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Learning sound synthesis


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For the PC there are tons of well laid out free VSTs.


Hardware wise Gaia and Sledge look good.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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Yeah, on the freeware front your eyes could glaze over with the number of great choices. Let me suggest picking up something super-simple at first. Tal Noisemaker is a pretty good option. A quick method is to see if you can recreate the presets from scratch. If you need more structure for your study, syntorial is not a synth but a tutorial for getting your ear trained. At the end of the day, training the ear is more important than learning what the knobs do.


Once you are done with the simple architectures, you can play with more colors in your pallet and not get confused. Wishing you well .... synthesis is a fun journey.


On hardware, I would wait until you have a better sense of what you need. Korg Minilogue should be on your list for consideration. Maybe the Deep Mind also ...

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Another option could be a moog minitaur. It's just for bass, but it's analog and cheap. It's pretty simple and sounds great. Realistically, freeware VST synths are gonna be the best choice for learning the basics.
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