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OT: Warning to braggarts and blowhards

Eric Iverson

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I was just in Puerto Rico on vacation with my wife. We went down there because her nephew Paul just got his doctorate in basket weaving, excuse me, chemical engineering. His sister and mother were along for the ride also, so I was the only gringo among 4 Colombians, so naturally they were chattering away in Spanish all the time. I speak the language, but not as well as THEY do.


I was just kidding around and said (in Spanish): Its simply INCONCEIVABLE that people wouldnt know who I am and she said, Alábate, pollo, que mañana te asan. Translated loosely: Go ahead and brag, chicken, because tomorrow theyre going to ROAST you. Said to braggarts and blowhards in general. Might make for a good song lyric in English, if you could find a way to make it rhyme!


So how do YOU guys deal with insufferable braggarts and blowhards??

I mostly let them talk, remembering that "talk is cheap" etc, and that really good players let their "fingers do the talking", so to speak....


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So how do YOU guys deal with insufferable braggarts and blowhards??


I go somewhere else usually. I got no problem just disappearing from a gathering if it gets unpleasant. I live in a retirement community so usually the folks around me are decent, humble (in most cases), & normal folk.

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