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Voting off the Island...

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Don't bother with that stuff, be like the brave Henry Robinett & walk the plank!


Seriously, with the advent off the recent "just the facts, Ma'am" forum that Craig's extablished & the socio-political debates to the Political forum, how long 'til this becomes the Isle of the Damned to Trivial OT?

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Originally posted by Michael Jackson's real nose:


Seriously, ...

Now that's funny! :)


Btw, I don't think Henry bravely walked the plank, he sort of went kicking and screaming.


I think it's braver to say, "anyone want to chop my head off, here's the axe!"


Did you vote?

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Outta my way, dead man. ;)


ZZZZZ, nobody made Robinett, any kicking & screaming was only to draw attention to his exit. Speaking of which, have you taken up the "Hound Dog Banner" insofar as using an avatar so wide it reduces your posts to a narrow strip down the side of the page?

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Originally posted by Michael Jackson's real nose:

ZZZZZ, nobody made Robinett, any kicking & screaming was only to draw attention to his exit.

And that's brave?


Speaking of which, have you taken up the "Hound Dog Banner" insofar as using an avatar so wide it reduces your posts to a narrow strip down the side of the page?
I switched again.
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