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Prophet 5 or P6 / OB6 ?

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I have a lead on a decent prophet 5 V 3.3 , something I've wanted for a while. It's about the same price as a new P6 or Ob6 Is it worth the hassle of a vintage synth , or should I just get something new and not have to worry about maintenance ? Some things that appeal to me with the 5 is 61 keys , $$$ holds up in the future , sound is truly there. The P6 however has midi , on board effects , warranty , 6 voice , many more features I'm actually looking at the Ob6 pretty hard too. What do you guys think ? P5 , P6 or Ob6 ?

"Ive been playing Hammond since long before anybody paid me to play one, I didn't do it to be cool, I didnt do it to make a statement......I just liked it "


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In Chicago you may have better access to good techs that can maintain vintage keyboards. When I went through this deciding process the major factor for me was lack of decent repair techs in my area. The main reason I have not purchased a P5 or Rhodes Chroma is the hassle of sending it off for maintenance.

This post edited for speling.

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Because I own an OB6 (and used to gig a Prophet 10), I have my own bias.


That said, a determining factor would be your intended usage. Are you primarily going to record with it? Are you planning to gig it? Is it going to be a coffee table piece or a constantly in-use piece? IMHO, the scales tip heavily toward new vs. vintage (with the release of both the P6 and OB6) unless there's a really compelling reason to think vintage. In other words, what you gain by vintage has to more than offset what you lose by going new - much of which you've already mentioned (warranty, support, stability...as well as usable built in FX)


Other questions - Are you more into the Prophet sound or the OB sound? Is the v3.3 mint, or just decent? When something inevitably goes wrong with the v3.3, do you have resources (tech, a reputable shop, etc.) you can turn to? Is it possible that the v3.3 could have a catastrophic failure that can't be repaired (i.e., does it rely upon core parts that aren't in big supply these days like custom ICs)?


Personally, I'm still delighted and awestruck by my OB6. I don't see myself getting "tired" of it anytime soon. But that's just me.



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Depends on why you want it.


If you want to own a 5 get it. They don't make them anymore. Barring catstrophic failure you can get your money back. You may make money on it.


If you want a synth to gig with it get a P6.


I want a JP8 so bad but I would never take it out of the house. I would like to have a 55 Chevy Bel Air also but I wouldn't drive it to work everyday. I own some vintage synths but they stay home.


I wouldn't worry about sending it off for restorations and repairs because that is what you sign up for when you get into the vintage collector game...... If that is what you really want.


Someone who appreciates these things needs to keep them alive.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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It's about the same price as a new P6 or Ob6


Assuming its in really good shape I'd buy it, play with it for a while and then flip it if I was still concerned with reliability. You can pay for a good portion of a new P6 or OB6 with the.... :rimshot: prophet you make.

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I owned an SSM Prophet 5 back in the day and gigged full time with it for a year. A dealer friend had a group going out on tour and he needed a P5 in a hurry. He would sell mine and order in new one (now with 120 memory) in exchange. Sounded like a great deal and I wasn't gigging as much at the time so I went for it. I thought the new one (a ver 3.3) with the Curtis chips sounded wimpy in comparison and very much regretted my move selling the thing not long after. A few decades later I bought another P5 ver 3.3 (mint) and thought it sounded fine.


The new P6 (and OB6) use discrete oscillators and filters and while I haven't done a side-by-side I really don't think they're going to be outdone by the vintage. Of the three P5s I owned, two developed issues requiring service. With the huge variety of high quality new analogs on the market I have close to zero interest in these vintage synths. Vintage electro-mechanicals are a different story for me.


My 2 cents.



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With the huge variety of high quality new analogs on the market I have close to zero interest in these vintage synths. Vintage electro-mechanicals are a different story for me.

argee 100% on both fronts. I had wanted to express this earlier today but didn't quite have the words. Bill said it perfectly. :thu:

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