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Getting an iPad for Christmas


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I am replacing my old and outdated iMac, and get an iPad. Actually, my parents are buying it for me, for Christmas.

Don't discard your iMac too soon. You may be surprised at how often it can turn out to be a lifesaver. I sensibly converted all of the usual Xs and Ys when I last upgraded, but more than once, the older Mac has proven useful as a giant safety disc, history museum and CD burner. Think of it as an advanced version of keeping an older, beloved synth because it has a certain persistent It Factor. Get to at least level two or three with your iPad before you discard anything. Its a fine platform, but there is only a small practical space in the Venn diagram between pads and desktops. BTW, what are you getting parents like THAT for Christmas? :2thu:


 "Let there be dancing in the streets,
   drinking in the saloons and
    necking in the parlors! Play, Don!"
       ~ Groucho Marx    

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Not much, as my father is 81 and really doesn't want anything, except maybe a fruit cake and a book. My mother is 75, and I did buy her a few things. Being an only child I can spend a good bit of time with them, since I am not married and have no girlfriend. Plus I help them out quite a bit. I did buy them a live tree, and I am going too help decorate it.
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I am replacing my old and outdated iMac, and get an iPad. Actually, my parents are buying it for me, for Christmas.

Don't discard your iMac too soon. You may be surprised at how often it can turn out to be a lifesaver. I sensibly converted all of the usual Xs and Ys when I last upgraded, but more than once, the older Mac has proven useful as a giant safety disc, history museum and CD burner. Think of it as an advanced version of keeping an older, beloved synth because it has a certain persistent It Factor. Get to at least level two or three with your iPad before you discard anything. Its a fine platform, but there is only a small practical space in the Venn diagram between pads and desktops. BTW, what are you getting parents like THAT for Christmas? :2thu:


so what should I save it for? I won't need Safari , since I will use the iPad for, that.

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Outside of any other use, the Mac using iTunes allows fully backing up the iPad. I have both (actually 3 iPads, iPhone 6, and Macbook Pro).

Each serves its own use. I use the iPads a lot more as a music source, since I have some quite satisfactory full size keyboards if I want to haul them out, but do some gigs that I just need absolute minimum size and weight for a couple of songs - IK iRig Keys Pro, iPad, cabling, and amplifier (unless I use the venue's system).

The MBP otoh has MainStage on it, I have a Focusrite 18i8 USB audio/MIDI interface for it. A LOT more capable, if I need more advanced capabilities, but a lot more stuff to haul around and make sure it doesn't sprout "legs."


One can (almost) never have too many computing devices.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Mainly for putting on my digital piano, so I can practice more, by following tutorial videos. Also, for YouTube, since I have two channels. I mainly use the iMac for the internet, and Youtube, but ever since I got an iPhone 8. I have been using that more then my iMac, and since I don't use an iMac for work or anything else, I did not see the need for holding onto it.
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Mainly for putting on my digital piano, so I can practice more, by following tutorial videos. Also, for YouTube, since I have two channels. I mainly use the iMac for the internet, and Youtube, but ever since I got an iPhone 8. I have been using that more then my iMac, and since I don't use an iMac for work or anything else, I did not see the need for holding onto it.


You do realize that by merely saying that, you guarantee that very soon, you will drop your iPhone in the toilet or in the parking lot, where it will suddenly be run over by a truck. Maybe you have a nice reserve of good karma built up and you'll do fine without that particular backup, but this is America, watch where you're steppin' now...



 "Let there be dancing in the streets,
   drinking in the saloons and
    necking in the parlors! Play, Don!"
       ~ Groucho Marx    

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Well, I haven't dropped my iPhone in the toilet, but I have dropped it, numerous times, without cracking the screen. Only because it's in an OTTER Box case. I did drop an old flip phone into the toilet, but that was because it was sitting on my sink, and when I accidentally, moved my hand. SPLASH! Right in the toilet. However, I have not done that yet, with my iPhone. Knock on wood! Mainly, because of the case, prevents slipping. Also, I am careful, where I place my phone in public bathrooms. I'm not saying I won't drop my phone, because, I have.
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My only complaint with Apple, is that the newer software and, updates for applications don't work.


However, you are right that people still use these things, since they are so well built. Apple is a corporation, just like any large corporation: SAMSUNG, SONY,HP etc... The would prefer their users, keep buying new computers, instead of keeping the old one running, but, your right that just because it's old. Does not make it useless.

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