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Any PreSonus Sphere or Studio One people here?

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I just signed up, and want to see how the workspaces thing works in terms of collaboration. I can also invite anyone with a PreSonus account and Studio One, whether they've joined PreSonus Sphere or not.


Any volunteers?

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I've only tried Studio One briefly back when it was fairly new. It may have been a copy that came with the Presonus SL1642 I bought several years ago. I'm hoping that later this Summer or perhaps by Fall when I get moved and settled in I'll have the time to explore some new programs.
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I gotta admit, I like Studio One, but the PreSonus Sphere thing surprised me. I'm not sure PreSonus has communicated properly what it's all about...they say it gives you access to all their plug-ins and content and such, but it's a helluva lot of stuff.


I work with a singer/songwriter in LA, she's pretty awesome. I mastered her last album, and she happens to be a Studio One user. Turns out I can invite her to my workspace for collaboration, she doesn't need to be signed on to Sphere as long as she has a PreSonus account. So I'll start by checking it out with her.

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I gotta admit, I like Studio One, but the PreSonus Sphere thing surprised me. I'm not sure PreSonus has communicated properly what it's all about...they say it gives you access to all their plug-ins and content and such, but it's a helluva lot of stuff.


I agree. When I was doing things for PreSonus, PreSonuSphere (no space) was an excellent user's conference that went on for, as I recall, three years, before it was dropped. I was one of the instigators of the event. The current PreSonus[]Sphere seems to be a bunch of stuff lumped together - regular updates to their software products, some sort of collaboration system that's not the same as others, and a monthly fee.


Please, when you get a better feel for what it is and isn't, clarify it for us and them.


Is PreSonus running out of clever names? We have a (practically) re-use of PreSonusphere here, and from their first StudioLive console, we have the "Fat Channel," which is what Mackie named the EQ/Dyanamics/Effects section of their d8b console - 10 or so years before.


So this afternoon I was going to install the free version of Studio One and see what I could figure out but it told me the program required Windows 10 or later. Fuggum!!!!

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The current PreSonus[]Sphere seems to be a bunch of stuff lumped together - regular updates to their software products, some sort of collaboration system that's not the same as others, and a monthly fee.


PreSonus Sphere doesn't seem to be related with the event, I think they liked the name and wanted to recycle it. :)


My initial take (which will likely change over time as I get deeper into it) is that it's a way to get people hooked on the Studio One ecosystem. The math is compelling. If you pay $14.95 a month, you have instant access to Studio One 5 Pro, Notion for scoring, all the PreSonus plug-ins, all the PreSonus add-ons, and a bunch of content. I don't know what that adds up to, but it's probably well over $1,000...I'd guesstimate maybe $1,200. The program by itself costs $399, which represents over 2 years of paying $14.95 a month. If someone getting started has a choice of Pro Tools for $30 a month or PreSonus Sphere for $15, you get a lot more IMHO for half the price.


So suppose you're just starting off in music. You pay your $14.95, and now you have a complete studio, except for an interface - not just a DAW. You don't have to save up the bucks, or buy things piecemeal and end up having it cost you more. 30 GB of cloud storage isn't a lot, but it's not a little for Studio One projects, either. Also, it's integrated in the browser, so you don't have to go to the OS or a particular site to grab or save data.


The other reason I think it's aimed at those starting out is the online tutorials and Q&A sessions, as well as peer-to-peer support. Once I start collaborating with people, I'll have a better idea how the collaboration tools fit into the picture.


You activate Studio One 5 with PreSonus Sphere, so I get the sense that once you get into PreSonus Sphere, you need to stay there. So the question is after the "Big Bang" of gear for cheap at the beginning, whether you're still going to be happy paying $15 after you've paid the equivalent of $1,200 in monthly fees (assuming my total cost of goods is correct). That works out to over six and a half years. But when you're halfway through year six, by that time, there have probably already been at least 3 paid updates, so now your cost of doing business has become less. And I don't think they'll stop generating plug-ins and content, so you'll keep getting those, too.


I dunno...unless you don't want anything other than Studio One because you have plug-ins suites from companies like NI, IK, and Waves, it seems like what they're doing offers a whole lot to people starting out, at a minimal cost. Normally, I'd think it's crazy, because they would have to get a lot of new users to justify that kind of pricing ("what we lose on each sale, we'll make up in volume"). But, once someone becomes pulled into the PreSonus ecosystem, they'll want to buy a PreSonus interface because of how well they integrate with the software. And they'll need monitors, mics, and headphones, which PreSonus also sells. If they can ever gig again, they'd be crazy not to get a PreSonus mixer, because of how it integrates with Capture and Studio One.


