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Solo keytar gig?! (LONG)

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So, got a band gig come in for the next few weekends, just standing in for their usual keys player, usual songs. Nothing particularly exciting or tricky - apart from some gig money, that's exciting! It's been a while!

Don't have a decent MIDI controller yet so using my SV1 with Mainstage.


Then the agent comes back and the client has seen a video of me on the keytar, harmonizing/doubling a guitar solo if it's the video I think it is.

They want me do to a solo set on the beach (sort of sundown time) before the band plays. No DJ (which would have been easy) so gonna get a DJ friend of mine to send me a 30 min mix of mainly bass and drums/perc/loops, and I'll play over it. It's not usually my thing, but, I'll give anything a go, and they've asked for itâ¦


I sold the keytar for rent when the old virus closed all the gigs down here, but they're willing to buy one. So, they're keen.

Agent, being an agent was a bit reticent paying me for the prep and another set in a different part of the venue. But, that's cool now.



Now for the opinions, if anyone is kind enough to share!


Mainstage (will import the track, probably with markers from Logic).

Anyone used the looping thing in Mainstage? Like I say, not really my thing, so haven't played with it.

Don't mind letting the track run thru, and it's one less thing to worry about.


a keytar (asked for a Roland AX-Synth (cause I used to have one), or an Edge)

I'd prefer to keep that for leads only. Pick a few sounds I like and run with them.


Deepmind 12 or a Minilogue.

They're not too heavy or big so don't mind carrying them and a cheap stand if I think it's worth it. I think an extra board to the side is a good idea in any case.


I don't have a looper, but would like to do some arps/seq bits live clocked to the track.

Mainstage plug-ins or use the DM12 or Minilogue?


For sounds, too (pads, pianos, stuff for arpeggios), run them from Mainstage or the hardware boards?


Don't have a decent MIDI controller at the mo.

So will probs end up using an iPad running Logic Remote for Mainstage to at least have a basic way to fade and mute stuff quickly if it all goes horribly wrong.


I have an XR18 or iConnectivity Audio 4+ to provide separate outs for the sound guys.


Can leave lots of space for 'da beatz' so I don't think I'll be under that much pressure to be button pressing and leaping across instruments in any great hurry.


Got all of tomorrow to figure this out and no more time till the gig. Luckily the phone has gone mad last week, for which I'm truly grateful, but, leaves me not a great deal of time to prep.

It's all doable, albeit overwhelming after 18months of hardly anything (only one week's proper work in August).

And, it's a first time for me, so I may as well get thru the first one, and sure it'll be fine.


(This gig is gonna buy an Arturia Keylab 61 and an 88. Really like them, and is a step toward a fully Mainstage rig)



Be glad to hear of any thoughts, disasters, hallelujah moments, and, of anything I've forgotten.

This is after 'the agent' said 'oh, just play anything'â¦



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Good luck Adam, sounds like they really like what you bring.


I'd probably run all sounds from MainStage, rather than have more to bring/setup. If it fails, the backing track is going down anyway, so no additional risk. With that kind of gig, having a "visible/prominent" laptop in front of you is not a big deal, so you can control Mainstage directly, rather than need an iPad.


Cheers, Mike.

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Thank you, Mike.


Yes, I think you're right with the laptop not being a 'thing'! I 'am' the DJ. And everything can stay wired so no wifi issuesâ¦

Just messing with the Arpeggio plug ins at the moment. I think I'll just take the Deepmind as a controller and set it off to the side.

Think people always like the one hand on the keytar, one off on another board look. Or they don't care, but, hey?


One thing I DID remember from my last keytar - straplocks are your friend!

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Know anyone with an Arranger Keyboard or an arranger module like the Roland BK7m.? Midi to it and just play over the Styles. Parts can be muted if you just want bass/drums.

Agent should defiantly be getting you more $ for the extra work. Good luck.

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Depending on your learning curve Mainstage will work well. But I've found the loop player a little harder to implement than it should. I know other folks who use it & like it- so hopefully they'll weigh in.


For something that's a little more akin to a flexible Mp3 player for tracks, Abelton Live is great but also takes a little bit to get around, and I think you said you're in a time crunch?


If you want to take the KISS approach: I'd just have tracks fired from any kind of mp3 player on phone, or ipad. Then play your sound sources from someplace else (Mainstage. Hardware etc.)

Any simple Mp3 player app that lets you do a playlist, would be an easy fix.


If you want a little more control, on IOS there are two apps I recommend:


Soundboard Studio is geared towards theater (how I first found it ) but works great for putting up a visual grid of loops, tracks etc, in a flexible grid. Dead easy to put together a performance. Much easier than trying to scroll through a set list. I use it for sound fx, pads, mp3s. My critical need is to have files fade out when stopped, and fire a cue/track with one finger.

https://soundboardstudio.com/. I bought before they went subscription (ugh!) but free version will probably work fine if your set list is less than 24 files.



ShoOne-Pro Backing Tracks. Lets you put together a set list with Mp3s & Wave files. You can change tempo, and pitch. Can add click track if needed. I use this a bunch when Abelton isn't practical. (for my intended use click tracks are needed- but you can turn them off)

Not sure if their website is down, just do a search. But the app is still active (just updated last week).


Good luck, sounds like fun gig!

Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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