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Vote For Lee!

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You got it mostly right Neil. And there WERE quite a few things I'd left out, although most folks managed to read correctly between the lines.


Originally posted by fantasticsound:

It was my impression (if not actual fact) from what Lee wrote that there were two entities in charge at the regional contest. The promoters and the local judges they used in each venue.

Actually, there are two sets of judges: the judging panel from Little Steven's organization (Renegade Nation), and the local "celebrity judges." The way the regional contests are supposed to work is they are 3 day events. Each band competes for the first two days for the Renegade judges only, who pick four semi-finalists. Those semi-finalists compete on the final night, with longer sets, and the final winner is then chosen by the local judges, with input from the Renegade folks.


Miami, however, got "mysteriously" shortened from three days to one (which we believe the local club owner, who is buddies with the winning band according to a couple of the other local bands, was responsible for), and all the bands had to compete in the same night. And somehow it became agreed upon that all of the judges would choose both the semifinalists and the finalist, and there were more local judges than Renegade judges.


You pretty much nailed the rest of the story, although there were no other such screwups except apparently DC, which was also a one day event. The bands from the other cities are simply the other three semifinalists from each city who didn't win.

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Originally posted by pseudonym:

This thread has become an odyssey of weirdness. If you are so certain the whole thing stinks, why get involved in such a contest anyway? It must be really important to Lee for some reason and I gave her band a vote, but, uh.............................? :confused: Is there like a million dollar contract if you win or something? :rolleyes:

You hit the nail on the head pseudonym... regardless of what the prize is; this competition was important to Lee and that's what counts. Her determination to accomplish something for her band is where she gained the support from people who care enough to want to see her achieve her goals. The pay off/prize/reward/recognition, whatever it is, is completely insignificant to me if it helps her out.


When an attacker fails to use his real name, as in zzzzzzzzz, and continues to hammer on under disguise; I find no reason to take anything he says seriously. I personally can look at my raw log files and determine the IP address of anyone who has posted in this thread, as my avatar is hosted from my site, and follow up in many ways as to the identity behind its' use.


It's really something for some hot shot kid to come in here taking cheap shots at one of our respected moderators in efforts to degrade their credibility, while flying under a false identification.


To disregard and disrespect the input of our moderators, as three have spoken inside this thread alone, and to continue attacking; it seems that if one should feel that three of our leaders on these forums are shady characters, that they would not want to be a part of it.... If that's the case, then they need to exit. This zzzzzzzz guy is nothing but a TROLL and should be treated as such!!!!

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Thanks Neil, for the level headed reply.


It's unfortunate that things went that way (friends/judges voting for friends, what a concept), but I would have to agree with those who think that a contest like this is not worth lowering your standards or morals or sinking to their level. That's just the way I look at it, and if it had been me, I would have approached the whole thing differently.


I don't think this is anything like shoplifting food for your daughter, or anything close to that.


Whether people would have tried rigging the vote if there wasn't this "reason", I suppose we'll never know.


Anyway, as I already said, I am sorry for giving you all a hard time. If you look back on the thread, I considered keeping my mouth shut, but just couldn't resist. I felt there was cheating and hypocrisy going on, and I couldn't help myself. And, as I said, I think "my attack" is peanuts compared to the big world (and again, what I mean by that, for example, is the attacking that takes place here against bands or celebrities or whoever. I mean my "attack" is pretty nothing compared to that, yes?)

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When an attacker fails to use his real name, as in zzzzzzzzz, and continues to hammer on under disguise; I find no reason to take anything he says seriously. I personally can look at my raw log files and determine the IP address of anyone who has posted in this thread, as my avatar is hosted from my site, and follow up in many ways as to the identity behind its' use.


It's really something for some hot shot kid to come in here taking cheap shots at one of our respected moderators in efforts to degrade their credibility, while flying under a false identification.


