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What is the Yamaha CP 300?


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OT on the joke

I have no clue why Mr Legend is so popular..... but Legend.. I do not get. I can't bare his music.

And Adele is not my cup of tea...


People's taste varies, and I am not John Legend's #1 fan. 'No Clue' is a strong phrase to use though. Surely you can tell that he has great control of his voice and is a consummate well rounded performer? He knows how to write a hit song which is an art unto itself, and while those hit songs are not 100% all knockouts, some of them have some great messages / lyrical writing.


Just one of those anomalies I suppose. But I was in a store and a track of his came on.. I did not know right off.. then it dawned on me. I found it highly annoying. Very seldom does music annoy me that way. I think a vibrato of Adele can get on my nerves.. but Legend does not require my approval, nor my soft pedaling it.

The few tunes I have heard of his... do zero for me.. and actually can annoy me. I just thought of a track or group that similarly annoyed me.. Hootie and the Blowhards.

I guess when an African Amer sounds 10.000 miles from James Brown or Gladys Knight or Stevie W, Marvin etc etc... it is particularly annoying.

Tolerating pop music has been a long standing issue for me. Give me credit for learning to find things about it that I like quite a bit. But the keys for me are what is loosely called Soul. And the other element is groove. If music has a groove and or the voice has a soul quality... I am liking it. I do not get that from Hootie or Legend, not in the slightest

Thanks for engaging :wave:

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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What is your feeling when using a self contained speaker DP... compared to your cool super hi fi rig?


I do enjoy having the internals but after using the Yamaha P120 for almost 9 years on many, many gigs and the CP300 for about two years on select gigs - I'm not as connected to the internals as other people are.


Even though I still play at lower acoustic jazz volumes, it seems I still get my "feedback" from the monitors more then the internal speakers. I don't know, maybe us jazz guys around LA just play at louder volumes then East Coast cats. :idk


Regarding John Legend - he was a nice enough guy, came over and commented how he dug the Quartet , the tunes we where playing during the dinner hour and just generally how he liked Jazz. He didn't have to do that. So he can't be an enemy of the people right ? :D But yeah his music is , like anything today, certainly not my thing. I told myself a couple of years ago I'd try to stop putting negative energy into things that upset me with regard to pop music and culture ( basically everything) and only try to interact or play with people who generally feel the same about music and Art as I do. To focus primarily on my playing and the music that does inspire me. Because there's plenty of great stuff old and new to funnel your energies into. I'm better but still working on it. ;)




 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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So Privia obviously is one model but does Casio also have self contained models? Or Privia is IT for Casio?


What are considered the best among Casio Privia?

Privia is more than one model, it's whole line of models.


By "self contained models," you mean, in full cabinetry? That's their Celviano line, and their best is the Grand Hybrid.


They also have models that start with CGP or CDP which kind of overlap with Privia, but aren't called Privia... a little lower end, I think.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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What is your feeling when using a self contained speaker DP... compared to your cool super hi fi rig?


I do enjoy having the internals but after using the Yamaha P120 for almost 9 years on many, many gigs and the CP300 for about two years on select gigs - I'm not as connected to the internals as other people are.


Even though I still play at lower acoustic jazz volumes, it seems I still get my "feedback" from the monitors more then the internal speakers. I don't know, maybe us jazz guys around LA just play at louder volumes then East Coast cats. :idk


Regarding John Legend - he was a nice enough guy, came over and commented how he dug the Quartet , the tunes we where playing during the dinner hour and just generally how he liked Jazz. So he can't be an enemy of the people right ? :D But yeah his music is , like anything today, is certainly not my thing. I told myself a couple of years ago I'd stop putting energy into negative things that upset me with regard to pop music and culture ( basically everything) and only try to focus on the music I like to play. Because there's plenty of great stuff old and new to funnel your energies into. I'm better but still working on it. ;)

More OT my apologies !

Legend Blowfish and Adele do not ruin my day, honestly.

I am finding more and more about today's music, that I genuinely enjoy, so I am sorry if I came off too curmudgeonly, I really am into learning music of the past 30-40 years, including Bruno Mars he is a bad little dude. Sting is killing me. Stevie Wonder is an absolute genius. I know they are not current, but in a way they are timeless.


The more I listen to non tin pan alley non jazz, the more optimistic I am. I have no wish to foist old music on those who are not into it.

So I am learning much newer music now. In sharp contrast to you... Parker and Henderson are off my radar! Weird huh?

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Not to pile on but I think it's good this stuff is out there...since we're the ones spending our hard earned cash right ?


Ben from Piano world just returned his second RD-2000 in 6 months due to action related problems. He's taking a leap of faith on the Nord piano 3 - which also has not been QC free as Rhodie 73 can certainly attest to. ;)


I send good vibes to anyone going through this current madness of QC action noise problems on seemingly every weighted board that's being released now.


