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Just caught up with your reply to my car insurance woes on the "relationships" thread. Decided not to drag up that multi-page thing.


Seems your ex and mine might be related! The twist is, that even though I placed THREE change-of-address cards in the post office, some of my mail was STILL getting to the old place. Like bills and court appearance notices that she'd throw away instead of handing them over. Caused a lot of headaches.


But one day, as I was getting my windsheild replaced(that's another story, but unrelated to topic), I was chatting with the repair guy and all my divorce strife came up. After bitching about the hassles and bills, the guy said, "Yeah, I went through a lot of that, too. But what I learned over time was, bills are temporary. Get too wrapped up in them, and you'll have those ulcers and high blood pressure LONG after the trouble clears up. Ain't worth it, man!"


It was good advice.


At this end of the game, I find that I'm far better off financially, healthwise and socially than the ex now is. My daughter informs me she's STILL smoking crack!




And now, I'm off the subject. Better days for you are in my prayers, as I'm sure they're already here.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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