To disregard and disrespect the input of our moderators, as three have spoken inside this thread alone, and to continue attacking; it seems that if one should feel that three of our leaders on these forums are shady characters, that they would not want to be a part of it.... If that's the case, then they need to exit. This zzzzzzzz guy is nothing but a TROLL and should be treated as such!!!!

How was I continuing to hammer? All I was trying to do was find out if I missed anything, and you're holding that against me?!? I don't believe I disregarded or disrespected anyone anymore than any disrespecting that goes on here, if anything, it was way less.


If you want to think of me as a troll after 7 pages, than feel free.


P.S. The funny thing is, I bet I'm the only one who listened to every single band.

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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Thanks Neil, for the level headed reply.


It's unfortunate that things went that way (friends/judges voting for friends, what a concept), but I would have to agree with those who think that a contest like this is not worth lowering your standards or morals or sinking to their level. That's just the way I look at it, and if it had been me, I would have approached the whole thing differently...

You're welcome.


Hope you caught Lee's addendum to my summary.


Lee is a normally level headed person here. We've had our differences of opinion, but I don't remember having the antagonistic back and forth you seem to elicit. ;) I doubt you'd agree, but perhaps you should follow the advice I constantly need to keep in mind when I post. Have you ever heard the carpenter's saying, "measure twice, cut once"? Mine is, "think twice, type once". :D Of course, I've been known to barrel through a post without ever taking my own advice. :freak:


You have a right to your opinion, but I think this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion. But that's not to say that I wouldn't want to do everything possible, short of highly unethical behavior, to get my band on a concert bill sponsored by the 30+ year veteran guitar player of Bruce Springsteen. That would be some accolade in my book, and I'm really not a big Springsteen fan. I applaud Lee for playing both sides of this game long enough for the judges to, again, re-think this wildcard.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Neil, I have learned my lesson once and for all (I hope). I agree, my position, too, has been blown out of proportion. Whether it's the way I phrase things, or whether it's my point of view, I'm not sure. Other people seem to get away with name calling, condescension, assumptions, attitude, sarcasm and other unpleasant ways of being. But they play the "friend" game, the "we're all here together, and we may not see things the same, but we're pals" game. And I don't. No doubt this bugs people, so when I disagree, it pisses 'em off!! :)


And I admit that Lee gets under my skin (sorry). And I admit that I get worked up (over stuff I really don't care too much about, like this contest, or SuperSize Me :rolleyes: ). But let me be clear, I stand by what I say, and I'm pretty sure I'm only rude when someone else is rude first (like when someone is ripping Britney apart, or like that Thomas dude :P ).


Okay, that's it for me. Oh, and for the record, not that anyone cares, but I voted for The Litigators. I thought the vocalist was pretty good, the feel of the song was pretty good, the solo wasn't too happening, but overall, it seemed to have something about it.

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I know I may just be a cat, but I agree with you that if your comments were about someone outside of the forum, they would be hardly noticed, but because they were about someone inside the forum, everybody jumped on you.


I also think that the questions you raised are legitimate, and it is a far more lively and interesting thread because you raised them.


My own opinion is that the contest is a mess, the stakes are not high, and the judges have shirked their responsibility. Assuming that no one used a forum or a script to harvest votes, I still don't believe the system would choose a band based on its merits.


The thing of it is is that it is a game, not a vote, and we are playing the game on its terms. The game is: "bring as many friends to this website and you win" NOT "the band to generate the most votes from random visitors wins."


Thus, while I think you raise a valid question, as I see it, the answer is that it is not cheating because we are not violating as much as embracing the rules of the game.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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The thing of it is is that it is a game, not a vote, and we are playing the game on its terms. The game is: "bring as many friends to this website and you win" NOT "the band to generate the most votes from random visitors wins."


Thus, while I think you raise a valid question, as I see it, the answer is that it is not cheating because we are not violating as much as embracing the rules of the game.>>


Give that cat an extra can of tuna!

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Originally posted by Duddits:



I know I may just be a cat, but I agree with you that if your comments were about someone outside of the forum, they would be hardly noticed, but because they were about someone inside the forum, everybody jumped on you.


