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No, not the cab but the picture (or lack of) below your handle. For many, its obviously obvious (I mean its you), but for others? Just an unveiled attempt to learn more about you and where you might be coming from. You can explain your handle too if you want (assuming its not your real name). This is really just an opportunity to say something about yourself if you'd like.
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i changed my handle from my name (robb.) to rumpelstiltskin some months ago when other forumites were changing theirs as a joke. and i didn't really feel like changing it back when everyone else reverted to normal. the avatar is clearly the best if you do a google image search for rumpelstiltskin.
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Danzilla was a nick-name I got in college, springing from a picture at a party, taken from table-height, with many bottles and a looming me approaching them. It stuck; became my radio handle while on college radio.

The current avatar is the album cover for the soon-to-be-released Edison's Children album "The Last Breath Before November". Yeah, it got hung up in production, but should be eerily awesome from the clips I've heard. Pete Trewavas (bassist from Marillion/Transatlantic) wears many hats in this band.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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"Imogene" is for the Imogene pass road between Ouray and Telluride in my home state of CO. Look it up, very scary. Had my Pathfinder on it for a moment but couldn't commit - Yankee boy basin was bad enough. Ended up back in Ouray for micro brews instead.


Avatar is Isaac Newton. A guy at work showed it to me one day and I was shocked, he looks just like me. I fooled my Dad and my daughters with that portrait, its amazing. I get told that I look like different people all the time and I say "Yeah, well look up Isaac Newton!" And they always shut up after that.


Oh yeah, and I'm a bass player too.

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Mine is generic... picked from what was available easily.... I liked the look of it... and didn't care much beyond that...


My name... Ross Brown is a "stage name" I used years ago. A band in Phila that I was to be part of was using the names of all the members (Trio)... Wakefield, Stokes and Wisotzkey sounded funny... I adopted the name Ross Brown and Wakefield, Stokes and Brown was born. I came up with the name from a road sign for the towns Rossville and Brownstown near Ephrata PA... clever aren't I? ... after the band made our millions, we broke up...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I was rummaging through some pictures I had around the house and found this picture of some old guy wearing a hat and a cheesy Hawaiian shirt playing a bass. He looked an awful lot like me so I figured what the heck. ;)


P.S. for those who don't know and might be the least bit curious, B5pilot stands for bass+5string+Guild pilot. It's in reference to my 1987 Guild SB605 Pilot 5 string bass AKA "Big Red" which was my main bass at the time but now is in semi-retirement.


Oh and I do have an Avatar, cab that is!

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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Basshappi, because I love everything about bass and bass playing.


My avatar is one of the stock avatars provided by the forum but I chose it because a fedora has been a part of my daily wardrobe for 30+ years. I have more hats than basses (don't worry, I'm working on that).

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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It's a "Squishable Cthulhu". Sits on top of my bass cab at all the electric gigs. I am an avid reader of classic fiction, and Cthulhu comes from a series of short "pulp horror fiction" stories by H.P. Lovecraft from back in the 20s and 30s. My wife recognized the name and bought the Squishable. The handle translates into "Cthulhu is rising" in the vernacular of the Old Ones.


If you'd like to know more, I recommend downloading the book(s).


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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If you'd like to know more, I recommend downloading the book(s).


Or buying a physical copy? Yes, I am old school ...


My handle has something to do with a habit I had prior to actually playing bass, which consisted of coming up with band / artist names. One of them was Herman Phrodite & The Fire Extinguishers (it sounded a lot better in Dutch: Herman Frodiet & De Brandblussers) and every member (me and some friends) had an artist name with the last name being Brandblusser. I went with Eddie ...

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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My handle is my first name and subsequent initials. The fx is for Francis Xavier rather than any bass effects.


The avatar comes from a LDLD thread several years ago where somebody asked "Who would be on your bass Mt. Rushmore?"




I put this together with Paint Shop Pro and someone said I should make it my avatar, so I did.

Push the button Frank.
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Nickname was created by a co-worker when she found out that I played bass (and other instruments). It was so against her impression of me as the suit-and-tie-wearing financial advisor that she found it very funny and gave me my "stage name". This despite the fact that I only am on stage at church and haven't listened to metal in 15+ years. \m/


Current avatar is a picture I took a couple of years ago at the hospital when my daughter was born. Just thought it looked cool and it reminds me of that place and time. Probably will change it soon, I like to do that kind of thing.

"Of all the world's bassists, I'm one of them!" - Lug
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I am originally from Providence and have toured all the sites mentioned in the books of H.P. Lovecraft. Remember the Insane Asylum? I used to ride my bike around there as a kid. I've also visited the cemetery where he communed with the spirits (and Edgar Allan Poe did in previous years) and made a pilgrimage to his grave in Swan Point Cemetery (another place I used to play in as a child).
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I once had a minivan stall right in the middle of I-295 north of Providence. Right in the left lane. Dead. Had to park her and restart it while feathering the gas. Damned Plymouth Voyager with a sticky throttle body. Either that or a curse. Not sure.
Push the button Frank.
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