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OT: Browsers


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Is there a consensus about which browser is best nowadays?


For last few years, I've been using Firefox, without many issues. Seems like in the past few months it is constantly freezing. (I have tried re-installing it, but that doesn't seem to solve anything.) On my work computer, I generally just wait a few minutes and it unfreezes itself. But I have a brand new Dell laptop at home and Firefox even freezes/crashes there.


I am not sure if this is a Firefox issue or perhaps related to Flash. I am also not sure if these issues are precipitated by certain websites. This might occur more often when I look at Facebook, but I haven't paid close enough attention to see a clear pattern.


Any recommendations?

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All the browsers have their pluses and minuses. Quirks and niggles. Chrome generally works really well, but it's a down right memory hog. Literally grabbing RAM increasingly the longer you have it running, sometimes to the detriment of other apps you have running. It also is yet another way to give up your privacy to Google. But generally Chrome behaves with most sites.


Firefox is continually updated. I would uninstall or remove all your plugins/add-ons one by one until you find the culprit. Flash is a likely suspect. I've uninstalled it entirely from my system with the exception of the install Google does directly in Chrome. So if you really need flash for something, run Chrome. Otherwise, no reason not to have a few browsers installed and use whichever one you like best, keeping the others around for when you run into something unique.


Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Been using Chrome for quite awhile...the only time I use anything else is when it won't work with some site or other--usually some development admin site or something I use for work. (I still have to use IE for a couple things...ugh)


Don't know if it's fastest or best but it works fine....


I used to use Firefox, had some kind of issues with it myself (can't recall what) that caused me to switch to Chrome in the first place.

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This stuff comes and goes on a daily basis. I just read an article yesterday but don't have the link, about this exact question. The answer was "all of them" and "none of them". The writer said all of their staff have all of the browsers on their machines and they will go back and forth constantly.


What surprised me was they had a pie chart showing the market share of each browser and Chrome is the big kahuna at over 50%. Safari was 2nd and Edge, IE and Firefox are in single digits.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Google Chrome for life son! :-P I love google chrome. Just be prepared to give them your whole life/ have ur email connected to your browser, connected to your android, connected to your hip bone. I love the extensions and apps that you can add, and how much it knows about me. That may creep some other people out tho. Also, I've had no glitches with google chrome

Affiliations: Noble Vibes , Acme Recording Co., Firehouse Saloon


Gear: Triton Extreme, Casio WK-7600, Pro Tools 9, Mbox 2, Gemeinhardt flute


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The writer said all of their staff have all of the browsers on their machines and they will go back and forth constantly.


We should all be multi-browsal. Do you only have one pair of shoes? (it's rhetorical, don't answer, we don't care)

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Did someone mention shoes??? :love::love::love:


I have been using internet explore on my computer and safari on my iPad. Why do you all dislike IE so much? What is wrong with it?

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Internet explorer gets a bad rap I think because the MS dev team has been on and off their game over the years. There's been periods where they were out in front with features and functionality and also when they've been way behind. The other issue with IE is the user base is highly fractured in regard for which version of the browser they are running. This makes the user experience very different depending what computer you're on and a bitch for web developers to keep sites working consistently with IE. If you look at statistics there's as many versions of Explorer being used as there are Windows, more so perhaps. The other browsers, I guess because they've come into prominence at a time when people are accustomed to updating their apps all the time - tend to be up to date.. I know I'm rarely more than a version of behind on Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. But IE, it's only developed for Windows and many Windows machines are owned by corporations and educational institutions - the machines are locked down for security reasons, users aren't able to update IE on their own, so admins need to roll out an update, or wait until the end of the quarter, half our year to update.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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If you have Edge, they know just about as much about you as Chrome, though I like Edge and use that as well as Chrome. I need Chrome for certain sites that are Chrome only friendly.


I am glad Edge has replaced I.E. Those that have Version 11 of I.E. can work well in sites that have HTML-5. 10 and below are dead in the water.


I tried Firefox and even Iron, but did not like how that worked and I thought Iron was very intrusive.


Some sites where you need to schedule pod-casts and such will not work with Firefox. You will get an error message.


My comedy partner is now facing the issue that he cannot see the web sites I have created for us due to being on Vista and he cannot update Vista to I.E. 11.


I have Ad Block Plus on my Chrome. It does a fabulous job except when I am on Facebook. If I wish to work with the pages I am an administrator on, I have to disable it temporarily and then re-enable when I am finished. Facebook with Ad Block Plus will only let me see groups and time lines.


Anyway, that is my experience. My vote is Chrome for the places I normally go and let Cortana on Windows 10 find stuff for me on the fly through Edge, plus Edge allows you to make notes or scribble on web pages to share with others.




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I use Opera on my desktop and Firefox on my laptop. FF runs great on my laptop, but keeps crashing on my desktop, hence why I switched over to Opera. I tried Chrome for a while but found it a serious memory hog.


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Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 5/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX

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I use Opera 1st for the inc ad blocker, Chrome 2nd for anything Opera seems to be having problems with and Firefox 3rd which has a nice apk download add-on, so I can d/l apks from the Google Playstore once, then side load them to my various Android kit, some no longer (or never) recognised by the Playstore.
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