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Triton Rhodes samples?


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Not exactly a timely inquiry, I know, but does anybody have any ideas where to find decent Rhodes samples for a Triton?


I've searched, and found just dead links or expired websites.


I've read that the EXB-whatever isn't really a big improvement.


Not really interested in any external modules/laptop. Already have enough stuff to set up and connect. :taz:






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I've bought several sets of patches from these guys and they're well worth the price. There are always several nice surprises per set and a healthy fistful of excellent starting points for tweaking. Listen to the demos under Killer Keyboards. That set should give you what you need. If you're like me, you'll work up a personalized sub-set that hits the right spots.




“Drugs at our age?
 You don’t have to take them forever.
 Once you’ve opened the doors of perception,
  you can see what’s going on; you’ve got the ideas.”
        ~ Dave Brock on Hawkwind’s late-period purple patch

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Thanks, David.


I've listened to some demos on that site before; but there doesn't appear to be just a dry Rhodes sound to demo. The few that are available for demo have effects (phaser, etc). There are several other Rhodes sound in the patch list, but I have no idea what they sound like unless I buy it and try it.


Also, these are not third-party samples; they're just re-programmed factory sounds, correct?


The reason I ask, is that the Triton's factory Rhodes sounds are closer to a late-model sound, I am looking for an earlier/mid-70's sound (without so much bell-like attack). I'm guessing that Kidnepro's samples will pretty much retain that attack... :idk


Have you played any of the Kidnepro Rhodes sounds?


Thanks again. :)

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My understanding has been that Kid Nepro sets are often a mix of original sounds and factory tweaks. I've found them to be varied and useful. I believe it was once mentioned that a few customers contributed things, perhaps in some good-will handshake deal. Its a NY-based place, so the traffic volume would be good for such a methodology.


As to the Rhodes issue, yes, you're looking at some compromise. It depends on your greatest need and your programming chops. Stripping off the effects in the Killer Keyboards set left me with what I feel are solid building blocks. Its quite subjective, too, so it throws it back to the user. I tweak everything, 90% of the time, especially for touch-to-sound response. "Good" is relative to how good you make it.


I had to build the Rhodes I wanted by hand for one song in the 01W. It required a second layer with that sharper hard-tine effect up front. It took some sweat, but I got there and a little reverb covered anything I might have I.D.'d as a blemish. It was perfectly playable then. So the question might be WHICH Rhodes you need. Just blunt your attack a smidge; add a touch of distortion and EQ it for tube-amp warmth instead of sparkle. I think that can get you a lot closer to that jazzy/ballad 70s sound.


I mainly use Logic's EP now, which offers all of the vital parameters, but I still use 2 simple EPs from a TR61. They're just sweeter from in-house. That's workstation life for you, hit or miss. You may have to go outside for a better model, but I think you can cover several of the traditional bases within a Triton. Try taking some time to modify the patch that comes the nearest to that age before cleaner pre-amps came along. Let me know if that works.




“Drugs at our age?
 You don’t have to take them forever.
 Once you’ve opened the doors of perception,
  you can see what’s going on; you’ve got the ideas.”
        ~ Dave Brock on Hawkwind’s late-period purple patch

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Is there a way to create a Triton sample set from a soundfont? Or from the constitutent wave files? If so, consider my free jRhodes3 soundfonts. The mono looped would probably be best. Furthermore, if you craft your own set from the samples, I suggest omitting the highest velocity layer at the low end of the keyboard. (I may experiment with doing this myself, wunnathesedays.)


If you'd need the wave files, let me know and I can post them, but if you have a sample format converter it'd be a lot less work to start with the soundfont.

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Learjeff, I know zilch about sample conversion. But, I'd be interested in seeing if it is indeed possible to convert your soundfont files to Korg format. They'd have to be fairly small, though, because, although I've maxed out the RAM in the Triton (Hold on to your butts, it's got 96MB), my K-sounds samples take up a bit of space.
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I got a wild hair and did some searching. This covers the basics nicely.




Chicken Systems has been a name in sampling for quite a few years. ChickenSys


That's $149 and well-refined, but that's what you're looking at in feeding older synths. It takes a bit of determination, ahem.


There is also this option.




Again, I think you can build the Rhodes you want natively and avoid all of that gaseous housekeeping. Try layering two different EP sounds and balancing them out until you get that ideal Combi beef. A Triton isn't a Scarbee, but it should be able to acquit itself okay. If you want the sound of George Duke's sweat, I don't think there's a plug for that anyway.



“Drugs at our age?
 You don’t have to take them forever.
 Once you’ve opened the doors of perception,
  you can see what’s going on; you’ve got the ideas.”
        ~ Dave Brock on Hawkwind’s late-period purple patch

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