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OT: NASA Loses Mars Probe

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I just heard on the radio that NASA has lost contact with yet another Mars probe.


I can certainly understand the difficulties involved but this damn thing cost the U.S. taxpayers $800,000,000!


I've always been a proponent of space exploration but this is getting ridiculous. I mean, I think this is like the third or fourth one of these things that they've "lost contact" with.


Maybe the inhabitants of Mars are destroying them to keep themselves hidden from the idiots the next planet over.

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Hmmm. If I recall correctly, every single manned craft sent to another world that actually made it there has touched town without damage.


Perhaps our success record will improve if people are actually flying the craft attempting to land on Mars? (Provided they haven't been drinking & driving, of course)

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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NASA's slogan when Sean O'Keefe (not any relationship to Phil that I know of) took over was:


Faster. Better. Cheaper.


Thiokol's bastardization (while I was employed there) of that slogan was:


Faster. Better. Cheaper. Pick any two.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Originally posted by Botch.:

NASA's slogan when Sean O'Keefe (not any relationship to Phil that I know of) took over was:


Faster. Better. Cheaper.


Thiokol's bastardization (while I was employed there) of that slogan was:


Faster. Better. Cheaper. Pick any two.



You worked for Thiokol? That place is hell and gone from anywhere! I went to Promontory Point one summer with the folks and we about ran out of gas. Luckily the NPS folks had some they were willing to give us in exchange for a donation to the park service.


Desolate place, just perfect for rocket testing! :D


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by bluestrat:

You worked for Thiokol? That place is hell and gone from anywhere! I went to Promontory Point one summer with the folks and we about ran out of gas. Luckily the NPS folks had some they were willing to give us in exchange for a donation to the park service.


Desolate place, just perfect for rocket testing! :D

Yup. Miserable 1-hour-20-minute commute, each way, every day. I did about four months of work over the two years I was employed there, finally took a lower-paying government job just to have meaningful work to do. A pretty drive, though!


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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I can hear it now...


Its not lost; its being controlled by Dick Cheney and Haliburton now...deep underground looking for oil and Martians, both to exploit.


Seriously, though...these are steps we HAVE to take as a global civilization...Thank God we all didn't panic and the naysayers wig out when we had some Apollo issues (lives and equipment)...same with the Shuttle programs...


Malfunctions will happen; lives may unfortunately be lost; but these are the sacrifices of development. Imagine if the first humanoids had not wondered far from the Euphrates...or made the cross to the North American continent...or sailed to the New World.


Mankind MUST explore to continue to grow. If we lose contact with a spacecraft on another planet, then we should find out why.

So What ARE We Gonna Do With 8 Tracks...Fire the Arranger?
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Originally posted by WireLine Studio:

I can hear it now...


Its not lost; its being controlled by Dick Cheney and Haliburton now...deep underground looking for oil and Martians, both to exploit.


Seriously, though...these are steps we HAVE to take as a global civilization...Thank God we all didn't panic and the naysayers wig out when we had some Apollo issues (lives and equipment)...same with the Shuttle programs...


Malfunctions will happen; lives may unfortunately be lost; but these are the sacrifices of development. Imagine if the first humanoids had not wondered far from the Euphrates...or made the cross to the North American continent...or sailed to the New World.


Mankind MUST explore to continue to grow. If we lose contact with a spacecraft on another planet, then we should find out why.

Ya, maybe the Native North American Indians wouldn't have been slaughtered.

Living' in the shadow,

of someone else's dream....

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OH, OH, big boo-bo somewhere, I just read the story, no data transmissions for 24 hours, not even a bleep. I was really digging the high-res pics too. Seems like they were getting less resolution since the first few nice color ones for some reason? Call the conspiracy nut-squad, we got another one....... :idea::freak::love:
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Ya, maybe the Native North American Indians wouldn't have been slaughtered
Ok...maybe we shouldn't explore space...never know how many Martians we'll slaughter...


(Sidebar: no one ever said everything ever done by humans is 'right'... but it got YOU here, now...is that such a bad place? Perhaps looking to the future instead of the past will help all of us progress instead of moping about what happened 10, 100, 1000, or 100,000 years ago...I'm not holding any grudge against homo sapiens because they possibly killed off australopithicus hominid ...)

So What ARE We Gonna Do With 8 Tracks...Fire the Arranger?
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Originally posted by WireLine Studio:

Ya, maybe the Native North American Indians wouldn't have been slaughtered
Ok...maybe we shouldn't explore space...never know how many Martians we'll slaughter...