Man that's a drag! I know he was one of the first to notice the issue over at PW. Also he made a lot of informative videos. Yes I'm sending out positive vibes to him too. Right now I really wish I could find a DP that works for me on stage and at home. My CP4 just bores me when I play it through headphones. On stage no problem. Actually I'm starting to use the Ravenscropt 275 on my iPad connected to the CP4 and I get more inspiration. Certainly not perfect but not as boring when I use headphones. Of course I have VST's on my MacBook Pro but sometimes it's a little more fun to just use he iPad.

Rhodes MKII 73, Kawai MP10, Korg GrandStage 88
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Not to pile on but I think it's good this stuff is out there...since we're the ones spending our hard earned cash right ?


Ben from Piano world just returned his second RD-2000 in 6 months due to action related problems. He's taking a leap of faith on the Nord piano 3 - which also has not been QC free as Rhodie 73 can certainly attest to. ;)


I send good vibes to anyone going through this current madness of QC action noise problems on seemingly every weighted board that's being released now.


Man that's a drag! I know he was one of the first to notice the issue over at PW. Also he made a lot of informative videos. Yes I'm sending out positive vibes to him too. Right now I really wish I could find a DP that works for me on stage and at home. My CP4 just bores me when I play it through headphones. On stage no problem. Actually I'm starting to use the Ravenscropt 275 on my iPad connected to the CP4 and I get more inspiration. Certainly not perfect but not as boring when I use headphones. Of course I have VST's on my MacBook Pro but sometimes it's a little more fun to just use he iPad.


I am higher in music ability but way lower in articulation, so bear with me

You said boring with headphones

and that struck a chord with me.

It seems like this pursuit of what at the very least does not bore us.. is an ongoing pursuit and there is no easy answer.

Do you have any idea why a well liked CP4 bores in headphones?

I take you at your word btw. If you say it bores you, that speaks much louder to me than tech talk. Nevertheless any technical talk is welcome.

My latest hero Jordan Peterson says tell the truth but failing that do not lie! By analogy, I say, maybe your DP will not be super inspiring but at the very least we want to avoid at all costs, being bored.

Long ago I used to argue with my pianist friend about the analogue world versus transistor world as it was known


My feeling the strings of 01 01 01's of digital world ( amps, mixers, vinyl ) left subtle and important ( elements that when left out can create the boring effect ! ) elements out of the equation. My friend owned a studio and I always argued for old school tube amps and vinyl .

So being bored with your DP is a valid statement for me.. this forum is a great place to work this out.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Not to pile on but I think it's good this stuff is out there...since we're the ones spending our hard earned cash right ?


Ben from Piano world just returned his second RD-2000 in 6 months due to action related problems. He's taking a leap of faith on the Nord piano 3 - which also has not been QC free as Rhodie 73 can certainly attest to. ;)


I send good vibes to anyone going through this current madness of QC action noise problems on seemingly every weighted board that's being released now.


Man that's a drag! I know he was one of the first to notice the issue over at PW. Also he made a lot of informative videos. Yes I'm sending out positive vibes to him too. Right now I really wish I could find a DP that works for me on stage and at home. My CP4 just bores me when I play it through headphones. On stage no problem. Actually I'm starting to use the Ravenscropt 275 on my iPad connected to the CP4 and I get more inspiration. Certainly not perfect but not as boring when I use headphones. Of course I have VST's on my MacBook Pro but sometimes it's a little more fun to just use he iPad.


I am higher in music ability but way lower in articulation, so bear with me

You said boring with headphones

and that struck a chord with me.

It seems like this pursuit of what at the very least does not bore us.. is an ongoing pursuit and there is no easy answer.

Do you have any idea why a well liked CP4 bores in headphones?

I take you at your word btw. If you say it bores you, that speaks much louder to me than tech talk. Nevertheless any technical talk is welcome.

My latest hero Jordan Peterson says tell the truth but failing that do not lie! By analogy, I say, maybe your DP will not be super inspiring but at the very least we want to avoid at all costs, being bored.

Long ago I used to argue with my pianist friend about the analogue world versus transistor world as it was known


My feeling the strings of 01 01 01's of digital world ( amps, mixers, vinyl ) left subtle and important ( elements that when left out can create the boring effect ! ) elements out of the equation. My friend owned a studio and I always argued for old school tube amps and vinyl .

So being bored with your DP is a valid statement for me.. this forum is a great place to work this out.


With headphones I can hear a lot more of the details. While the CP4 and what I have programmed for acoustic piano sounds (that's what I'm bored of sonically speaking) are very good, through headphones the absence of the other resonances that interact with chords and lines that I play become apparent. After awhile I feel like I'm playing a rompler from the 90's and the inspiration is lost. Like I said on stage this really doesn't happen because I'm with my band and the interaction with them keeps me engaged. I'm a player for over 25 years and while I know nothing replaces an acoustic grand some DP companies are getting better and better at the simulation. Just hoping Yamaha includes some of their top resonance and DP technologies the next time around when they eventually update the CP4. I have an acoustic but it's not practical to play at night when inspiration hits, therefore rather than having a million stage piano type of pianos I'd rather have one that can satisfy me on stage and at home through headphones.

Rhodes MKII 73, Kawai MP10, Korg GrandStage 88
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