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Alpha...I think TinderArts misunderstood. Believe me, I understand how that kind of thing can mess up your whole outlook. Last year at this time I was in the ICU keeping my Mom company during her final hours in this life. Just rest easy knowing that you made the right decision.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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i dont mind, i was being bitchy this past week anyways. sorry to take it out on all here [its where i virtually "hang out" ;) ] needless to say it was simply christmas this year here... not very merry. and for those with short term memory loss, my girl dog died in my arms this past august from kidney failure. 2002 can only be better than 2001 for me.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]i dont mind, i was being bitchy this past week anyways. sorry to take it out on all here [its where i virtually "hang out" ;) ] needless to say it was simply christmas this year here... not very merry. and for those with short term memory loss, my girl dog died in my arms this past august from kidney failure. 2002 can only be better than 2001 for me.[/b][/quote] Sorry to hear about your dog, man. My dad got us an awesome mutt of a dog when I was 5. I grew up with him. He died when I was 18. I cried for about 2 days. It's amazing how close a dog and a person can get. Hope things are better in 2002. Regards, Brian T
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Bryce, What's up? Just joined MPN to reply to your post here. I wanted to tell you that despite some bitter opposition and serious digression in this never-ending thread, I think it was a nice story to read. I personally like to hear that kind of stuff. This is without judgement or thoughts about how nice Paul might be or whatever... There are simple FACTS about the story that I find interesting. Paul is who he is regardless of what anyone particularly thinks of his music (millions dig it though, including me). So, for Paul to be in the next studio over and all that stuff unfolding for any new artist, especially a 15 year old, is totally amazing. It's just cool in it's own way for anyone who would appreciate the fantasy aspect of it. I guess it would only mean something to someone who likes and respects Paul McCartney. Most musicians do though, I think. The Beatles were about as diverse and groundbreaking as it gets from Fool on The Hill to Helter Skelter. This girl is lucky and this story rocks. Bryce rocks. I have some stories too, but I don't know if I'd post them here. Scarrrrrrry negative responses when you're talking about something most people would dream of.
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[quote]Originally posted by Cereal: [b]Nonsense Dakerz! This is a perfectly safe place to voice your opinions Disco ruleZ.[/b][/quote] Unless you agree with Cereal... :D BTW...Alpha, we have a Lab-Husky mix we got when we lived in Alaska. He's been a great dog. He's almost 12 now, though, and I don't expect he'll be around too many more years. He's definitely one of the family.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Opinions are like your snap, CRACKle and pop, Cereal. I think a lot of people like to be negative for the attention, to be honest. But, that's just my opinion isn't it? So, for what it's worth, I was just thanking Dave for the interesting story because like any musician who is a Beatles fan reading this thread, I thought of how cool it would be if I was in the next studio over from Paul and he gave me a song to play and sang on it too. Of course I don't have the charm of a 15 year old girl. So, perhaps that's not likely to happen for me. Listen, Paul is a big deal with a lot of musicians. I remember I somehow ended up backstage at Atlantic Record's 40th anniversary show at MSG. There were a lot of musicians back there including many that weren't even on Atlantic. I was standing there talking to Bob Geldof about the Wall movie (asking him if he liked doing it since it wasn't his music and all) and then Paul McCartney walked by. All of these well known musicians standing around- guys from Yes, Foreigner, Tears For Fears, Led Zep, Genesis etc. just stopped in their tracks and were looking over heads to see Paul. What does this mean? On the surface, nothing. But, what it reminds me of is how influential the Beatles really were. It's like 6 degrees to Paul McCartney. Chances are your favorite musician was influenced by someone who was influenced by someone etc. influenced by Paul McCartney. Anyway, last I checked, the thread had digressed to discussions about dogs. People apparently voice more than just their opinions. That's fine. Whatever. I'd like to think that a majority of people would appreciate Dave's story. I just wanted to voice my opinion and say that I liked it.