I also think that the questions you raised are legitimate, and it is a far more lively and interesting thread because you raised them.


My own opinion is that the contest is a mess, the stakes are not high, and the judges have shirked their responsibility. Assuming that no one used a forum or a script to harvest votes, I still don't believe the system would choose a band based on its merits.


The thing of it is is that it is a game, not a vote, and we are playing the game on its terms. The game is: "bring as many friends to this website and you win" NOT "the band to generate the most votes from random visitors wins."


Thus, while I think you raise a valid question, as I see it, the answer is that it is not cheating because we are not violating as much as embracing the rules of the game.

Duddits, I may just be a troll, but I appreciate your post. If the many who jump on me would reply in this manner, none of these threads would go the way they do. On the other hand, eveyone loves a train wreck ;) .


Regarding the voting, yes, maybe this contest is poorly run, and probably, as in many things, the band picked would not be picked just on it's musical merits.


So people here were trying to take advantage of the holes in the system, OR, they were trying to show the sponsors the holes in the system. Depends on who you ask, I guess.


Most of the other bands either didn't know how to cheat the system, or didn't care, or were foolishly playing fairly.


But....my main point is/was...the big world doesn't necessarily pick bands just on their merits either. And many here seem to have a HUGE HUGE problem with that. So to see them react this way here, to me, seemed quite hypocritical.

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Oh, and another irony, is the fact that I then become mocked and ridiculed for being some sort of snooty uptight morally righteous lunatic, which is what I believe many others are on so many a thread other than this one, though they would never admit it.


If you erased all the threads where people were righteuosly condemning the behavior of others, well that would be a lot of threads erased.


Anyway, props and respect to you for at least giving my point of view a chance, and for

for having the cat balls to admit why you were voting the way you were (I noticed you were thinking others were probably doing the same, but no one took offense to that or vehemently disagreed, oddly enough ;) ).

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Originally posted by Thomas Wilburn:

I hate to revive this, but for someone who doesn't care what we think, posting twice in a row to trumpet your own superiorities is a little insecure.


But that's just me, and I'm crazy like that.


You are welcome to continue your argument with me by e-mail any time, but (cheap shots like this aside, and my apologies ahead of time for them) I'm not going to be replying in public in the future. You might want to consider the same.

For God sakes, this finally gets to a place of civility...?!?


Why do you care what I think? Why do you keep posting numerous times about me and what I do and what i say!?


I made some observations here, and I've been attacked as much as anyone, so I'm defending myself, and trying to make my point clear. I guess that's a crime, and cheating isn't. Thanks for the heads up, you morally righteous dude.


And again, most every thread should be erased, and these boards should cease, because 95% are people trying to prove their superiority, including yourself, Mr. Big Dog.


And did you notice, btw, how Neil and Duddits and myself were getting on just fine, mainly because they were at least willing to see my point without becoming insanely defensive, and didn't just jump all over me from the sidelines, like you did.


And why you would want to email me to talk about this, or think I would with you is truly bizarre.

If you can't answer this here, than I'm afraid you are out o' luck.

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How are we doin' on stamping out world hypocrisy, zzzzzzz?


Seems like we're falling a little behind.


Tell ya what, let's divide this up for efficiency's sake. You take the Western Hemisphere, I'll take the East.


Maybe we can get this done by the start of August. Or is that too ambitious? Whaddaya think?

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Originally posted by Bunny.:



I really don't think I can handle this job alone.



Sorry man.


I'm also going to be stamping out fake tits and television, so my plate is full.

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We could stamp out L.A. completely! Let's stamp out the entire universe!! That'll show 'em!!!




Bunny and I would like to thank you for coming to this last bit of mockery.


This fabulous performance has been brought to you by Dunkin Donuts.


Dunkin Donuts, delicious for breakfast, lunch,

dinner, or any time you feel like pigging out on donuts!!*


*Dunkin Donuts would like to remind you to eat 5000 calories of donuts a day and avoid exercise to maintain a happy healthy lifestyle.





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