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NAMM Amp Sim Seminar Archived Online

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(edit) The seminar is still available at the same URL used for Believe in Music. Not sure how long it's going to stay up there, but I've heard it might be through the end of February.


Come to my free seminar, "Amp Sim Secrets: Tips and Techniques for Terrific Tone" Jan 21, 1:45 PDT as part of NAMM's "Believe in Music" week. Register for "virtual NAMM" (it's free!) at NAMM.org. When it's time to go to the seminar, click here.


See you there!

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Last minute but I logged in easily. I even used my Kuru Prionz account, not a problem. Saved my password and looking forward to checking out your seminar.


My first online seminar and it's been decades since I went to NAMM.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I'll see about getting signed up, sadly work may get in the way. I did manage to spend some time logged in and looking around yesterday. I signed up for a couple of the giveaways, watched a unique band perform at the main screen and participated in a presentation on the Martin David Gilmour signature D-35.


ETA: I did get signed up and accounting for the two hour time difference I believe I'll be able to attend.

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Nicely done!


The last segment is something I've experimented with, I recorded a direct clean guitar track and copied/pasted 8 more tracks. I blended the clean track with 2 different amp sims, panned about halfway left and right.

I had a pair of de-tuned tracks, one sharp and one flat - panned all the way out. And a pair of clean tracks with reverb - the mix knob was all the way to reverb and two different plugins. Last but not least, delays, one clean and one dirty - just delay and two different speeds both synced to the tempo.


That sounded pretty big, maybe it would be the only guitar track since it took up so much space. Part of the fun was automating the volume and panning of all the tracks so the sounds flowed from one to the next. Setting it up to get bigger as time went on was pretty nice.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Well one thing I learned is you can fit a lot more people in a virtual space than a physical one!!





Upside is people talking is only audible to themselves.

Downside is no applause.


Depending, have a Q&A could easily burn up way too much time!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I learned some new ideas. Guitar is my primary instrument so it's good to have more tricks. I do appreciate that. I also appreciate that your videos are very straightforward and easy to understand, and that you mention a good range of vendors for the software - an area that can't be dealt with specifically without losing most viewers. We've all got our favorites (or the goodies we dislike least!!!!).


I almost never have a "sound" in mind for electric guitar. Acoustic guitar is different, I love it to sound like it sounds, be it steel or nylon strings, 6 or 12. That said, I've been meaning to see how close to an organ sound I can get by adjusting the transients on a 12 string in Eventide Physion and tossing IK's Leslie on after that. Maybe it needs a bit of Fender tweed Deluxe grind to complete it, I've got a couple different ones in Amplitube. Sometime soon I'll find out.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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That said, I've been meaning to see how close to an organ sound...


Or perhaps 10 years from now, organ players will be saying "I've been meaning to see how close I can get to a KuruPrionz sound."

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That said, I've been meaning to see how close to an organ sound...


Or perhaps 10 years from now, organ players will be saying "I've been meaning to see how close I can get to a KuruPrionz sound."




I should have all sorts of interesting things going on by then. Your "making drums pop" thread gave me a new idea to try too.

This computer world we live in offers infinite possibilities and at the same time the "real world" brings us things in abundance if we keep our minds open.


Tones are no substitute for composition or arrangement but they often provide useful suggestions both overt and subliminal.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Tones are no substitute for composition or arrangement but they often provide useful suggestions both overt and subliminal.


And spices are no substitute for high-quality food, but they sure make the food taste more interesting :)

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I was able to attend, I had the idea it would be a live presentation but really enjoyed the content regardless.


I was surprised to receive a "connection request" in my email today and I'm not quite certain what to make of it considering I'm just a dude that creates some backing tracks for my husband & wife duo.


"Hi, I do a NAMM "Believe in Music" media coverage and would like to include you in one of our interview / programmer specials."


Anyone else get something like this?

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I was able to attend, I had the idea it would be a live presentation but really enjoyed the content regardless.



Glad you liked it! There was the chat element, but it seems people were more interested in watching the videos than chatting...which is fine with me.

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Glad you liked it! There was the chat element, but it seems people were more interested in watching the videos than chatting...which is fine with me.


That's just the thing that turned me off to the BinM presentations and what I miss about not having a live show - I want to look, feel, and ask questions, not watch a canned presentation.


That being said, I did watch most of the intro to MIDI 2.0 that you (Craig) narrated, and I thought that was a pretty good introductory tutorial. Did you write it? If so, good job, and the kind of thing that I expect from a Craig Anderton production. But I'm old school - I'd rather read a print article that I can re-read as I go rather than have it all blasted to me at once and hope I absorb it.


Time to write MIDI For Musicians 2nd Edition!

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That's just the thing that turned me off to the BinM presentations and what I miss about not having a live show - I want to look, feel, and ask questions, not watch a canned presentation.


I hear ya. I don't think the online/interactive thing is there yet - there were 550 people registered for the seminar, so even if only half of those showed up, I don't think anything like Zoom could handle it...and if it could, I'm not sure the internet bandwidth could.


Maybe the solution is to have meeting software with unlimited chat for people to ask questions, then if the presenter clicks on a question, you engage in a conversation with that person. Or if people can give a thumbs up to the question, they can be brought in too.


That being said, I did watch most of the intro to MIDI 2.0 that you (Craig) narrated, and I thought that was a pretty good introductory tutorial. Did you write it?


Yes, I never wing it with narration. It's odd, because I'm totally comfortable with off-the-cuff talking at seminars. But for video, if I don't follow a script, I'm useless.


I'd rather read a print article that I can re-read as I go rather than have it all blasted to me at once and hope I absorb it.


Some things can work for video, but for anything that requires depth, I prefer print. I think perhaps one reason my eBooks have done well is because they're pdfs. People can load them into a tablet or smartphone, and read along while they do things on their computer screen.


Time to write MIDI For Musicians 2nd Edition!


I'm hoping to have that out 3rd quarter 2021...fingers crossed.

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