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Beringher Uphoria - any good for latency?


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Is the BEHRINGER U-PHORIA UM2 decent for latency?

I was looking at a Focusrite, but there is a price difference, $100 for the Focusrite Solo and $40 for the Beringher.


All I am looking for really is decent latency performance for my VSTs (some Symphonic ones), and am wondering how the Beringher performs. Not so bothered about the vocal audio input or guitar input.

Reaper, i7-7700k, Win10, 16GB, 2TB, 500Mb SSD, MOTU Ethno & Symphonic, Studiologic 990Xp 88-key, Behringer UM2


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How about, rather than immediately going for the smug, condescending, and very tired lmgtfy.com link, we assume that people who have come to this site to ask questions have already done some research and are coming here for a conversation?


Knock yourself out... nobody's stopping you. :wave:

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Sven, I did google it beforehand. I found some comments on Sweetwater, then Amazon etc etc., but not many on its latency performance versus, for example, the Focusrite.

Thats why I came here. I was hoping there'd be some people who had first-hand experience of this unit, especially putting a heavy VST through it.

Reaper, i7-7700k, Win10, 16GB, 2TB, 500Mb SSD, MOTU Ethno & Symphonic, Studiologic 990Xp 88-key, Behringer UM2


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Other factors beyond the interface go into latency. I've seen many with high-end cards and systems have latency issues until they wise up and download an ASIO driver. So some of this interface;s users may have had issues OR great luck for reasons that have nothing to do with it the interface itself..


Also, the interface you're looking at is $30. Not to big a risk if it ends up not working for you: either return it or sell it if it doesn't work well with your system.

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Well almost all quality interfaces come with their own driver. Some experts put the lowest round trip latency test scores for interfaces like RME down to the fact that RME writes their own drivers.


ASIO4ALL is a free generic driver that works well but if it was best in class I guess interface manufacturers would not bother writing or supplying their own drivers. The drivers supplied by quite a few interface manufacturers are in fact written by the same 3rd party developer.


As you can see from Sven's reply there is information available on the U-Phoria's latency at KVR and Gearslutz but as this forum does not appear on the first page it is unlikely that there has been much in the way of user comment here.


I cannot recall it being mentioned.


For $30 it is probably better than the internal soundcard and will provide better performance with CPU and/or RAM intensive VI's, if only because the sound processing load is shifted to the interface.


A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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