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Vote For Lee!

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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:


If you have to enlist an army of anonymous internet posters to run scripts to get you the gig, you have to wonder why you didn't just get the gig without all that.


All the other bands were cheating, so this army was forced to against their will for the good of the music!!
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So there was no other recourse? Writing letters, emailing the sponsers? All avenues were completely exhausted before resorting to cheating for Lee's band just to let the sponsers know the voting system isn't very good?
If you had been paying attention, Lee plainly stated that she and others warned the sponsors about the holes in their voting strategy prior to any of this taking place. In other words, this effort has been an all out attempt to prove to the sponsors that the whole concept of online voting could be jaded unless provisions were taken to secure the environment.


Had Lee failed to communicate with the sponsors and just allowed the process to continue so that she could win the spot' I could view this as cheating. However, in notifying the sponsors about how inadequate their voting process was as what Lee did, and then SHOWING THEM, I don't view it as cheating at all. She was simply proving a point as to how flawed their system for voting was.




If you happened to miss Lee's post earlier, she has removed the script from her site and encouraged others to do the same. She, herself, has become frustrated with this whole fiasco in knowing that the decisions should have been left in the hands of the judges from the very beginning. I do not fault Lee in any way for attempting to call a spade a spade. If you have strings that you can pull to get Lee's band booked in NYC, perhaps it's something that you could look into if you haven't lost respect.


.... and zzzzzzzzzzz needs a wake up call if he believes that ANYTHING is fair about succeeding in the Music Business. Wearing a life preserving vest doesn't do any good when swimming in shark infested waters.

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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Originally posted by Anderton:


What's happening with Lee isn't as dramatic, but we're her friends, and we're not going to sit by and watch her get figuratively beat up by people who do script and cheat or whatever. I agree that it's wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right. But in this case, at least two wrongs got the judges' attention.

At least you admit that it's wrong. I believe you and Duddits are the only ones who are willing to admit it.


So there was no other recourse? Writing letters, emailing the sponsers? All avenues were completely exhausted before resorting to cheating for Lee's band just to let the sponsers know the voting system isn't very good?

I'm not sure why anyone would have an ethical dilemma with some bullshit contest like this, there are actually real ethical issues to deal with in life. This isn't one of them.


Zzzzzzzzz, the underlying issue on this thread, and throughout all your posts here, is your inablility to understand friendship, which to me says, you don't have any friends, and you're taking that out on us.


Go for it! I'm not sure if you know what you've walked into here, but, the people I've met on The SSS, and the other forums at MusicPlayer.com are some of the finest people I've ever known, anywhere, and I back them 100%, period end of sentence.


I don't have any moral dilemma with that, at all. If you do I suggest you take your immature, plebeian, rancor, somewhere else.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Originally posted by Anderton:


What's happening with Lee isn't as dramatic, but we're her friends, and we're not going to sit by and watch her get figuratively beat up by people who do script and cheat or whatever. I agree that it's wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right. But in this case, at least two wrongs got the judges' attention.

At least you admit that it's wrong. I believe you and Duddits are the only ones who are willing to admit it.


So there was no other recourse? Writing letters, emailing the sponsers? All avenues were completely exhausted before resorting to cheating for Lee's band just to let the sponsers know the voting system isn't very good?

I'm not sure why anyone would have an ethical dilemma with some bullshit contest like this, there are actually real ethical issues to deal with in life. This isn't one of them.


Zzzzzzzzz, the underlying issue on this thread, and throughout all your posts here, is your inablility to understand friendship, which to me says, you don't have any friends, and you're taking that out on us.


Go for it! I'm not sure if you know what you've walked into here, but, the people I've met on The SSS, and the other forums at MusicPlayer.com are some of the finest people I've ever known, anywhere, and I back them 100%, period end of sentence.


I don't have any moral dilemma with that, at all. If you do I suggest you take your immature, plebeian, rancor, somewhere else.