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opinions are all anyone has... fact is just a four letter word. and i have never known a thread to go past a page or two and stay on topic [except maybe for the epic 96k thread on GM's joint] i also find it hard to believe the buck stops at paul. simply being the most famous doesnt make them the originator. i guess its the way it is.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Another classic train-wreck of a thread. We've seen some "true colors" here. Dave had told me about Lindsay Pagano in an email some time ago; I could see from page one that this thread was doomed to self-destruct, so I felt no need to chime in. But I was not the least bit surprised that Paul felt compelled to poke his head in on her session. Yes, Lindsay is from South Philly. I've been in the studios with young Philly singers a lot lately, as I was earlier this evening, with a singer from North Philly named Oshia (we had her sing on a live webcast over a track produced by DJ Lorne and myself). If the average level of talent here is any indication, I can promise you that Paul probably feels just as honored to be working with Lindsay, as she was to be working with him. The level of talent here right now is quite amazing. I've been working in the music business for 20 years now, and let me tell you: I'm amazed. There are some seriously talented folks here, and lots of them. That having been said, although no great fan of the Beatles, I personally would not snub Paul, if for no other reason than the arrangement and orchestration on "Live And Let Die." A positively scorching track if there ever was one. Same with "Another Silly Love Song." The arrangement and production quality of that track is impeccable. Yeah, so the lyrics are a little fluffy - so what??? It's a great track! The guy's talented, nome sayn? Any of you clowns who bust on PM should be so lucky to have his arranging skills at your disposal - y'all could quit your day jobs (or drug dealing, in ___'s case...we won't mention any names). Happy New Years Everybody!!! Eric Vincent Curve Dominant Sound&Vision Philadelphia USA curvdominant@earthlink.net PS to Brian T: email me if you have a minute...I could use your help with a track for a film.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Yeah, a 6 page thread is bound to drift. I just logged on and found it though. I am not an MPN posting junky (yet). Anyway, for kicks, you should name 3 vocalists or songwriters you like and chances are I (if I know who they are- which I probably do not unfortunately) or someone can do a 6 degrees back to Paul McCartney. For instance if you were to tell me you were into the band Poison (!) then I could say that Poison was influenced by some heavy metal band that was influenced by Led Zep which was influenced by the Beatles which featured good old Paul. If you said Eminem or Cracka, Busta Whateviz and this guy and that...someone could probably do a 6 degree back to Paul. Sometimes when I am listening to the Beatles I hear ONE song and I realise that a whole band's sound must have come from that one song! Billy Joel, Elton John, Bowie, Gabriel, Plant etc etc they're all majorly influenced by the Beatles. A lot of bands were then influenced by them. So if you think about it this way, Paul is really a source of a lot of musical influence regardless of whatever you think of some of his tunes. Some things aren't a matter of opinion. Paul is highly regarded amongst many musicians and I am not talking about how rich or famous he is. So, when you hear something like this story, one might think this girl is lucky to work with a rock legend like Paul at age 15 on her first record. Is that so hard to grasp? I don't think it is. I think you like to just stir it up...get people going. I know Bryce personally and he is a great musician and a funny guy. He was being a friend to musicians who might care about this story by telling it. I guess he knew he'd get bashed a bit (this must happen all the time- I'm new here so forgive me). I can't be bothered to talk about it any more than this though. Don't like Paul or the story? Ok. Enjoy your Busta Whatever.
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b] i also find it hard to believe the buck stops at paul. simply being the most famous doesnt make them the originator. i guess its the way it is.[/b][/quote] Paul's on record in many interviews as saying that the Beatles were "the biggest knickers around - we stole from everyone". What is that old saying? If you "borrow" and admit it, it's an influence, if you "borrow" and don't admit it it's plagerism - something like that... Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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[quote]Originally posted by Curve Dominant: [b] That having been said, although no great fan of the Beatles, I personally would not snub Paul, if for no other reason than the arrangement and orchestration on "Live And Let Die." A positively scorching track if there ever was one.[/b] Uh, Curve, that was actually George Martin's string arrangement... [b]Same with "Another Silly Love Song." The arrangement and production quality of that track is impeccable. Yeah, so the lyrics are a little fluffy - so what??? It's a great track![/b] I agree with you here. It's a good production. The lyrics are INTENTIONALLY trite - they were meant as a tongue in cheek critism of all the critics who blasted Paul about his lyrics - and it was a gigantic hit, so I guess he got even - all the way to the bank. But lyrics aside, I love the BASS part on that song, and I agree that the production is very polished - in kind of a mid seventies Philly sort of way. I dunno about the rest of you, but I definitely hear a Philly influence there. [b] The guy's talented, nome sayn? Any of you clowns who bust on PM should be so lucky to have his arranging skills at your disposal - y'all could quit your day jobs (or drug dealing, in ___'s case...we won't mention any names).[/b] Usually a good idea NOT to mention names. :eek: Anyway, you'll get no arguments from me regarding PM's talent level, and just because he didn't do the arrangement on LALD doesn't mean he hasn't done some good arrangements in the past, or at least significantly contributed to them. Besides, anyone who can sing / track "I'm Down" and then cut "Yesterday" a hour or so later (on the same day / session) can't be ALL bad. [b]Happy New Years Everybody!!![/b] Back at cha Curvemeister. Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com [/quote]
