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Avast AVG & Windows - Heads-Up

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This is apparently a pretty common problem...Windows won't update to 1903 if an older version of AGV anti-virus is on your system, so it says you either need to update it, or uninstall it. Fair enough, except I never installed AVG on my computer. I couldn't uninstall something that wasn't installed.


None of the following worked: Downloading a new version, uninstalling the new version, using the AVG Clean and AVG Remove tools, even going into the registry and removing all things AVG (and there were quite a few things left in there, even with running the so-called "clean" and "remove" programs).


It turns out that on a non-system external drive, I had a copy of the hard drive from my mother's old computer. She had AVG on it. I deleted the AVG folder, and the Windows update continued.


The only reason I was able to fix this was an obscure post in a thread filled with unhappy people who couldn't update, and tried all the standard "solutions."


Given that this seems to be a common problem, you'd think that on the screen alerting you to the problem, Microsoft could include a notice that says "and make sure you don't have any AVG-related files on any external drives."


That may be an unreasonable expectation, because who knows how many weirdass corner cases crop up during an update, and how many Microsoft employees are paid to track down issues involving interactions with software from other companies...


Speaking of which, I ran a check on my MacBook Pro to see how many 32-bit apps remained. Only Microsoft Office, and hey, I can just use LibreOffice. So it's okay to upgrade, right? Well, there sure were a lot of 64-bit programs from companies sending out emails saying "don't update to Catalina, whatever you do."


Can I still get software for my Atari 1040 ST?





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I do have AVG on a computer that was updated to Win10 a few years ago. The Win10 install kept aborting, and it turned out that if you had AVG in 'turbo mode", this was causing the issue. I didn"t think I was using 'turbo mode," but when I checked it was on in AVG. probably hit the button by accident. Turned it off and Win10 installed normally.


How old a copy of AVG causes this newer issues? Any AVG I have is at least 3 years old. Guess I might find out, as my wife"s laptop needs updated from 7 to Win10 soon. And her copy of AVG is at least 6 years old.

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I had a some problem with WIn10 early on with a PC that had an external drive enclosure. I would swap out the actual drive in the enclosure for various purposes from time to time (back ups, different sets of samples, trying to find some old program or file, etc.). Win10 had fits with those external drives changing around - I had hangs, crashes, all sort of irritations.


I hunted all over the boards and MS help and had to laugh because one official MS moderator-type said the preferred methed to run Win10 was with only a single HD (and told the specific user being answered was that was what they "ought" to do, get rid of any and all secondary drives.)


Win10 seems to handling external drives much better now (the anecdote above was from early-on in the life of Win10). But even so, when I swap external drives in and out. sometimes Win10, in file explorer, just won't pick up the newly swapped-in drive and I have to maybe reboot a time or two to rattle Win10s brain enough to wake up and see the new drive.


MS sometimes fails OS 101. Well, they're new at all this, right? So a few bumps in the road should be expected.






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I hunted all over the boards and MS help and had to laugh because one official MS moderator-type said the preferred methed to run Win10 was with only a single HD (and told the specific user being answered was that was what they "ought" to do, get rid of any and all secondary drives.)


There was a recent update where the update would fail with certain USB drives attached. It was fixed in the next patch, but still...and I have to say, some of the "advice" in the Microsoft support forums sounds like it's generated by a machine with AS (Artificial Stupidity).


Win10 seems to handling external drives much better now (the anecdote above was from early-on in the life of Win10). But even so, when I swap external drives in and out. sometimes Win10, in file explorer, just won't pick up the newly swapped-in drive and I have to maybe reboot a time or two to rattle Win10s brain enough to wake up and see the new drive.


I use a lot of external drives, and don't have similar problems. Worst case is I need to unplug the USB drive and plug it back again. I think some of this relates more to waking up the USB ports than anything else.



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There is an advanced USB setting under Power. By default USB is allowed to shut off ports not being used (presumably to reduce battery drain on a notebook). Problem is that the device on the port doesn't get detected again when something needs it and the device is connected. I had problems on a remote site - machines using external USB drives for automated backup with Acronis. External drive would disconnect randomly. Turned off the ability to shut down the ports, no more problem.

I do have archival versions of AVG on this computer, under my Patches directory. None older than 2013 (kept because there were clients using them, I removed AVG on all Win 10 machines and now use a combination of Microsoft's own Security and the premium version of MalwareBytes). However, AVG free is still on my Windows 7 boxes (kept to run some older DAW software and a BMW program for wiring diagrams and parts ID, which runs fine there but not on new Windows). Have had no problems upgrading to 1903.

I have found that 1903 (and some earlier versions) seem to install with less trouble when I DL the latest version of Microsoft's Windows 10 Update Assistant, and use that to start the process. Don't know exactly why, maybe it makes some checks that are otherwise not made.


I have mappings to external computers, a Network Attached Storage unit, and some USB drives which aren't permanently installed on my business & home network - but no issues other than having to reset them when a computer is rebooted (if I set to automatically re-make the connection, it shows made but un-accessible)

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