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R.I.P. Emmett Chapman

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Decades ago I saw Emmett Chapman at a music store presentation of his Chapman Stick. He played it well.


A friend of mine took to it and got really good at it. He was more or less a one man band. Then he was contacted by Worr Guitars and switched to one of those. There were some technical advantages to the Worr system, it was similar to The Stick but had better features and looked cooler.


Emmett was not real happy about that, so it goes.


I tried to play it but it isn't my thing. There's room for many different ways of going about things, Rest In Peace Emmett and thanks for taking some of us to a different place.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I actually bought a polycarbonate Chapman Stick back in the late 80's- I thought I could transfer my keyboard technique to it, but admittedly didn't apply myself to it. Emmett did practically hold my hand to help me get started, a wonderful, gentle soul. Very sorry to hear of his passing, but 85 is a life worthy of celebration. Here's the inimitable Rachel Flowers playing one for the first time...




A year later she was doing concerts with it...

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RIP Emmett. I jammed with him once & had a serious jones for taking up the Stick, but thought better of the necessary time investment. He was a very cool dude, very patient, seemed rather like a Hobbit, a unique inventor.


Nice. :)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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