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yes, it would be very smart of you brian to back down... you fucked with me first, so ill let you end it. your last dickhead comments were filled with just as much bullshit as all your previous. you just dont get it, im not out to please the LCD... but thats your problem. seems you are known from other places for being a redneck as well so im not the first to call you on it. dino, you must be another RAP bitch with brian... its kinda hard to understand your point with his dick in your mouth. tim, yes there are a LOT of things im "UP" about. teenage bubblegum pop drivel and trailer trash country arent two of them... anyone who KNOWS me knows my passions.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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alpha wrote: yes there are a LOT of things im "UP" about. teenage bubblegum pop drivel and trailer trash country arent two of them...' hear, hear just 'coz 99% of the population eat at mcdonalds doesn't mean i have to (or make it of any nutritional value) cheers max newcastle, oz
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]yes, it would be very smart of you brian to back down... [/b][/quote] etc, etc, etc So I guess that means the chances of you trying to be a bit nicer are not good? Bummer. Have a nice day anyway. Regards, Brian T [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: gbtank@home.com ] [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: gbtank@home.com ]
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]yes, it would be very smart of you brian to back down... you fucked with me first, so ill let you end it. your last dickhead comments were filled with just as much bullshit as all your previous. you just dont get it, im not out to please the LCD... but thats your problem. seems you are known from other places for being a redneck as well so im not the first to call you on it. dino, you must be another RAP bitch with brian... its kinda hard to understand your point with his dick in your mouth. tim, yes there are a LOT of things im "UP" about. teenage bubblegum pop drivel and trailer trash country arent two of them... anyone who KNOWS me knows my passions.[/b][/quote] I've asked before, and I'll ask again - when is this board going to have filters ? Most of us come here to share some knowledge and hopefully learn a bit as well. Dealing with some low-life bitch who has to much time on their hands because they're not actually working on anything real get's tiring. Alphaspunk, go away. You're need to rail everything that doesn't meet your shithead criteria is boring. Rob

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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[quote]Originally posted by gbtank@home.com: [b]So I guess that means the chances of you trying to be a bit nicer are not good? [/b][/quote] if thats not the pot calling the kettle black. you come in here and attack what i do and think you are the nice guy? your logic is as back ass as the music you record.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by robmix: [b] ...because they're not actually working on anything real get's tiring. [/b][/quote] what i do is just as real as whatever you do. what actually constitues "real" to you? im curious? how about some filter for all these sell out lowest common denominator snobs who come here?



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b] what i do is just as real as whatever you do. what actually constitues "real" to you? im curious? how about some filter for all these sell out lowest common denominator snobs who come here?[/b][/quote] What constitutes a sell out ? It seems like you think anyone who works on projects that sell beyond their hometown has sold out ? I'm doing what I love, working on every project I can get my hands on. Some sell 10 copies others 10 million. I'm hardly a snob, I'll help anyone I can and take advice from anyone at any level. But I won't stand by and watch some ignorant fool insult respected members of the audio community for no good reason. I don't like every kind of music, but I don't have any need to come on a public forum and trash people's lives or their music. I don't like Steely Dan, but you won't see me berating Roger Nichols for his role in their music. A little bit of class is all we're asking for. Rob [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: robmix ]