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[quote]Originally posted by pokeefe777@msn.com: [b] Paul's on record in many interviews as saying that the Beatles were "the biggest knickers around - we stole from everyone". What is that old saying? If you "borrow" and admit it, it's an influence, if you "borrow" and don't admit it it's plagerism - something like that... \[/b][/quote] its good artists borrow, great artists steal ;) i know bryce personally too, and your right... he is an extremely funny guy and superb musician. sure its a great story for those who like these sorts of things. then again, if it were micheal jackson and say some 15 yo boy... well that would just be perverse, course that might be too old for micheal. i personally dont think a 15 yo has any business in the business YET. at least until they are legally responsible for themselves.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Man... alpha Don't get a husky. I've been there. They're beautiful, bright, spirited, strong, bullheaded and they will [b]Eat your couch[/b]. They are loyal, spunky, smarter than hell and they will [b]run out and kill something[/b]. They are amazing dogs, but they are meant to pull sleds and eat. Not be a pet. Totally trainable, but will never listen. Kinda like me jim
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Ya know, it is funny Alpha - my wife Sandy got signed to RCA when she was what, 16? And just around her 18th birthday she used the Jackie Coogan law to get out of the contract. Personally, I'd hesitate to sign anyone who was underage unless the legal dept. at the label had some very impressive tricks up their sleve that I am currently unaware of... but right now, (even more than ever before it seems) YOUTH SELLS. Who was the last ugly / fat / bald / old (insert your favorite negative adjetive here) person get signed? Okay, maybe Blues Traveler... :eek: Okay, I can think of a few others, but they're the exception rather than the rule... Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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[quote]Originally posted by timrocker: [b]I am damn sick of Portland Oregon, weather. I think that you would be too, cuz it's been sucking lately. Right, GZ, Dylan? [/b][/quote] I can't imagine why you'd say that :rolleyes: . Maybe it was the 34 days of solid rainfall we just had :D . Seriously, I'd love to get out of here and move somewhere warm after this winter. I remember leaving Boston thinking how much warmer it would be in Portland, only to see that it's been much warmer on the east coast this year :D . Thank god it's been sunny recently...I was starting to hate life for a minute there.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b] Yeah, he was... IIRC, it's the Jackie Cooper law, isn't it? dB[/b][/quote] Hey Dave, you've heard Sandy sing - at least on tape, so you know the REAL reason she left RCA is because she got dropped because her voice sux and they had to spend too much time autotuning everything! ;) :eek: :D Which would have REALLY been hard back in the 1970's, because Autotune didn't exist yet! Don't mind me - I'm just frustrated. Sandy's up north in her home town visiting her family for the holidays - near Modesto (Ceres CA - land of Gary Condit :eek: ) - while I had to stay home and work. Alien Ant Farm had a break from touring for a few weeks and we wanted to get some things tracked - they're going to be doing some music for the new "Spiderman" film, and time's short... They are up to nearly 1.4 Million in sales now BTW. Anyone see them on Leno last night? Actually, while both Cooper and Coogan were child stars, the actual law was due to Coogan. You can read about the receintly revised Coogan law at: http://www.sag.com/coogan_letters/educlong1.html Yes, Coogan DID play Uncle Fester in the 1960's Addams Family TV series, but the Chaplin movie "The Kid" is what originally propelled him to stardom. Gotta go - Terry just got here and it's time to get to work. Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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[quote]Originally posted by pokeefe777@msn.com: [b]Actually, while both Cooper and Coogan were child stars, the actual law was due to Coogan.[/b][/quote] Ahhh - thanks for the clarification, brother Phil! dB P.S - when are you guys headed this way? I owe you a visit at my place!



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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alpha wrote: "i have applied for a siberian husky rescue adoption. they have two of them i like. a male and female. not great guard dogs like my last two but smart as hell and "talk" a lot." i sure hope it's cold over where you are as one siberian living in 35 celsius/bushfire country, i can tell you it can be hell cheers max newcastle, oz the 'great composers steal' quote is by stravinsky, btw
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