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Dual Hammonds!

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On my recent posting about my Hammond M3 Chop from the early 80's, I'd posted this:


"...I'd built it for use in my band at UMass Amherst, where we also used our bass player's M102; so I played keys with the Crumar string machine on the M3 on left, with the PA mixer and a Mini-Moog on top of the M102 at the right (with an L-shaped setup), and I also played the trumpet on a few Chicago tunes too. But boy, that was a lot of fun lugging all that gear around!"


And on a reply to that, there was this...


You're saying that you would gig with TWO Hammonds onstage? Must have made quite an impression!


Well, I finally found an old picture of the dual Hammonds we used back at UMass, and although it's grainy and has an old tape mark on it, you can see it matches the L-setup noted above. What you don't see though are the dual Leslies -- my Leslie 145 (with a 147 preamp) and the bass player's Leslie 147. His was a brown wood finish, while mine was painted black like shown on my earlier posting. [Edit to add] Oh yeah, I also had 2 Peavey mid-sized speakers for the PA system too.




Gee, maybe I should have titled this "duel" Hammonds, as I would often trade licks on the keys of one with keys of the other -- and it sure got crazy at times!


In 2 weeks, I'll be jamming with a drummer friend from Montreal (on an extra day tacked onto a business trip) and I'll only need to lug up ~120 pounds of gear. Playing those dual/dueling Hammonds sure was fun back in the day -- but that was A LOT of gear to be lugging around...


Old No7

Yamaha MODX6 * Hammond SK Pro 73 * Roland Fantom-08 * Crumar Mojo Pedals * Mackie Thump 12As * Tascam DP-24SD * JBL 305 MkIIs

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Hooray! Proof! One of my favorite tricks that I"ve been working on is playing a 'dueling' solo with myself â my funk band has a song where I trade licks on organ and Seaboard (in A minor no less!) and I"ve really been enjoying learning to work out some faux-Bach improvisation between my left and right hands.


But my boards aren"t nearly that heavy!

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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