they hear you coming they have a chance to move off. Granted, I'm talking about grizzlies in this case!
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Thanks Grey, I'm pretty bear-aware but so far haven't encountered any. I'm careful to not have food in the tent and to use the bear cables at the campgrounds. Last solo trip I carried spray on my belt, unfortunately after 8 miles of hiking, the safety worked out and while pitching my tent it discharged on my arm and side. I didn't feel inclined to go down

to the creek in the dark to rinse it off the recommended 20 minutes but wished I had, it burned for over 24 hours lol.


@ Stokely, I don't always sleep that well either. But waking up in a backcountry campsite is pretty invigorating, makes me forget the grogginess. One thing that works in my favor sleep-wise, is being extremely hard of hearing. There's not much outside of thunder that will wake me or keep me from sleeping.


I envy those of you who live in the Southwest. While on the road in the 90's I hiked around Durango CO and the Sandia mountain outside of Albaquerque and fell in love with the country, Durango in particular.

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