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Check this out...you'll die...

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Okay - get this... I live next door to a young lady named [url=http://www.lindsaypagano.com]Lindsay Pagano[/url] . Lindsay is 15 years old, and is signed to Warner Brothers. You may have actually seen her on TV - she was the focus of an AOL commercial a few months back. She is actually an [i]amazing[/i] singer. She especially likes old R&B tunes - you should hear her sing the old Etta James tune "At Last"...or anything by Aretha - she kills 'em. Jude Cole produced her record, which is due out this month. She recorded her album at A&M studios in Hollywood. She was in Studio C. It turns out that Paul McCartney was recording right across the hall in Studio A at the same time. So, one day she runs into Paul in the hallway and makes friends with him (!). They develop a nice little relationship - she pokes her head into Studio A in the mornings to say hi to him...he sits in on a few of her sessions and listens to what she's doing...offers some comments... Are you dying yet? Wait - it gets better... Anyway, she ends up needing one more tune for her album. So, she asks her new buddy Paul if he has any songs that she can use. He agrees to let her record a song called "So Bad" that he had recorded for Linda in the early 80's - I think it's on "Pipes of Peace"... So, Lindsay cuts the tune. It comes out great. She goes away on vacation, thinking the tune is done...she's wrong. When she comes back, she's called down to the studio, where they play her the track - which now has a duet part/backing vocals laid down by Paul himself as a little gift to Lindsay. :eek: :D :cool: How cool is that???? I thought that you guys might enjoy hearing that little story. Sometimes, fairy tales do come true... dB [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: Dave Bryce ]



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Probably cooler for us to hear about than her...in a way. Lindsay: "So, Grandpa, why are you so impressed...who is this Paul guy anyway? I mean, he's just some guy at the studio, isn't he?" Lindsay's Grandpa: "Well, he used to be in The Beatles, the biggest band of all time". Lindsay: "Bigger than N'Sync?" Gramps: "Definitely". Lindsay: "Kinda like that Sinatra guy you used to talk about? I mean, I still think it would be better if it was Justin Timberlake..." :D :D WAY Cool story though! (Homer voice) HEYYY...it dawns on me..."Driving Rain" hasn't been doing well in the charts...perhaps Sir Macca will pull a Carlos Santana coup!!! [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: Tedster ]
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Feel good story of the year. I laughed, I cried, I saved 5 bucks. Seriously, nice to have a happy ending to the year, thanks. McCartney was on Howard Stern in the fall and Stern just could not get McCartney to say one word out of place about anyone else. I think it frustrated him no end to have a guest who was a true Gentleman.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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[quote]Originally posted by Charlie-brm: [b] McCartney was on Howard Stern in the fall and Stern just could not get McCartney to say one word out of place about anyone else. I think it frustrated him no end to have a guest who was a true Gentleman.[/b][/quote] He was a great guest and gave a great interview. Stern was actually quite humble in his presence. It's always nice to hear stories of "supertstar" who is nice. Andrew
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]15 eh? guess thats too young to be a porn star, give her 3 years. arent there enough of these disney singers already? paul is such a dork. excuse me while i go vomit...[/b][/quote] Gee, alpha - couldja try and stay more true to character? What do you [i]really[/i] think? C'mon - don't hold back... :D ;) dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]15 eh? guess thats too young to be a porn star, give her 3 years. arent there enough of these disney singers already? paul is such a dork. excuse me while i go vomit...[/b][/quote] A. Paul is no dork. B. Who pissed in your Wheaties? ;)
In two days, it won't matter.
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]15 eh? guess thats too young to be a porn star, give her 3 years. arent there enough of these disney singers already? paul is such a dork. excuse me while i go vomit...[/b][/quote] Nice one Alpha!... Wot's the difference between Paul Macca and Walt Disney?..... Macca sings and Walt disnae (Glaswegian jokette).... Paul (Sir billion dollars) MaCartney...not the tightest man-in-the-world...but....fuckin' close!.....still owes me a day at Abbey Road from 1979...I ain't holdin' my breath.... What I wan't to know is...how come we have him, sir Elton, sir Cliff Richard and Lord Andrew Webber etc etc.....and ...the true hero of brit rock'n' roll...Keith Richards...ain't been awarded diddley squat??!... I may have to post a new thread on this very subject....
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]15 eh? guess thats too young to be a porn star, give her 3 years. arent there enough of these disney singers already? paul is such a dork. excuse me while i go vomit...[/b][/quote] I would have expected nothing less. Where do we buy the CD's of these amazing bands that you so perfectly record and mix ? It might help some of us gather some perspective on your posts rather than thinking you're just some jaded/ignorant college prick who doesn't have to pay his own rent yet ? Rob

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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That's pretty cool ... but it would have been a lot cooler if it was one of Paul's GOOD songs (I put "So Bad" in the same self-referential category as "Silly Love Songs" - each title accurately describes the content & quality of the song). Come to think of it, he's always been good at giving away his not-so-great songs ... "I Wanna Be Your Man", the song that the Beatles gave the Rolling Stones, is probably the most lightweight/half-baked/unmemorable/under-realized Lennon/McCartney number that the Beatles released during their career (unless "You Know My Name, Look Up The Number" was Lennon/McCartney, but I'm pretty sure that one was credited to all four, like "Dig It"), and there aren't very many Beatles' songs you can call "unmemorable"!
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[quote]Originally posted by DougP: [b]That's pretty cool ... but it would have been a lot cooler if it was one of Paul's GOOD songs (I put "So Bad" in the same self-referential category as "Silly Love Songs" - each title accurately describes the content & quality of the song). Come to think of it, he's always been good at giving away his not-so-great songs ... "I Wanna Be Your Man", the song that the Beatles gave the Rolling Stones, is probably the most lightweight/half-baked/unmemorable/under-realized Lennon/McCartney number that the Beatles released during their career (unless "You Know My Name, Look Up The Number" was Lennon/McCartney, but I'm pretty sure that one was credited to all four, like "Dig It"), and there aren't very many Beatles' songs you can call "unmemorable"![/b][/quote] Hey Doug, I would not consider, "You know my name,..." unmemorable. I think it is a classic that really pegs the whole 'lounge- singer' persona.
In two days, it won't matter.
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What a cute chain of events! There's still some hope for mankind... Let's hope Lindsay get her career going on with the help of other good people too. /Mats P.S. Alfiejerk, come on, you surprise me, are you just having a bad day ?


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b] paul is such a dork. [/b][/quote] A dork that was a member of the most influential rock band in history, who at one time had girls fainting in front of him, who happens to be a melodic genius, donates a ton of money to charity regularly, wrote a lot of totally brilliant songs, is probably the wealthiest man in England... and is a pretty cool bass player as well. I'm a dork, but I aspire to that level of dorkiness.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b] Gee, alpha - couldja try and stay more true to character? What do you [i]really[/i] think? C'mon - don't hold back... :D ;) dB[/b][/quote] dave, you wouldnt want it any other way. man, enough of this teenage pop drivel. "what the world needs now is another pop singer, like i need a hole in my head" -cracka [revised] and all these supporters of paul who hasnt done anything worth shit since.... hmmmm, hell i cant even remember. all i remember is a bunch of sappy drivel spewing from his mouth. no wait, that was drool as he watched me eat a big ole juicy bloody slab of MEAT! merry xmas to all ;)



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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