I'm sorry, but I really object to some newbie of questionable intelligence questioning my ethics. I've studied ethics, and philosophy, and psychology, and semantics, and occult philosophy, and a lot of other shit you've probably never heard of, and I'm sick of this conversation.


:D Ok, you're up.

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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:



If Lee needs a gig in NYC, there are a number of us who could easily pull that off, including myself.

To be clear, because you obviously haven't been following this: it's not that "we need a gig in NYC." There are certainly other channels we could go through if that was our only goal. This isn't a "gig" per se, it's a contest, and we feel it's a showcase opportunity for which is VERY unique. Unfortunately the only way to get this gig is through this bullshit process.


If it were an ordinary gig, we wouldn't be going through this. We certainly agree that it's ridiculous and pathetic. It wasn't even the idea of the people who organized the event (who are as upset about it as we are) - it was the sponsor's idea, driven by the desire to run up lots of hits on their web site. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Anderton:

One other thing: Lee, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that the wild card thing was put together specifically as an antidote to some other BS that went down. So for it to degenerate into a farce made the whole situation even more unfortunate.

Yeah, that's correct Craig. I wrote the whole story or as much as I felt comfortable telling, on the Band forum. The wildcard idea was very hastily conceived, to try to compensate for the fact that we and a couple of other bands got screwed in Miami at the actual contest. So yeah, the fact that this too has become such a farce is definitely unfortunate.


Latest update: it does appear we've accomplished SOMETHING in getting their attention, because the voting has stopped again. What they are doing exactly, and whether it will work, remains to be seen. :rolleyes:

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These threads about voting belong over in the Political forum.



I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Originally posted by Anderton:


What's happening with Lee isn't as dramatic, but we're her friends, and we're not going to sit by and watch her get figuratively beat up by people who do script and cheat or whatever. I agree that it's wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right. But in this case, at least two wrongs got the judges' attention.

At least you admit that it's wrong. I believe you and Duddits are the only ones who are willing to admit it.


So there was no other recourse? Writing letters, emailing the sponsers? All avenues were completely exhausted before resorting to cheating for Lee's band just to let the sponsers know the voting system isn't very good?

I'm not sure why anyone would have an ethical dilemma with some bullshit contest like this, there are actually real ethical issues to deal with in life. This isn't one of them.


Zzzzzzzzz, the underlying issue on this thread, and throughout all your posts here, is your inablility to understand friendship, which to me says, you don't have any friends, and you're taking that out on us.


Go for it! I'm not sure if you know what you've walked into here, but, the people I've met on The SSS, and the other forums at MusicPlayer.com are some of the finest people I've ever known, anywhere, and I back them 100%, period end of sentence.


I don't have any moral dilemma with that, at all. If you do I suggest you take your immature, plebeian, rancor, somewhere else.

Do whatever you want. And you can take shots at me all you want, that's what you always do.


I know you are all friends for chrissake, and if you think I give a fuck, your crazy.


My only point is the hypocrisy. It's obviously perfectly okay to judge people who aren't here. Say incredibly rude things. Make assumptions, insults, think the absolute worse, blame people, and generally rip people apart, as long as they aren't here.


But the rules are "different for us and our friends".


I could have said much worse on a personal level as far as Lee's band goes, but I never did (things that would be perfectly acceptable if it were about someone or some band that's not here).


If you don't like what I say, you can chose to ignore it, or not participate in conversation with me. How's that for a solution?


P.S. Have you noticed the only time anyone has a problem with me or what I say is when it's aimed at them? I could say Madonna is a big fat ugly lying cheating hosebag, and no one would probably even notice.

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HEY, there's an idea, let's fuck with people who aren't here.


Andrew Jackson, WHAT KIND OF A HARD ASS was he? They called him Old Hickory, how about OLD ASSWIPE!!!! :D


BECAUSE... he made The Cherokee Indians WALK their asses off. What a BASTARD!


