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Black Hole Sun - tribute version by Norah Jones

Eric Iverson

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She just did a really gorgeous heart-felt version of that tune, which those interested can hear on YouTube.

I always loved that song, even though I never got into Soundgarden or Nirvana.

I was just playing with Norah's version with the flute, and of course checked out the original Soundgarden rendition. Also quite beautiful is a version of it by the Vitamin String Quartet (on YouTube also).

I saw the original video from 1994 which I found rather creepy, actually.

Anyway, someone suggested that Norah just release that performance as a single and donate the proceeds to suicide prevention (since allegedly Chris ended his own life). Sounds like a worthy endeavor to actually HELP someone without a self-serving motive; but of course I have no authority to tell Norah what to do.....

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The autopsy results came in and Werner Spitz, the Wayne County MI medical examiner thinks it was suicide, thinking also(but not officially) that some of the drugs found in his system, while not enough to cause an overdose, had properties that might have been attributed to his taking his own life.


And +1 on releasing the single and donating the proceeds to suicide prevention.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Gotta admit I never got into that whole Seattle thang either.


However, 4 days aft Cornell's demise....




Her voice remains like a warm comforter on a chill day.




Kinda interesting; sorta George Martinish

til they hit L field at the 3 min mark before righting

(or maybe wronging) themselves.


I actually like this softer version of this prettily sad melody






The SGarden orig that EI cited above




It is sorta creepy looking but dig the terrific visual & audio effects !

I esp like the periodic double tracked vox.


It's hard to know what goes on in the mind of someone unremittingly unhappy.

I, given to the idea of keeping on, simply don't get it

although I recognize that in some cases (terminal, constantly-pained cancer patients) it may be rational to look to their only apparent relief.

Other times we get the dramatic, romantic illusions that haunt some.


There is some contention that Cornell's death was not intentional but the result of some medicine's side effects.

Seek help & wind up worse ?



There is, however, some indication that he had some, as they say, "issues".


This track's dark in more ways than the visual.




This track, while starting w/ upbeat imagery, winds up strange & remindful of the fact that spoons were once a tool used to help quell grand mal seizures.




& Let's not forget...









While tempered by Lennon's sense of humor, it still had a basis in his feelings.


This is a tough subject both in attempts to understand & to handle or treat.

I doubt there may ever be any consistent manner to do so but, then, we just gotta "keep on" trying, don't we ?


I'm left w/ this:

SGarden were a better band than I realized, esp in terms of their production & Kim Thayil had some definite Beatle fan neurons floating around.


Oh, & another talented artist is gone.

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Yes, it's very sad that so many talented artists are self-destructive; of course, lots of other people are also.

I don't have any pat answers for the problem, but I think we can give depressed people encouragement when they need it, without feeling the need to preach to them all the time, which really comes down in practice to:




But that's a subject WAY outside the scope of this forum....



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I reiterate that there's suspicion that Cornell's death came as a side effect of some medication.

Even meds that aren't related to mentality often warn of side effects such as depression, etc.


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I once was at a concert where Peter Framption did a version of Black Hole Sun. It is also on one of his albums called Fingerprints. I have that album and the album Now on MP3. His band did a wonderful job on that.
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Not ALL covers are bad. Didn't hear Frampton's, but he's a very good musician and competent performer, and the song IS pretty well put together, so I'm thinking it ain't a disappointment.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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