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Thanks for reminding me about the Karaoke scene! It's indeed beautiful, filled with joy and friendship. Very often in this movie they act with the innocence of children, they just "are".


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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I borrowed a DVD from the library today: Good bye, Lenin! (rave reviews, I hope it's funny).


Actually, I borrowed a whole bunch of DVD's:

* The Beatles Anthology (I've seen it on TV already)

* J\'ai Été au Bal (I've got the soundtrack already. I also used to work with Beausoleil in the 80's)


Finally, I also borrowed some cd's:

* Syd Barret - The Madcap Laughs

* Carlos Jobim - Antonio Brasileiro

* Emmylou Harris/Linda Ronstadt/Dolly Parton - Trio Two

* Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris - Western Wall/The Tucson Sessions


That ought to keep me occupied & entertained for some time...


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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I avoid dubbed films at all cost. 99% of all foreign films are subtitled, same with swedish tv. I also have cable with many foreign TV & Radio channels, a few are subtitled (BBC Prime, Discovery, Travel Channel etc.)


But I also buy DVD's before they are released in Europe and then there are no swedish subtitles - this is not a problem, my english is good enough most of the time. Some films were they speak a heavy accent can be a little hard but I take that as a challenge!


Many of my friends speak terrific english but they still avoid films without subtitles. They also don't grind their own coffee. Lazy bastards.



My french sucks so I'm lost without subtitles, it's almost just as bad with german films (but I can often understand some of it), Danish & Norwegian films I can follow quite easily (I have worked a lot in Norway and Denmark, those 2 languages are somewhat similar to swedish - it's easier to understand in writing rather than when spoken)


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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In schools english is the 2nd language, everybody studies it from the age of 9 or 10 I believe.


Then, at age 13 you are offered to learn a 3rd language, German and French are most popular but you could also learn Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese etc. (what's on offer varies between schools)


Those that are really talented (=determined) can pick more than one from the 3rd group. Some students prefer to study something other than a 3rd language (I did that, I opted for more hours of art & music)


But, and this is probably not so well known outside of Scandinavia, there are many people from other nations that don't have swedish as their 1st language. Many of them have the option of studying their own language from grade 1 on. About 8% of the population speaks Finnish, wich is a very different language, and they can have all their education in finnish classes. Unfortunately, when they want to study at a university there aren't very many non-swedish options.


All universities in Sweden offer programs that are 100% in english and many foreign students travel here to study (and quite a few of their parents work for foreign companies, they stay here for a couple of years and move on).


Sorry for the long answer, I'm listening to Syd Barret while I write this...




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Another thing: I'm not typical. I've worked with foreign artists for a long time, often for long periods abroad (mostly in western Europe). I also moved to USA in the late 80's but moved back "home".


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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I can't believe that we've had so many topics in this thread and none have sparked an interest in others.. heck, even ColumBunbo has lost interest.


Bunny, okay Coppola didn't rip off Joseph Conrad, did he? I thought he cited "Heart of Darkness" in the credits of "Apocalypse Now."


Bunny how about this, you likey?



I know I do. :)

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BoMo, "Apocalypse Now" is definitely a loose film adaptation of Joseph Conrad's book Heart of Darkness; a trip up the river to find the mentally/physically ill Kurtz. Pretty much the same story.


If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend the film

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker\'s Apocalypse , which details the making of Coppola's masterpiece.



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Never will Hollywood not even Peter Jackson ever see a director like Francis because films like Apocalypse Now will probably never be made again because of the financial side of the business but Coppola was beyond a director, he was a master that had no hold on itself and without his belief and madness we wouldn't be blessed with this outstanding film. It's not a point that I am making it's a fact and it destroys me to think there is nobody challenging the ways he did anymore, but in a way I like it like that.


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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" Heheh... that's a funny joke, there, Mrs. FurryBongo.


Well, thank you for humoring me...


It's been most enjoyable. I'll just show myself out, now... Goodbye, Mrs. FurryBongo.


Oh, wait, there's just ONE MORE THING...


I asked you if you knew anything about the "disturbance" last Friday night, and you replied that you "knew absolutely nothing about the double-murder with a crowbar" last Friday night.


But... I never said anything about a "double-murder with a crowbar." Would you care to explain this little detail, Mrs. FurryBong?"


Well, cough, cough,.. Uh....err.... I must have heard something like that over the radio in my car as I was headed for the beach for the grunion run last night........

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