Oh shit.......I think I'm having an ethical dilemma. This guy's face is all over The Twenty Dollar Bill, but I'm using 'em everyday!

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But you see, that's EXACTLY the point. At the original competition, it was clear the results were rigged. She probably WOULD have gotten the gig if it hadn't been for that, or maybe some other band would have, BUT I can guarantee that losing would have been okay with Lee if she'd known they'd lost fair and square. THAT'S what offends the sensibilities of the people here who are pulling for her; it's not about winning as much as it is about fairness within the competition.


Even the judges in the competition have admitted it wasn't fair, and I believe that our efforts here contributed to helping them reach that conclusion. As far as I'm concerned, that's mission accomplished...not whether she wins or not. And I guess it's mission accomplished for Lee, too, if she asked everyone to stop voting.

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That's true Craig. Lee IS honest to a fault, as the saying goes, and that's why I object to zzzzzzz giving her a hard time.


Lee is beyond reproach, as far as I'm concerned, and I will vote for her for President of The USA, as I'm sure you will.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

That's true Craig. Lee IS honest to a fault, as the saying goes, and that's why I object to zzzzzzz giving her a hard time.


Lee is beyond reproach, as far as I'm concerned, and I will vote for her for President of The USA, as I'm sure you will.

I don't think anyone is beyond reproach.


Sorry for the hard time, but would you agree that this is nothing, absolute peanuts, to what most in the public eye go through, here and all over?


And this is public, if just on a smaller scale, but still probably more important really than the big issues, in my opinion.


And I think the difference between the way people act in the big community is not much different than the small.

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Originally posted by Anderton:


At the original competition, it was clear the results were rigged. She probably WOULD have gotten the gig if it hadn't been for that, or maybe some other band would have...


Well, since I've gone this far down the road regarding this contest...want to fill me in briefly on how the original contest was rigged?
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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Originally posted by Anderton:


At the original competition, it was clear the results were rigged. She probably WOULD have gotten the gig if it hadn't been for that, or maybe some other band would have...


Well, since I've gone this far down the road regarding this contest...want to fill me in briefly on how the original contest was rigged?
Well dude, you can go to the 6th post in this thread to where Lee posted a link to the whole saga over in The Band forum. Some of us took the time to read it!!!
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Originally posted by Ani:

Well dude, you can go to the 6th post in this thread to where Lee posted a link to the whole saga over in The Band forum. Some of us took the time to read it!!!

Thanks dude! Wherever did you find the time?!
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Uh, that's dudette....


... and some of us have the intellectual abilities to SPEED READ, while also being capable of typing at 70+wpm. Perhaps you should take the time to read prior to attacking a subject that you know little about.

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Dude, I read the thread.


It appears that the local judges voted for some bands, and didn't vote for some others.


Then it goes into this whole online voting stupidity.


So where's the part about it being rigged?

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Originally posted by Ani:

Uh, that's dudette....


... and some of us have the intellectual abilities to SPEED READ, while also being capable of typing at 70+wpm. Perhaps you should take the time to read prior to attacking a subject that you know little about.

Thanks dudette, you've been a big help.
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Then suddenly, one of the promoters sidled up to us. "Listen guys," he said, "We're really sorry, there was a screwup. We couldn't override the decisions of the local judges, but we thought they were picking the wrong bands."
and also


And P.S., I'm really not TRYING to be cruel to you guys and leave you hanging - I woulda spilled the whole thing a long time ago but like I said earlier in the thread, there is some stuff that I don't know if I can tell yet, and we are still waiting on the word! So I'm trying to keep you as informed as possible, honest!
There were obviously discussions going on behind the scenes that led Lee and her band to believe that there was an investigation going on to resolve what appeared to be a screw up (as stated earlier). Having come from one of the promoters initially, that something had gone awry, there was reason for What the ??? to believe they still had a valid chance. We have not actually seen Lee post the behind the scenes discussions that took place, but some of us have also been around these forums long enough to trust in Lee's judgment.