Once people start to figure out what's going on and PreSonus Sphere reaches critical mass (however that looks to the company), it wouldn't surprise me if a couple years from now, they raise the price to $19.95, but grandfather people in at the existing monthly cost. It would still be a helluva deal, and you'd be getting more stuff by then.


FWIW, this was written without any input from PreSonus. They may have an entirely viewpoint on what PreSonus Sphere is all about.

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PreSonus Sphere doesn't seem to be related with the event, I think they liked the name and wanted to recycle it. :)


Either that or they had a brainstorming session and someone who didn't now about the user's conference came up with the name, and they said "That's a great name" perhaps not even thinking about the conference with essentially the same name. But they both involved collaboration and PreSonus software and hardware.


My initial take (which will likely change over time as I get deeper into it) is that it's a way to get people hooked on the Studio One ecosystem. The math is compelling. If you pay $14.95 a month, you have instant access to Studio One 5 Pro, Notion for scoring, all the PreSonus plug-ins, all the PreSonus add-ons, and a bunch of content. I don't know what that adds up to, but it's probably well over $1,000...I'd guesstimate maybe $1,200. The program by itself costs $399, which represents over 2 years of paying $14.95 a month. If someone getting started has a choice of Pro Tools for $30 a month or PreSonus Sphere for $15, you get a lot more IMHO for half the price.


Yeah, but you don't have Pro Tools. That may not be important to some, but it may become very important to some after they start getting some outside work. But two years is a good amount of time to commit to a software system. It's enough time to learn about all you'd ever need to know about it, become fairly efficient working with it, and maybe you're making a little money. But two years is also a good time for some users to jump into the big pond. I wonder if Avid will offer a crossgrade price to Spheroids. ;)


So suppose you're just starting off in music. You pay your $14.95, and now you have a complete studio, except for an interface


And PreSonus will happily sell you one of those, too. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't come up with a couple of bundled prices for the first year, maybe knocking 20% off the price of the interface, and perhaps some other things you'll need if you're setting up a studio for the first time. There's generally a few features in Studio One that are enhanced by having a PreSonus interface (or vice versa), and from my foggy memory, Studio One and a StudioLive console integrate well to make a REAL workstation.


I see you got into this further on.


30 GB of cloud storage isn't a lot, but it's not a little for Studio One projects, either. Also, it's integrated in the browser, so you don't have to go to the OS or a particular site to grab or save data.

That would be plenty for me, but video projects can add up faster than music. Is it the integration with Studio One's browser? I suspect that's what you meant, not just whatever browser you use for Facebook and stuff.


Do people still follow the rule of Keep your DAW off the Internet as much as you can?


Once people start to figure out what's going on and PreSonus Sphere reaches critical mass (however that looks to the company), it wouldn't surprise me if a couple years from now, they raise the price to $19.95, but grandfather people in at the existing monthly cost. It would still be a helluva deal, and you'd be getting more stuff by then.


Or maybe it'll go the other way - you get whatever they come out with until the end of your current year and a license to continue using the version of the software that you currently have, and then you're on your own.


Does anyone remember what happened with Adobe Audition when they went to a subscription model? I knew a lot of people who used Cool Edit and Cool Edit Pro and followed it to Audition. It was the program of choice for broadcasters, but nowadays I don't know anyone who uses it other than a couple who still have it from when they worked at a radio station or took classes in broad cast production.



FWIW, this was written without any input from PreSonus. They may have an entirely viewpoint on what PreSonus Sphere is all about.


Better watch it or they'll offer you a job as a vice president. ;)

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Time for a follow-up...I've opened up a workspace with Silvia Gol, and so far the process is pretty smooth. You can download files brought to the workspace, but you can also play them, or click on "details" and see the waveform as well as play it selectively. One of the coolest features is you can click on the waveform, and enter a comment like "bring the voice up here" or whatever. You can also create discussions about individual files, as well as the project as a whole. It's actually much more evolved than I expected.
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While the subscription price seems very attractive I am assuming you don"t get local copies of everything and so you can only operate with internet access? That might seriously cramp my style.



I just added a Presonus interface to my gear because of its extremely low latency and got a copy of Studio one (lite) included. I haven't really tried it yet as I"m dreading switching over from a Daw on which I have thousands of hours of experience. However Studio One does have some very interesting features my other DAW doesn"t have. I need to get the whip out and fire it up.

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While the subscription price seems very attractive I am assuming you don"t get local copies of everything and so you can only operate with internet access? That might seriously cramp my style.


Actually you do get to download everything. And of course, when you're in the workspace, you can download/upload files.

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