(Sidebar: no one ever said everything ever done by humans is 'right'... but it got YOU here, now...is that such a bad place? Perhaps looking to the future instead of the past will help all of us progress instead of moping about what happened 10, 100, 1000, or 100,000 years ago...I'm not holding any grudge against homo sapiens because they possibly killed off australopithicus hominid ...)

So you won't mind when Mexican "explorers" come to your town and start slaughtering your family and friends, eh ??

Living' in the shadow,

of someone else's dream....

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Originally posted by pseudonym:

OH, OH, big boo-bo somewhere, I just read the story, no data transmissions for 24 hours, not even a bleep.

Actually, there WAS a "bleep", but that's about all.


It does signal that the rover is still able to transmit, has power and so on...


But it raises a big question about what is wrong... hardware or software.



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by WireLine Studio:

Ya, maybe the Native North American Indians wouldn't have been slaughtered
Ok...maybe we shouldn't explore space...never know how many Martians we'll slaughter...


(Sidebar: no one ever said everything ever done by humans is 'right'... but it got YOU here, now...is that such a bad place? Perhaps looking to the future instead of the past will help all of us progress instead of moping about what happened 10, 100, 1000, or 100,000 years ago...I'm not holding any grudge against homo sapiens because they possibly killed off australopithicus hominid ...)

Already saw the response to this response. Just leave it alone. Being right won't knock DJWayne off his high horse. ;)


People have been conquering for milennia. The "Native North Americans" as you call them, DJWayne, were a diverse group of people, many of whom conquered and slaughtered one another, too. And we have no idea whom they may have run into when they first came to North America.


The point is, exploration is. It is neither inherently bad or good. That's up to the explorers involved.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Wow, $4oo mil a pop and it's....just....gone.


Hey, no problem boys and gals, we go another one goin up in another day or two right?


Lets see-


Mars Exploration Rover Spirit = $400 million


Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity = $400 million


Panaramic photos of rocks and sand = Priceless!

TROLL . . . ish.
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What inquiring minds really want to know is; was it PC or MAC? :rolleyes:


I don't want to seem crazy, maybe thats not possible, but if you look at some of those rocks real close, I'd swear some of them looked almost intelligently made, ie, perfect right angles, column like fragments, rounded corners with arcs that looked accurate to a radius, even symmetrical left/right image things.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of that stuff was remnants of a past advanced society that was blown apart by an asteroid or anything, but thats what exploration is all about, finding someone else out-there in this infinitely endless universe. Also it's about finding us, what we are, how we got here, science! To bad it's so ugly expensive I agree 100%, we already spend more on the military than all 191 nations on earth combined, no-one is even close! Maybe you can see where I'm going, but we've all been there before..... War is waste, lets spend it on space!

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Ya I can see it now, a bunch of Russian Exploreres go to Madison Tennesee on a camping trip, and run into some of the locals..hey, they could make a movie about this, a little banjo picking, hog calling, locals vrs the city slicker type thing.....

Living' in the shadow,

of someone else's dream....

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Originally posted by djwayne:

Ya I can see it now, a bunch of Russian Exploreres go to Madison Tennesee on a camping trip, and run into some of the locals..hey, they could make a movie about this, a little banjo picking, hog calling, locals vrs the city slicker type thing.....

You should get out a little bit more. Madison is, essentially, part of Nashville. Of course it's easier to pick stereotypes than recognize Nashville as a center of education, commerce, and a wide array of entertainment. Whatever.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Actually, I have been to Nashville, years ago, Some things about it were great, others really were bad. I decided to stay in the Cleveland area. I do have friends in that area though. Of all the cities I've been to, I liked Toronto the best, but things have been changing there, so I dunno, so if I were to relocate, I'm not sure where I'd want to go, so I just stay here, close to family.

Living' in the shadow,

of someone else's dream....

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by djwayne:

Ya I can see it now, a bunch of Russian Exploreres go to Madison Tennesee on a camping trip, and run into some of the locals..hey, they could make a movie about this, a little banjo picking, hog calling, locals vrs the city slicker type thing.....

You should get out a little bit more. Madison is, essentially, part of Nashville. Of course it's easier to pick stereotypes than recognize Nashville as a center of education, commerce, and a wide array of entertainment. Whatever.
Now, eastern Tennesee, say around Greenville? There you've got yer banjo pickin', hog callin' types. Camping in Madison would be a little difficult, these days.
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It's in the hands of the Martians. Within one month, NASA will begin receiving transmissions from Rover again, which will turn out to be Monty Python episodes overdubbed in the Martian language. This I forsee.

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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