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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Well, as my last reply didn't get any comments......too oblique, I guess. Here's the deal: People are really different. In fact, I think a lot of folks don't really understand the extent to which people are different. We have two arms, two legs, eyes, wear clothes, etc., and it gives the illusion that we're at least vaguely alike...but we're not even close. What goes on in the brain is an incredibly complex byproduct of a zillion factors. Genetics, environment, illnesses, euphoria, any and all experiences change the brain's wiring. There are some people who are on a very deep level of understanding of music, some very shallow...one of the beauties of music is that there is indeed something for everyone, somewhere. Debating the superiority of one piece of music over another is pointless; we're dealing with an abstraction, where beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Debating music is like debating which color is better..."Blue is the best!" "Fuck off, blue sucks!" You can point to music as being simplistic, and say it's therefore not as good. But what's simpler than the 8 notes that open Beethoven's Fifth? You can say emotion is what matters most; fine. But there are etudes that may not be exactly soulful, but cerebrally credible. I'm not saying don't debate music. But what I am saying is that there will never be a definitive response, because there are simply no objective, universally applicable standards for music...because there are no universally applicable standards for how people HEAR music. I can listen to John Coltrane and a minute later, Belinda Carlisle. Go figure. Works for me, though. I'm not going to play the "Can't we all get along" card, it's been stated more eloquently in previous posts. But I think even that needs to drill down one level deeper...I think the real issue is "Can't we all understand that everyone's different, and instead of killing them for it, try to see if there's something in there that could be beneficial to us." I've learned something from just about everyone I've met, and that includes some nasty people too...if only to learn what not to do. Here's a simple experiment: look at someone's CD collection. It will be really different from yours, guaranteed. That's what I'm talking about.
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b] if thats not the pot calling the kettle black. you come in here and attack what i do and think you are the nice guy? your logic is as back ass as the music you record.[/b][/quote] Oh 'cmon, can you at least try to be nice? it will make you feel better.
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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You know - I started this thread with what I thought was a really nice story that would make people feel good. I know it made me feel good. It seemed as if it might even be appropriate for the holiday season...y'know - good will towards your fellow man....that sort of thing... I'm really bummed that it's turned into a flame-fest. If you guys would be good enough to do me a favor and cut it out, I'd really appreciate it... Warmest wishes to all for a happy and healthy holiday season! [img]http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/contrib/guus/kerstsmiley.gif[/img] Thanks, dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster: [b]Hey Dave, where'd ya get that Santa smiley?[/b][/quote] Yes, please tell us! We all need to know... [img]http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/contrib/guus/kerstsmiley.gif[/img] /Mats


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster: [b] Hey, Alpha, this Christmas, are you going to visit your cousin who lives in the trash can on Sesame Street? [/b][/quote] HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and so on. my housemates upstairs must think im losing it. im listing to Mozarts 'carina buranah' full volume and suddenly bursting out laughing at my computer... that was funny though great story too i got one like it this mate of mine, lets call him ... jimmy. yeah jimmy anyway jimmy likes his drugs and one day he went and got his drugs and decided to go for a walk, and on the way, well, look who it is! its ELVIS! anyway to cut the story short it was ELVIS who crashed my car and led the SWAT team to my house... which is now, of course, rubble ok, enough bullsh*t out of me now.
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"Carmina Burana is Orff, right?" I asked myself as I flipped over to a little out-of-the-way search engine I know. Behold. The Carmina Burana FAQ. http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/works/orff-cb/carmina.html God bless the Internet. Now back to the insulting.
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[quote]Originally posted by wildabst@aol.com: [b] Hey BetaAss: There's more genius in "Silly Love Songs" than there will be in your whole career. Sucks to be you.[/b][/quote] man you are late to this thread... nice try though, too little too late and frankly, there is no genius in his silly songs... sorry. compared to bob marley, paul is just a hack at love songs. im sure it sucks more to be you and im just bored with this drivel. toodles.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]15 eh? guess thats too young to be a porn star, give her 3 years. arent there enough of these disney singers already? paul is such a dork. excuse me while i go vomit...[/b][/quote] sometimes the jerk surfaces.........
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Obviously, I don't have much to do this Christmas but catch up on the love-inspired quotes of Alpha. Macca hasn't impressed me with his recent musical output, but it IS good to hear that he knows how to treat people. I've worked with plenty of 'superstars' and most are less than civil. It shouldn't matter what you think of McCartney's music, it's the fact that he isn't the usual self-important snob that makes Dave's story so refreshing. Happy Holidaze.
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McCartney created enough happiness with the Beatles to last ten lifetimes. Who cares what he did since, it doesn't matter. Rumour has it that he likes kids too, maybe helping a young singer isn't difficult for him to do. I like the story anyway, it made me feel good. By the way Miles liked to support young talent too. Tony Williams comes to mind. I think he was 17 when he joined Miles' band. He wasn't reputed to be as pleasant as McCartney seems to be generally though.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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[quote]Originally posted by TinderArts: [b] You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch![/b][/quote] the vet said it was the humane thing to do. he had cancer and was suffering terribly. hearing and feeling a member of your family take its last breath and then go limp in your arms is a horrible thing to experience in life. death right next to you, feeling his presence... as soon as he died this huge gust of wind went roaring by. those last seconds of his life he stared right into my soul with his eyes and then the light went out in them.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Alpha; Sorry for your loss - reminds me of how very, very lucky I am. I'm taking my doggies X-country skiing tomorrow and we'll have a reflective moment for you and your pooch at milk-bone break. "Man's Best Friend"....couldn't be more true. Respectfully, Dogfur
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