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Any reason this wouldn't work?


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I want to eq/comp my Rhodes. I have the accessory jacks on the preamp as it's a suitcase top with a cheek block stereo out.


I have a Saffire Pro 24 DSP sound card that I have already used direct with the Rhodes to great effect. I'm wondering if I can use the sound card as an insert between the send return of the Rhodes preamp so I may be able to use only a single DSP channel (2 onboard). That way I have a vox channel left over.


It would save buying seperate pedals.

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Short answer: Sure, that'll work. Try it and see how it sounds. You aren't running any risk of damaging anything.


Long answer:


A soundcard usually has line inputs and outputs. If yours has an instrument input, use that! And skip all this except the parts about the Suitcase preamp.



A Rhodes isn't a line output, but it's a pretty beefy hi-Z signal, and you can usually plug it into line inputs and get good results.


If you try it and the noise level is too high, you could try a guitar pedal that's always on like a noise gate as a preamp, or use any hi-z instrument preamp, and probably get an even better sound, though I don't know whether it'd be enough to notice.


For decades, long ago, I played my Rhodes into a hi-Z mic input on a mixer. That worked fine. But recently I've plugged it directly into line inputs on my MOtU 828. Those aren't exactly typical line inputs, but in any case it's worth a try.


Also, you'll be sending a line level into the Suitcase's preamp, which is different than the Rhodes harp, but other than gain adjustment I doubt you'd notice the difference. In that regard it would be no different than using a stompbox, which is pretty much what that loop is for.

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