Then when you get to this point...

So if we're going to get to the NYC show, it's gonna have to be via this wildcard "vote," which the judges have emailed us to say they aren't happy about. They said the current "front runner" put a link on their web site telling everyone to vote "early and often," and so of course it's going to boil down to whoever has the most "friends" wins. Which is not really a fair way to do it, and they acknowledge that, but that's the way it is.
First of all, WHY would the judges take the time to email a contender stating that they were not happy about the wildcard process, if indeed they could not care less as to who won?


Secondly, the judges must have wanted Lee's band to stand a fair chance in the running because they informed her band about unfair practices being used by other bands to boost their ratings.


It does not take a genious to figure out what's going on here; but some tend to have tunnel vision and only focus on one aspect of the whole picture.... CHEATING.


Had Lee not said a word about "fairness" and evening the odds with the "other guys", but instead just posted a link saying... "I need help folks, there is no limit on the number of votes cast!" No one would have thought anything about helping a friend out and they would have happily contributed to her welfare in succeeding. The fact that she was candid and explained what was going on, it caused folks like you to beam in on "BAD" and completely close out all the reasons behind what was happening.


If you are unable to look at the broad scope of things involved in this episode, then perhaps the music business is a bit much for you to handle at this point in your life. When you walk in slinging a barrel of bricks from your shoulder, attacking those of which you know little to nothing about; you won't make any friends in the business.


As for an earlier comment that you made about kissing ass; well, none of those helping Lee out are doing any ass kissing.... Most of us are accomplished in our own areas and have nothing to gain from helping a friend and fellow forumite out.

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This thread has become an odyssey of weirdness. If you are so certain the whole thing stinks, why get involved in such a contest anyway? It must be really important to Lee for some reason and I gave her band a vote, but, uh.............................? :confused: Is there like a million dollar contract if you win or something? :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by TheWewus:

I think it's been long enough on this thread that me and zzzzzzzz are friends, so I can just say, fuck you, you dumbass. What are you trying to prove? I think you're a dick.

You shouldn't be that hard on ani, she was just trying to help.
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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Thanks ani, again, you've been a big help.


Now can someone (else) tell me what happened as far as cheating went in the first round?

It was my impression (if not actual fact) from what Lee wrote that there were two entities in charge at the regional contest. The promoters and the local judges they used in each venue.


The promoters, although not acting as judges regionally, made it clear to What The? that they considered them one of the bands they (the promoters) would choose for their final showcase. Unfortunately, the promoters failed to forsee that the local judges would pick (and now I'm assuming) they're favorite local acts who were in the regional competition. Regardless of what bands fit the competition's host, Little Steven's Underground Garage.


What kind of debacle would have ensued had the promoters stepped in and changed the results of the local judges? So they lived with it, attempting to make it up to at least one other band by holding this wildcard vote.


So Lee, correct me if I'm mistaken. I just don't understand why this has become an ethical debate. The facts are:


1. Promoters picked local judges with their own agendas, not the best interests of the promoter.

2. At least a few bands not picked were the first choices in Florida, where Lee and What The? competed.

3. There must've been similar debacles in other cities. If not, why would the promoters have extended the wild card to all cities?

4. The wildcard vote was a rushed, ill conceived idea because it was inherently unfair and had numerous ways for participants to stack the deck in their own favor with no thought of which band most deserved to win.

5.In order to participate (and knowing the promoters WANT What The? to succeed) Lee suggested we fight fire with fire. Of course, the judges probably have a vested interest in several of the bands listed, so the results shouldn't matter too much to them. The integrity of the contest does, however, so right now they're in a bind how to pull another good band in without appearing to be doing an end run around the regional results. (Something I bet they wish they could do with some or all of the wildcard bands. ;) )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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